Thursday, May 9, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for May 9, 2024

The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) show up to start tonight's show with a System Championship Celebration, which also includes cheerleaders from the Albany Firebirds of the Arena Football League. Brian Myers announces that as of Under Siege, every member of The System is a champion, then says that nobody should be surprised as they have been winning championships their entire careers. He says that The System runs on gold and is an absolute dynasty. Moose says he has played on a lot of great teams and that The System is "the greatest team of all time." He says they are not the 1996 Chicago Bulls, for they are far greater than them, and if no one believes them, they can ask "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and "Broken" Matt Hardy, as they ran them off like the 1992 Dream Team did to Croatia. Eddie says their reputations speak for themselves and that they walked in as champions, and after nearly a decade, Alisha realized her potential, picked her spot and became a world champion. He says that Alisha stands above everyone in the Knockouts Division and is the greatest TNA Knockout of all time, then Alisha thanks Eddie before saying she wants to put a little more flare on the celebration. She then presents a video package of The System that she made herself, but the video package is interrupted by Matt Hardy, who shows up with a metal folding chair. Hardy congratulates The System on winning the battle at Under Siege, but says the war is far from over and that nothing will deter him from procuring the World Championship. Hardy calls Under Siege "a lesson" after pledging to break The System, and that he now understands The System a little better and knows what he has to do to make them obsolete. He tells Moose that this is not over, and that this is merely the beginning before mentioning The System's accolades and asking to see Moose's Super Bowl ring (which does not exist). Alisha says nobody can understand what Matt Hardy is saying, but he calls her "a snow witch" and tells her not to get on Reby Sky's radar. Moose tells Matt Hardy that there is four of The System and only one of him, then Matt Hardy says he does not like their odds and hits eveyrone with the metal folding chair. Alisha tries to hit Matt Hardy with a shinai only for Matt to block it, but that allows Eddie, Myers and Moose to gang up on him and wrap a chair around his neck in the corner. All of a sudden, Ryan Nemeth shows up with a shinai and attacks The System before they can injure Matt Hardy like they did Nic Nemeth, and The System is forced to retreat. The cheerleaders then side with Matt Hardy and perform the "delete" hand signal.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey). Chris Bey says winning tonight's match, which puts the winning team's members for their match against each other for an X Division Championship, and that they have put their tag team title rematch aside so that Ace Austin can become X Division Champion. Austin says that he would be champion if someone had watched his back and that Mustafa Ali's secret service detail is the deal breaker, and that ABC will earn X Division gold.

Backstage, The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) tells Director of Authority Santino Marella to do their jobs, and Santino says that he has something for them and just has one more piece of his plan before he can put it into action.

Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) beat The Full-Blooded Italians (Ray Jaz and Zack Clayton).

Backstage, Jake Something meets with Director of Authority Santino Marella regarding Under Siege, as does The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz). Jake Something takes offense to the interruption, and Trey Miguel says that he was attacked backstage, with Zachary Wentz saying that this is why he lost that night. Santino makes a tag team match between the two parties, and Cody Deaner shows up to become Jake Something's tag team partner before giving Santino an idea for the tag team match.

It's time for The Sound Check. Alan Angels interviews Kon and Steph de Lander backstage. Steph de Lander has to make it clear that she and Kon are not dating, then Alan tries to hit on Steph. Both Kon and Steph get annoyed with him, and they leave after Kon takes out Alan's security.

Before the next match, Cody Deaner says he has just talked to Director of Authority Santino Marella, and since Albany, New York is so hot tonight, they can spice the match up a little bit. He gives the fans the choice between a standard tag team match or an "Albany Tornado Tag Match" with no count-outs. The fans pick the tornado tag match.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) beat Jake Something and Cody Deaner in an Albany Tornado Tag Match after Trey Miguel sprays Jake Something in the eyes with spray paint on the outside before he and Wentz double team Cody Deaner for the win. After the match, The Rascalz are attacked from behind and laid out by Steve Maclin. Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Steve Maclin. He says that The Rascalz walked out on him twice, so he took them out twice. When Frankie Kazarian says that this unfinished business was the reason he and Maclin lost their recent tag match, Kazarian and Maclin argue, and they end up going their separate ways.

We see Tom Hennifan's interview with Mike Santana. Santana says he could not have picked a better time to come home, and says that being in The Latin-American Xchange (Santana, Ortiz, Konnan) and winning four tag titles was like a shotgun blast going off and that Konnan's mentorship meant a lot. He says that LAX accomplished a lot of things after they were thrown into the ocean after cutting their teeth on the independents. Santana then talks about his five years away from TNA. He talks about how he lost his father just before the pandemic happened and that a lot of things had to change, and some unsolved problems came up and he had to deal with them. Santana also talks about going sober a year ago, saying he had to save his own life.

Gabby LaSpisa is in the ring. She talks about her podcast and admits that there is a TNA superstar that she knows little about, and has scored an interview with Ash By Elegance. George Iceman shows up to introduce Ash, and Gabby wants to know who George Iceman is. George slyly refuses to identify himself as he introduces Ash By Elegance. Ash By Elegance heads to the ring, and Gabby wants to know why Ash By Elegance by Ash By Elegance and what elegance means. Ash says Elegance is a lifestyle brand and is surprised that Gabby has never heard of the brand. Ash calls the interview "classless" after George Iceman says that Gabby is from New Jersey and threatens to leave, then Gabby brings up Ash's post-match attack on Havok at Under Siege. Gabby also brings up Ash's loss to Xia Brookside from two week ago, and George Iceman says it is all camera trickery. Ash says the referee stole her jewelry, but Gabby says she can get it back if she can beat Xia Brookside. Xia proposes a rematch next week for Ash's rings that she tried to use as knuckles, and Ash reluctantly shakes her hand and accepts.

We see Joe Hendry in a Heart Radio interview, where Hendry talks about his entrance theme hitting the UK pop chart as well as wrestling in TNA.

Director of Authority Santino Marella announces the Champions Challenge, where all eight TNA champions face a team of all-stars. All eight champions (Moose, Mustafa Ali, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, Jordynne Grace, Alisha Edwards, Masha Slamovich, Laredo Kid) will face Matt Hardy, Steph de Lander, Sami Callihan, Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna), Ryan Nemeth (who replaces "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth), Eric Young and Joe Hendry in an 8-on-8 tag match.

Jonathan Gresham beats Will Ferrara after applying black ink to Ferrara's mouth.

We see Gail Kim meet with "The Quintessential Diva" Gisele Shaw at a wellness retreat. Gail tells Gisele that they need to talk as Gisele meditates. Gisele opens her eyes.

Mustafa Ali guests on commentary for the next match.

Speedball Mountain ("Speedball" Mike Bailey and Trent Seven) beats ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) to face each other for a shot at the TNA X Division Championship after Ace Austin is preoccupied with Mustafa Ali at ringside.

Here are the must-see moments from tonight's show!

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