Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Those Dynamite Kids - Dynamite recap for May 15, 2024

Don Callis guests on commentary for the next match.

The Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley and "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson) beat Kyle Fletcher and Jeff Cobb. After the match, Konosuke Takeshita gets in the ring and suplexes Moxley out of the corner, and he, Fletcher and Cobb go on the attack. Suddenly, Claudio Castagnoli shows up with a crowbar to make the save.

We see a video package of Swerve Strickland making media appearances as AEW World Champion as part of a recap of the feud between Swerve and Christian Cage.

Adam Copeland is about to head to the ring when he is attacked by Brody King and Buddy Matthews, with Malakai Black watching from not far behind. They get a metal folding chair, and Buddy and Brody hold Copeland down as Malakai says he does not care why Copeland maintains a facade of what he thinks he is, then tells Buddy to take Copeland's wedding ring. Brody chokes Copeland out to ensure Buddy does just that, then Malakai takes the wedding ring and examines it before pocketing the ring. He and Buddy place chairs next to a downed Copeland when Kyle O'Reilly rushes in. O'Reilly fights off Malakai and Buddy, but he is clotheslined by Brody. Malakai soon hits O'Reilly with The End, then he, Buddy and Brody drop kick Copeland from different angles, kicking the chairs into Copeland's skull.

We see footage of Eddie Kingston's match from New Japan Pro Wrestling Resurgence and the aftermath where The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, Jack Perry) attacks him as part of a recap of the events leading up to the Anarchy In The Arena match at Double or Nothing.

We hear from The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry), who make fun of Eddie Kingston being injured and how Eddie's team might have to forfeit. Kazuchika Okada tells Dax Harwood that he will destroy him tonight before calling him a bitch.

We see a commercial for The Young Bucks' (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) own version of the Reebok Pumps.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler). Wheeler states that they will not forfeit the Anarchy In The Arena Match and that they may have found a new fourth member. Harwood calls "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada "The Elite's (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) bitch."

Jack Perry guests on commentary for the next match.

The Young Bucks (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) beat "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal in an AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match. After the match, Matthew mentions Christopher Daniels speaking down to them and putting his hands on him, and says he should know better as an executive. He says they are trying to clean the locker room and office for toxicity, and says that Daniels is screwing things up. Matthew then fires Daniels, then says that they will take care of his family and give him a paycheck for the next 30 days as well as a security escort.Matthew then sarcastically thanks Daniels for "five years of kick ass work" before leading the crowd in an "A-E-Dub" chant. Jack Perry makes a toast to The Elite, then pours his drink on Tony Schiavone's head. Tony calls Jack Perry a son of a bitch.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews "Timeless" Toni Storm, Luther and Mariah May. After it is mentioned that Saraya, Luther and Mariah are banned from ringside for the next match, Toni says that Harley Cameron will answer to her after what she did to Mariah, then thanks Serena Deeb for knocking her out so she did not have to hear the rest of her sob story and tells her that she will leave her laying and wondering where her dignity went at Double or Nothing.

Backstage, we hear from Malakai Black, who looks at Adam Copeland's ring as he says that the ring has been holding Copeland back. He then says that he knew there was a part of Copeland that still existed when he issued a challenge for a barbed wire steel cage match, and when he beats Copeland, Copeland must bend the knee to The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthew, Julia Hart).
Hook beats Sebastian Wolfe with Redrum. After the match, Hook takes the microphone and says that he is here for Chris Jericho and the FTW Championship, and calls Jericho out. Jericho shows up with Big Bill and says it is great to have Hook, hopes that Hook had learned a few lessons after last time, then says it is great to share the spotlight with Hook. Hook says he wants the spotlight on Jericho when he beats him for the FTW Championship tonight. Jericho says this is a teaching moment, not a fighting moment, and tells Hook that the world does not revolve around him and that he should be less selfish like him. Jericho says he and Big Bill are here to entertain everyone tonight, and tells Hook that he must work his way back up when he loses a championship and that he and a few others will have a qualifying match, and if Hook wins, he has the chance to face him again. Hook accepts, then hits Jericho in the head with the microphone and beats him up. Big Bill grabs Hook from behind, and the numbers game quickly takes over. Suddenly, Katsuyori Shibata shows up and makes the save for Hook as he sends Big Bill flying out of the ring.

