Thursday, May 16, 2024

Honor Roll - Ring of Honor recap for May 16, 2024

Kyle Fletcher beats Mentallo.

Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh beat The Dark Order (Evil Uno and John Silver).

Backstage, we hear from The Iron Savages (Boulder, Bronson, Jacked Jameson). Jacked Jameson says he is always flexing and is never humble, and that they are two good and too massive to be kept back in Ring of Honor. He says they will be roadblocks, not "Stepping Stone Savages." in Ring of Honor. Boulder agrees with Jameson, and Boulder makes fun of fans for asking if they will not be fun anymore, then says they are peak male performance and that the fans' opinions do not mean anything to them.

Anna Jay beats Tara Zep with the Queenslayer.

Skye Blue beats Rachael Ellering. (During the match, a fan and their child get kicked out of the venue for catcalling Skye Blue.)

We hear from Spanish Announce Project (Angelico and Serpentico). Angelico says the last few months have been a nightmare that they cannot wake up from due to Cole Karter and Griff Garrison, and says that this is about to get ugly between both teams.

Action Andretti and Darius Martin beat Jon Cruz and Levi Night.

Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) beat London Lightning and Jason Geiger. Matt Taven almost goes at it with an old woman in the front row after the match.

Athena beats Nicole Matthews in an ROH Women's World Championship Proving Ground Match. After the match, Ahena continues to attack Nicole until Queen Aminata makes the save and clotheslines Athena out of the ring.

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