Saturday, May 4, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for May 4, 2024

Pete Pranica guests on commentary for this week.

Dustin Starr interviews Tim Bosby at the announce desk. Bosby mentions losing the Internet Championship to "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts, but says that when you get knocked down, you get right back up, and that is what he plans on doing. He tells Aaron Roberts he wants his rematch so he can become a three-time Internet Champion. "The Chosen One" Zay Washington shows up and agrees with Tim Bosby regarding the Internet Championship and respect something, but Bosby wants something that he also wants, and proposes that they have a match right now. Assistant Matchmaker Michael shows up and mentions that Justin Case and Aaron Roberts are not here, and proposes putting them in a tag team match right now.

Tim Bosby and "The Chosen One" Zay Washington beat The O'Neal Brothers (Steven and Devin O'Neal).

Backstage, Big John Dalton is talking with Coach Pillar about the Boston Marathon when The Nyxx Network (Sir Matt and Lord Gaston) shows up. Sir Matt says Big John's win against Gaston does not count as they make fun of his appearance before saying that he will not win against him because he is "a big, fat loser." When Matt and Gaston leaves, Buff Bagwell shows up to have a conversation regarding The Nyxx Network.

Backstage, "The GunShow" Brett Michaels meets with Matchmaker King Cobra, wanting The Righteous Path (Reverend Ash Taylor, Brother Bruce, "Righteous" Ryan Rembrandt, Morrow) today by any means necessary, even if it means he gets one person in each corner.

We hear from "All Heart" Blake Christian, who apologizes to "The Chosen One" Zay Washington before stating that things change with fame and money and that one can either crumble and disappear or become even greater than one could imagine. He admits that the latter option is a lonely road but can lead to championship gold, then mentions Zay's match for the Internet Championship and entertains the idea of winning the Internet title off of him.

Backstage, "Main Event" Brad Skimahorn tells Big Nasty Phil that J. Webb has been putting them through the ringer, and that he is sick of it. He says that today, J. Webb has nobody in his corner, and tells Phil to break J. Webb's legs because they are done with him.

J. Webb beats Big Nasty Phil. During the match, "Main Event" Brad Skimahorn gets on the apron. J. Webb grabs him, but is able to dodge Big Nasty Phil when Phil charges at him. J. Webb pushes Phil into Bradley before winning with a schoolkid pin. After the match, Brad charges at J. Webb only to eat a back body drop, but Phil knocks J. Webb down. Brad and Phil gang up on J. Webb, then Phil pulls a chair out from underneath the ring, which Brad drives J. Webb face-first into.

We hear from Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex). Tim Grind says the tag team division is better than it has ever been, then says Too Kool II is the best tag team and that it is time for them to get some championship gold. Flex says everyone talks about them because they want to be them, and that the other teams hate on them when they do not even know who they are.

Mackenzie Morgan and Makkari Kandy beat Nixi XS and Raven Black.

Backstage, Assistant Matchmaker Michael wants a rematch against Van Viciouss, even though Van Viciouss is a coward and will not give him his vindication. Matchmaker King Cobra says that if he wants the match, they can make the match and go from there.

We see news footage of Coach Pillar's charity work for St. Jude Children's Hospital.

Dustin Starr interviews Coach Pillar at the announce desk. As Coach Pillar talks about how he ran the Boston Marathon and raised money for St. Jude and raising money again in Pontotoc, Mississippi, The Nyxx Network (Sir Matt and Lord Gaston) shows up. Sir Matt calls Coach Pillar "a big, fat loser just like Big John Dalton" for not winning the marathon before bragging about how they are winners for being tag team champions. He then says that if Coach Pillar needs someone to mentor him on how to be a winner, they are happy to do that. Sir Matt says that Big John Dalton is okay and at least tries, but they are never going to be on The Nyxx Network's level. Gaston says that Big Jon Dalton will never beat him no matter how hard he tries and will always be "a big, fat jigglin' loser."

We hear from K-Toomer, who says that The Circuz (Barnabus the Leader, Maurice the Strong, Jacksyn Crowley, Abel Booker) want to fight him, but turn tail as soon as they see him. He then calls out Maurice the Strong for a match for the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Champion, saying that he will soon see him eye-to-eye.

We hear from Barnabus the Ringmaster, who dares K-Toomer to look himself in the mirror and realize that he is a freak just like the rest of The Circuz (Maurice the Strong, Jacksyn Crowley, Abel Booker), but chooses to play hero to the fans instead of being their champion. He says that next week, K-Toomer's lie will come to an abrupt end when a new Heritage Champion is crowned.

"The GunShow" Brett Michaels beats The Righteous Path (Reverend Ash Taylor, Brother Bruce, "Righteous" Ryan Rembrandt, Morrow) in a four-on-one handicap match.

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