Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Those Dynamite Kids - Dynamite recap for May 29, 2024

Mercedes Moné heads to the ring for a TBS Championship celebration to start tonight's show. Mercedes talks about the celebration of five years of AEW as well as her return, then says that she and Willow Nightingale tore the house down as she gave her the fight of her career, then says Willow was too nice and that Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway would screw her over. She hopes Willow comes back stronger than ever to kick their asses, then returns to her celebration. Mercedes then says being champion puts a target on her back, and as she asks who her next challenger will be, Skye Blue shows up on the video screen and reveals that she was the one who attacked Mercedes, and that she is just getting started. All of a sudden, Sasha is attacked from behind by Skye Blue.

Swerve Strickland beats Killswitch in a House of the Dragon "Whose House?" Match. After the match, Swerve cuts off and takes Killswitch's ponytail.

It is announced that Mercedes Moné will defend the TBS Championship against Skye Blue tonight following the events from the start of the show.

Backstage, Jon Moxley addresses Rocky "Azucar" Romero, saying it is not a smart idea to take him on in an IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match, as champions go to work everyday. Moxley mentions his busy schedule and says he will still be on top five years from now.

It's time for TV Time with The Learning Tree with Chris Jericho and Big Bill. Big Bill says that Jericho has taught him that even though the leaves fall off the tree in the fall, but they come back in the spring greener and brighter than ever. Jericho thanks the fans for making his shirt the #1 seller on AEW's online store. He throws one to one of the fans, then thanks "the branches" for making him and Big Bill number one and supporting him as "the longest-reigning For The World Champion ever at 39 days" as he retained at Double or Nothing. He says he is still smarting from what Hook and Katsuyori Shibata, then says that if adversity is ice cream, then one should put a cherry on top. He says many are chosen, few are called, and while many stand under the Learning Tree, few walk the walk. Jericho then welcomes one who he says walks the walk and introduces "The Bounty Hunter" Bryan Keith to the ring. Jericho asks Bryan Keith what made him want to become a disciple, then Bryan Keith says he has noticed a lack of respect for Jericho in AEW and that he is surprised that more people have not leapt at the opportunity to sit under The Learning Tree. As the fans boo Jericho, Bryan Keith demands the fans respect Jericho. Jericho says that if one wants something, they must reach out and grab it, then accepts Bryan into the Learning Tree. Hook shows up, and security shows up only to fail to stop him. Samoa Joe shows up in front of Hook and stares him down, then whispers something in Hook's ear and leaves. Hook turns around and leaves with Samoa Joe.

We see a vignette for Stephanie Vaquer.

Jon Moxley beats Rocky "Azucar" Romero in an IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator match.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews Samoa Joe and Hook. Joe says he and Hook have learned that they exist on their own time, not Chris Jericho's.

Don Callis heads to the ring. Callis addresses the contract to work with his family in his hand, saying it is more valuable than gold or diamonds. He says it has been one of the great pleasures of his life to scout a talent like Orange Cassidy, who he sees himself in. Orange shows up and heads to the ring, and Don Callis butters Orange up before saying he has been confused with some bad choices as he welcomes him to his family, and tells him that all he has to do is sign the contract. Orange takes the contract and slowly rips it up, then tells Don Callis "No." Callis grabs Orange as he walks to and says nobody tells him "no," then Orange takes his sunglasses to confront Callis before Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander show up. Stokely says there is nothing he likes about Orange, and says Orange is just like Willow Nightingale. Kris Statlander then announces that "he" has accepted the offer to join The Don Callis Family. "He" is Trent Beretta, who attacks Orange from behind. Callis pulls Beretta off of Orange, then backs off intot he corner before Beretta open his arms. Callis opens his arms in response, then hugs Beretta while keeping a shoe on top of a bloodied, battered Orange Cassidy. Callis then stomps Orange a few times for good measure before leaving, and Beretta stomps Orange one more time after pressing his foot against him and mocking his lazy thumbs-up.

Backstage, Daniel Garcia says that he feels like he is trudging through AEW and that he wants to take on the top stars. He says that he will rise through the ranks and beat Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship.

Mercedes Moné retains the TBS Championship against Skye Blue. After the match, Stephanie Vaquer shows up and stares down Mercedes as the both of them raise up their respective championships.

Backstage, Renee Paquette is shoved out of the way by Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander. Stokely makes fun of Willow and says that when Willow did not listen when Kris wanted to be TBS Champion, he did. Kris says she did something for herself for once and got booed for it, and that she had to make a change because she was sick and tired of being the protector for everyone else. She then says that everyone will need protection from her.

We see a video package for the return of MJF at Double or Nothing.

The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) head to the ring. Kazuchika Okada says "Shut up, bitches!" to the fans, then Jack Perry says that "The Elite run this shit" and that Tony Khan and Kenny Omega picked out their dream team which pulled out the stops, but The Elite still won and he took his piece of "The Dragon." Nicholas says it has been a fantastic week after the release of their Reebok Pump, which became the hottest-selling Reebok shoe in years, and that Jack Perry and Okada were "unbelievable" in Anarchy At The Arena. Okada is gifted with a Lambourghini, then Matthew announces that Adam Copeland was badly injured at Double or Nothing, then blames himself for it after saying "Break a leg!" to him and wishes him a speedy recovery. He then says that as EVP's, they must make tough decision, and tonight, Adam Copeland is hereby stripped of the TNT Championship, as the network needs a new champion. He then says they know a guy, and gifts the title to Jack Perry. Suddenly, Christopher Daniels shows up and says he does not need his severance package, as Interim Executive Vice President, which means that all his announcements come from Tony Khan himself. He demands that Nicholas call him by his god-given name of Christopher, and says Jack Perry will have to earn the TNT Championship, as there will be qualifying matches in the next few weeks for the title with no managers, no time limits and no interference where the winners face off for the TNT Championship in a ladder match at Forbidden Door. with the first qualifying match will take place in "Friday Night Dynamite" in Los Angeles, California. When The Elite confront Christopher Daniels personally, The Acclaimed ("Platinum" Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn) show up to back Daniels up.

Backstage, we hear from Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland. Swerve says he needed a victory against Christian Cage and needed a killshot against Killswitch, and that he is now curious who his next challenger will be.

Backstage, we hear from Rush, who congratulates MJF on his return, but reminds him that if he messes with the bull, he gets the horns.

Will Ospreay beats Orange Cassidy, Hechicero, "Switchblade" Jay White, PAC, Mistico, Shooter Umina, Claudio Castagnoli and Lio Rush in a Forbidden Door Gauntlet Match to earn a shot at the AEW World Championship. After the match, Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland show up and enter the ring, and Swerve and Ospreay have a staredown in the ring. It is also announced that Rampage has a special start time of 6:30 PM Eastern/3:30 Pacific this Friday. Also, Collision will be on after the NBA finals

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