Backstage, Swerve Strickland tells the state of Washington that he brought the AEW World Championship home, then says that The Mogul Embassy ("The Machine" Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona) bit the hand that fed them and got put down and that he is now focused on Double or Nothing. He says that Christian Cage may have put him in a casket, but he will put him in a grave. As for "The Machine" Brian Cage, he will put the final nail in The Mogul Embassy's coffin.

Swerve Strickland beats "The Machine" Brian Cage in an AEW World Championship Eliminator Match. After the match, Swerve attacks Brian Cage's left shoulder while pulling out two metal folding chairs, then Christian Cage and Mother Wayne show up. Swerve is hit from behind with a low blow by Nick Wayne, and Killswitch shows up to attack Swerve alongside Nick Wayne. Nick Wayne then takes Swerve's family portrait and smashes Swerve in the face with it, busting Swerve open. Christian tells Swerve that he embarrassed Nick Wayne when he attacked him in his gym last year, and now he is forced to embarrass Swerve. He then asks Swerve if his daughter is proud of him, then rubs the portrait on Swerve's bleeding forehead. He says that he has taken Swerve's blood, and soon, he will take his World Championship.

We see an advertisement for "Meal and a Match," AEW's new YouTube series airing every Friday at 2 PM Eastern/1 PM Central on TBS' YouTube channel.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews Hook and Katsuyori Shibata. Hook says the odds could not mean less to him, and he will do what it takes to face Chris Jericho again. Shibata asks Hook if that means beating him, as he wants another shot at Jericho. Hook says that is fine by him, then Samoa Joe shows up and says he thought Hook was something special until Jericho had him at Shibata's neck, and tells him that if they would stop getting at each other throats, they would be dangerous in AEW. Hook tells Joe he will fight him, and Shibata says Joe is too large to be wearing a floral pattern.

"Timeless" Toni Storm beats Harley Cameron in a grudge match that sees Saraya, Luther and Mariah May banned from ringside. Serena Deeb shows up early on in the match to watch from the ramp.

Backstage, Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Wardlow) and Will Ospreay have a backstage interview with a "no physicality" clause. Ospreay says that he has a bad taste in his mouth after last week, and says that Roderick Strong is only comfortable as champion because he is surrounded by Undisputed Kingdom and because he has retired the Tiger Driver '91. He tells him that he has done the Tiger Driver '91 on people he has loved and respected and admits he has no respect for Roddy as Roddy has none for him. Roddy says Ospreay is right about that, as he is talented in the ring and an idiot out of it, and while Ospreay has a wife and child, he still acts like the same immature little boy. He says his neck injured, but he does not quit, and he does not care what people think of Ospreay because he knows Ospreay is a fraud. Ospreay says Roddy will learn a lesson after looking down at him for years when he shows him why he is on another level.

Renee Paquette moderates a contract signing between Mercedes Moné and Willow Nightingale for the TBS Championship at Double or Nothing. Mercedes arrives first, followed by Willow. Willow says she respects Mercedes and everything she has done in her career, but she wants to know if she respect the TBS Championship, which celebrates the legacy of professional wrestling over the last fifty years on a foundation built on fighting. She says that she is the face of TBS, and that "Nothing matters, smile anyway" means that her smile is her strength and that the TBS Championship matters, and she will not let Mercedes take the title from her. She then signs the contract. Mercedes says "Money changes everything" is a fact, not a catchphrase, as she was changing the game while Willow was still training and breaking glass ceilings as she made her way to the top. Mercedes tells Willow that she respects her and that she is a great champion, but there is a difference between being great and being the greatest of all time. She says that she is the new face of TBS, and while the best part of Willow's career was beating her, her loss to her at Double or Nothing will still be the best part of her career, as her legacy is all about winning. Mercedes signs the contract. Willow reminds Mercedes that she walked out as champion while Mercedes did not walk out at all last time they wrestled. Mercedes slaps Willow, starting a brawl, and Willow responds with a Doctor Bomb through the table.

"The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada retains the AEW Continental Championship against Dax Harwood. During the match, Okada brings the Continental Championship into the ring, and when the ref takes it away, Okada hits Dax with a low blow before hitting him with the Rainmaker for the win. After the match, The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) attack Dax, and when Cash Wheeler and Bryan Danielson try to make the save, The Elite also gang up on them. All of a sudden, Darby Allin heads to the ring and attacks The Elite from behind with a skateboard, evening the odds and forcing The Elite to retreat.

Here are the highlights from tonight's show!

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