Friday, May 24, 2024

They're On A Rampage - Rampage recap for May 24, 2024

Chris Jericho guests on commentary for the next match.

PAC beats Rocky "Azucar" Romero with the Brutalizer. After the match, PAC is met by The Lucha Brothers (Penta el Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix) and Alex Abrahantes on the stage, then PAC tells The Bang Bang Bang ("Switchblade" Jay White, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) that they have no problem accepting their challenge and that they will see them at Collision and Double or Nothing. Chris Jericho and Big Bill, who have been at the commentary table for this match, then stand up, and Jericho mentions his FTW Championship match against Hook and Katsuyori Shibata, which he says will be contested under "For The World Rules" and admits will be hard, even though he is ready for it. He says that Shibata and Hook have learned much from him, but he has beaten both of them despite how tough they both are. Shibata then shows up and fights Big Bill at the ramp, and both men fight their way to the back. Meanwhile, Jericho is choked out by Hook at the barricade, who has Jericho in Redrum before beating up in the crowd while security try to pull both men apart. Jericho and Hook soon brawl their way to the back.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews Hook and Katsuyori Shibata. Hook says he is only on his own page, and no matter who stands in front of him, he is getting the FTW Championship back. Suddenly, Samoa Joe shows up, and Hook tells him he should be worried about getting his own title back. Joe says he is concerned and that this is why he stacks bodies every week. He says that he saw something special in Hook and that he knows what Shibata is capable of. Joe tells Hook he has an ally in getting his championship back, and he will do it when the crown gets too large for Swerve Strickland's head. He also says that Hook and Shibata have not learned anything from Shibata and that they need to get it together. Hook says he will see Shibata Sunday, then leaves. Shibata then says he will see Carrot Top after he wins the FTW Championship.
"Daddy Magic" Matt Menard guests on commentary for the next match as well as for the rest of the show.

Samoa Joe beats Dom Kubrick.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews "The Virtuousa" Deonna Purrazzo. Deonna references Thunder Rosa mentioning that she has ducked her and that she expected more of her before attacking her twice, and as far as a time and place go, they will do it when the odds are even and the lights shine brightest at the Double or Nothing Buy-In.

Rush beats Isiah Kassidy.

Backstage, Bishop Kaun states that The Mogul Embassy is dead and that they killed it, and that they are back to their winning ways. "The Machine" Brian Cage says he got the win last week, and that no matter who they face, there is nobody better than them and Toa Liona.

Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale beat Anna Jay and Alex Windsor. After the match, Mercedes Moné rushes into the ring, and as Mercedes attacks Kris Statlander, Willow goes after Mercedes. Both women brawl, and referees and security have to break the brawl up to end the show, and Stokely manages to save Kris and Willow before the show ends.

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