Sunday, May 26, 2024

Double or Nothing 2024 - The LIVE Results

"The Virtuosa" Deonna Purrazzo beats Thunder Rosa during the Buy-In after rebounding off the bottom rope to pin Thunder Rosa's shoulders to the mat during a Cobra Clutch and using the bottom rope for leverage.

Dr. Martha Hart shows up on the stage to celebrate 25 years of philanthropy with the Owen Hart Foundation, and Tony Khan announces that for the next Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament, the winners will get world title shots. He also announces that the tournament finals will once again take place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on July 10th and that the championship matches for the winners will take place at All In at Wembley Stadium in London, England.

Chance, the mascot of the Las Vegas Golden Knights, is ringside for the next match.

The Acclaimed ("Platinum" Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn) beat "The Machine" Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona, now known as "Cage of Agony," in the Buy-In after Las Vegas Golden Knights mascot Chance takes a metal folding chair away from Brian Cage and Billy Gunn pins Kaun with an inside cradle as Toa Liona is busy on the outside.

Don Callis guests on commentary for the next match.

Will Ospreay beats Roderick Strong to become the AEW International Champion! During the match, Don Callis demands that Ospreay hit the Tiger Driver '91 while Roddy is down, but Ospreay is unable to hit it. It takes Ospreay landing out of End of Heartache and hitting a Hidden Blade followed by the Storm Breaker to win the match and the title.

Adam Cole heads to the ring. Cole tells the fans that they suck and that he should be backstage checking on Roderick Strong, leaving the building or rehabbing his ankle at home, and that nobody has any idea what he has been through the last two years and he is still disrespected. He says he is the best wrestler of this generation, then says that everybody has a little devil inside of them and that they will give the devil his due. As he is about to say he is the devil, the lights go off, then come back on, then we see a video. It becomes apparent that the video is from the point of view of MJF as two halves of a photo of Cole and MJF are put together, then MJF shows up for the first time in almost a year. He sees the Devil mask that Adam Cole dropped earlier, then MJF and Cole hug before MJF kicks Cole in the groin and hits him with a brainbuster. MJF takes the microphone and tells Cole he gave him trust, and tells him that is never happening again. He says Cole thought he took him out, but all he did was wake him up and he now remembers who he is. MJF says he does not need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon to make him, because he made himself, then says that there will be "no more bullshit" and that is time to go back to being driven by hate, and that nobody is safe. He then takes the Devil mask and says masks are adorned by cowards who hide, and says that he is tired of apologizing that he is the best and that nobody is more complete than he is, and that everyone's favorites "suck a big bag of donkey dicks." MJF then says nobody is on his level and that the Devil mask and everything it symbolizes can go straight to hell before stomping the mask, hitting it with a Ric Flair elbow drop, and throwing it into the stands. MJF then says he has bet on himself since day one and is all in, double or nothing, then reveals a tattoo saying "Bet On Yourself" with a poker chip with the AEW logo on it on the back of his right leg. He then says that he can be called "The Wolf of Wrestling" because he is not leaving AEW.

The Bang Bang Gang ("Switchblade" Jay White, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) retain the AEW Unified World Trios Championships against Death Triangle (PAC, Penta el Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix) after "Rock Hard" Juice Robinson shows up out of nowhere and trips PAC off the top rope as he goes for the Black Arrow.

"Timeless" Toni Storm retains the AEW Women's World Championship against Serena Deeb with an avalanche Storm Zero followed by another one in the middle of the ring. During the match, Mariah May almost throws in the towel for Toni Storm, but Luther takes it away from Mariah. Toni makes it to the bottom rope, then takes the towel from Luther and chucks it into the crowd.

Don Callis guests on commentary for the next match.

Orange Cassidy beats Trent Beretta after Orange rebounds off the bottom robe as Trent goes for the omoplata and pins Trent with a jackknife pin. After the match, Trent Beretta refuses to be interviewed by Renee Paquette, then shoves Rocky "Azucar" Romero away as he leaves through the crowd.

"The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho retains the FTW Championship against "The Wrestler" Katsuyori Shibata and Hook after someone in a black hoodie attacks Hook and Shibata with a trash can, then reveals themselves to be "The Outlaw" Bryan Keith. Hook takes out Keith, but Jericho hits him with the Judas Effect before pinning Shibata, who is trapped in the trash can, to retain. After the match, Jericho brings out security as Hook stalks him on the ramp, and Hook takes security out before chasing after Jericho.

Jon Moxley retains the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship against "The Alpha" Konosuke Takeshita after Takeshita throws metal folding chairs into the ring at the behest of Don Callis. As referee Rick Knox is removing the chairs from the ring, Moxley is able to curb stomp Takeshita into one behind his back and hit Death Rider to retain the title.

Forbidden Door is live on pay-per-view Sunday, June 30th.

Adam Copeland comes out to a special Brood-style entrance before the next match.

Adam Copeland retains the TNT Championship against Malakai Black in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match that sees Buddy Matthews and Brody King almost join Copeland before attacking him and Gangrel coming out from underneath the ring to hit Buddy and Brody with Impaler DDTs. Copeland retains with a crossface with some barbed wire. Copeland and Gangrel celebrate together after the match. (Had Copeland lost, he would have had to bend the knee and join the House of Black [Malakai, Brody, Buddy, Julia Hart].)

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviews Don Callis. Don Callis says it has been a great night for his family and that the future has never been brighter, then announces that he will be presenting a contract for the family this Wednesday on Dynamite.

Mercedes Moné beats Willow Nightingale to win the TBS Championship! During the match, Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander get on the apron and distract the referee to the point that Mercedes is able to kick out after the Doctor Bomb. After the match, Stokley yells at Willow for losing the TBS Championship, and Kris Statlander shoves Stokely to the mat. Afterwards, Kris helps Willow to the back, but halfway up the ramp, Kris slams Willow into the ramp and throws down the friendship bracelet before clotheslining her. Stokely is seen laughing as Kris attacks Willow.

Before the next match, ee see a video of Swerve Strickland driving through Las Vegas as we see a brief recap of Swerve being signed to AEW and Swerve winning the AEW World Championship. We then see Prince Nana with bottles in his hand saying "Swerve...come out and play" The Warriors-style.

In a match that sees Prince Nana and the rest of The Patriarchy (Killswitch, "The Prodigy" Nick Wayne, Mama Wayne) all get ejected and Prince Nana chase Nick Wayne back out with a pipe after Nick Wayne hits Swerve with a cutter on the outside, Swerve Strickland retains the AEW World Championship against Christian Cage after countering the Spear with a mid-air House Call.

The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) beat "The American Danielson" Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin and FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) in an Anarchy In The Arena Match in a match that sees Darby Allin nearly getting run over by Jack Perry in a bus, Darby getting sent down The Elite's elevator only to reappear, Jack Perry getting set on fire with a flamethrower by Darby after Jack Perry kidnaps Tony Khan from the production booth, and Darby getting hogtied with a cable hanging from underneath the ring.

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