Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for May 14, 2024

The show starts with Meta-Four (Oro Mensah, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) learning that Noam Dar has been attacked backstage.

Backstage, Kiana James talks with Izzi Dame. As Kiana says there is a reason why she is a friend to her unlike everyone else in the locker room, she says she will run Raw while Izzi runs NXT. We then hear from Sol Ruca, who says that she ranked #1 in the women's combine and that she will ride that wave to the NXT North American Women's Championship.

Sol Ruca beats Izzi Dame to qualify for the NXT Women's North American Championship Ladder Match.

General Manager Ava meets with The D'Angelo Family (Tony D'Angelo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, Ariana Rizzo, Luca Crusifino) regarding their recent actions, and fines them $20,000. Tony D'Angelo pays the fine in cash, and demands "no funny business" tonight.

Backstage, Malik Blade and Edris Enofé get ready for their tag team match. Malik says that as long as they stick to the plan, they will win. Meanwhile, Edris is holding a lucky rabbit's foot. Brinley Reece shows up and throws the rabbit foot away, then the three of them head to the ring.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice. Shayna says she knows nothing but dominance, and that she and Lola are curious about who Roxanne Perez's opponent will be. Suddenly, they are attacked by Natalya and Karmen Petrovic. The women's locker room shows up to break up the brawl, followed by an official.

OTM (Bronco Nima and Lucien Price) beat Malik Blade and Edris Enofé after Enofé's boot comes loose during the match. During the match, Jaida Parker and Brinley Reece brawl on the outside twice, with both teams trying to break it up the first time and officials trying to break it up the second time.

Backstage, the rest of Meta-Four (Oro Mensah, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) finds out that Noam Dar is out indefinitely. Oro tells Noam that he will step up tonight, while Lash Legend heads to the ring for the next match.

Backstage, Nathan Frazer and Axiom are chatting with Ridge Holland when The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) shows up and mock Ridge, who is not in the mood for anything from them. The O.C. challenge Ridge to a tag team match, then make fun of him for having no friends.

Lash Legend beats Ivy Nile to qualify for the NXT Women's North American Championship Ladder Match after Jakara Jackson grabs Ivy Nile's ankle.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Je'Von Evans, who says that he did not attack Noam Dar and does not know who did, then says that it is going to get "real wicked and real bouncy" against Oro Mensah in the next match.

Backstage, Carlee Bright meets with General Manager Ava about getting a match with Lola Vice tonight, and Ava grants it. Meanwhile, Tatum Paxley watches from inside Ava's office.

Je'Von Evans beats Oro Mensah after Trick Williams shows up to stop Lash Legend from introducing a metal folding chair into the match.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Charlie Dempsey, who says that Myles Borne and Damon Kemp are in rough shape after last week but will be here tonight. He says that the Heritage Cup is staying with No Quarter Catch Crew (Dempsey, Kemp, Borne) after he beats Tony D'Angelo within an inch of his life.

Wes Lee heads to the ring. Wes says things were a bit different when he was last in an NXT ring with a microphone, and he admits he was in a dark period of his life and was unsure of whether he would make it back. He says that he loves NXT and that he still wants the NXT North American Championship back, and that he missed NXT while he was gone. Wes Lee talks about how he was back up and training after his surgery and how his main goal was to get back into NXT, and instead of missing nearly a year, he fought to get back in the ring in six months. Before he can think of what to say next, Oba Femi shows up and says he is impressed with him due to the heights he took the North American title to, but tells him that he has taken it as far as he can, and that he will take the title to heights Wes never could. He says that Wes' trials and tribulations prove that Wes has the heart of a lion and the spirit of a warrior, but he is an actual warrior that Wes cannot conquer. He tells Wes that if he wants a title shot, he must prove himself for an opportunity. Wes says Oba checks all the box of what a champion is supposed to look like, and as Wes says that he may not check as many boxes, Ivar shows up and says everyone is happy to have Wes back, including him, as he has been through a career-ending injury. Ivar says that when he came back, he had to fight for everything he got, and says that he knows Wes is not afraid to do the same. He says they both want a shot at Oba Femi before Josh Briggs shows up. Josh Briggs mockingly says everyone in the ring is so emotional regarding the North American title before proclaiming that this is "a man's game," and while he and Oba tore the house down, he did it with broken ribs and he is now healed. He says that he and Oba should run it back and that he will give Wes and Ivar title shots when he wins. Oba says everyone has very compelling arguments, and tells the three of them to fight among themselves, with the winner getting a title shot.

Backstage, Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, Riley Osborne) meets with Ridge Holland during his interview with Kelly Kincaid, and Andre Chase offers Ridge the opportunity to team with Riley Osborne.

We hear snoring again, followed by an alarm clock.

Backstage, Lexis King brags about his winning streak when Jazmyn Nyx asks everyone to sign a "Get Well Card" for Jacy Jayne. Nobody is interested, except for Lexis King, who signs while spelling Jacy's name "Jacky."

The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) beat Ridge Holland and Riley Osborne after Riley inadvertently drop kicks Ridge as Gallows has Ridge in his grasp.

We see a vignette for Carlee Bright.

Lola Vice beats Carlee Bright. After the match, Natalya and Karmen Petrovic rush into the ring and brawl with Lola and "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler, then they challenge them to a tag team match next week.

Backstage, Riley Osborne apologizes to Ridge Holland, who tells him that accidents happen, then hopes that Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, Riley Osborne) can trust him. Riley and Ridge shake hands.

Tony D'Angelo beats Charlie Dempsey two falls to one (2-1) to win the NXT Heritage Cup Championship! D'Angelo scores the first fall with 15 seconds (0:15) left in Round 1 with a Victory Roll. Charlie Dempsey scores the second fall with 51 seconds (0:51) left in Round 3 with a German suplex. During Round 5, Damon Kemp and Myles Borne rush out and attack Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino before going after D'Angelo. D'Angelo fends them off before hitting Dempsey with the Fisherman's Buster to win the match and the title with 1:53 (one minute, fifty-three seconds) left in Round 5.

Backstage, it is revealed that Wes Lee has been attacked, as is Josh Briggs and Ivar. The attackers are none other than Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang), who have not been seen in NXT in some time.

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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