Thursday, May 16, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for May 16, 2024

Ash By Elegance beats Xia Brookside and gets her rings back. (Had she lost, she would not have gotten her rings back.) After the match, Ash By Elegance and her concierge George Iceman insist and demand that Xia Brookside give her the rings back. She does, but not before punching Ash out with them.

We hear from Rosemary, who says that they find themselves taking sanctuary despite doing what they are asked, and now Havok is gone thanks to humans claiming they are the heart and soul of TNA. They says that there is a time when everyone meant for greatness must give up their heart and soul, and it is only after one has lost everything that one is free to do anything.

Backstage, KUSHIDA is met by Director of Authority Santino Marella. He says he is okay after his match with Jonathan Gresham and discusses the sickness from the octopus ink, and says that he will be okay for Xplosion.

Leon Slater beats Alan Angels. During the match, the referee - the same one from the match between KUSHIDA and Jonathan Gresham - spits up black ink on the outside. Three referees show up, with one stepping in as the official for the match while the other two help the original referee to the back. After the match, Kon shows up and snaps Angels' neck. Slater confronts Kon, and he ends up countering is attacks and fending him off, clotheslining him out of the ring. Security has to hold Kon back, and one of the security guards gets their neck snapped by Kon.

Gabby LaSpisa interviews Jake Something on the stage. When asked what "Something" means, Jake Something says "Something" was a response to people saying he would never be anything, but he built himself up, and now he is something. When Gabby LaSpisa asks Jake if he feels like something, Jake Something feels as if he was mocked, then shows his irritation with Cody Deaner costing him last week's match. Cody Deaner shows up and says he should not be angry at the fans here, then mentions that they are cousins and that Jake is angry at people from his past, and that the people here are with him and that he is with him. Jake mentions Deaner turning on him to join Violent By Design, and Deaner apologizes for that, saying he was going down a dark path for years and that he does not want that to happen for him, and that Jake will always be family. Jake says "The hell I will!" before clocking Deaner with a clothesline.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Speedball Mountain. Mike Bailey says that he and Trent Seven have been clear about their purpose of representing the peak of professional wrestling, and Trent agrees, saying this has led them close to the summit of TNA at Under Siege. He then mentions that their path has reach an abrupt crossroad next week, where the two of them will face off in a one-on-one match to decide a #1 contender for the TNA X Division Championship. Mike Bailey says "May the best man win."

Frankie Kazarian beats Steve Maclin after Trey Miguel distracts Maclin - and the referee - so that Wentz can spray paint Maclin in the eyes, allowing Kazarian to hit Fade to Black to win.

We see Gail Kim talk to "The Quintessential Diva" Gisele Shaw at the spiritual retreat, telling her that everyone needs a guiding hand from time to time and that she is here to guide her home.

We see part two of Tom Hannifan's interview with Mike Santana. Santana says that he spent so much time taking care of others that he failed to take care of himself and that he was traumatized as a kid and was forced into "survival mode." Santana says that he eventually buckled, and when his daughter wrote a letter to Santa telling him to stop using drugs, he was forced to get things together. He says that if one does not fight for themselves, no one will fight for them, and that one must be their biggest advocate and fight for what they are. Santana talks about his match with Steve Maclin at Under Siege, saying it was the fight he was looking for and that he is hungrier than ever now that he is back in TNA.

Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) is seen at the skybox. AJ Francis says they are here to watch tonight's main event and scope out the competition for some championship gold. Swann says it does not matter what title they win, as more gold means more money.

Before the next match, Joe Hendry says tonight is a momentum occasion because for the first time, all of the champions are in the same match at the same time, and while it is exciting, it is also concerning, as it is the perfect site for an outbreak of "Hendry-Mania." He says that he has just gotten off the phone with the Surgeon General, and to control the symptoms, one must incessantly chant "We Believe."

Joe Hendry, "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth, Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat), Sami Callihan, Eric Young, Steph de Lander and "Broken" Matt Hardy beat The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose), Masha Slamovich, Laredo Kid, Mustafa Ali and Jordynne Grace in the sixteen-person Champions Challenge. During the match, Mustafa Ali walks out of the match, stating that he is withdrawing from the match as he does not want his name associated with it. After the match, the lights go out, then we see black-and-white footage of a ruined city and a laboratory before a gurney is pushed to the ring. PCO is then revived, and he makes his way to the ring with a big black bag in his hand. PCO then confronts Steph de Lander, then pulls various objects out of the bag before pulling out a black rose and presenting it to Steph. Steph takes the rose, and the show ends.

Here are the must-see moments from tonight's show!

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