Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for May 28, 2024

General Manager Ava is in the ring to start tonight's show. Ava mentions the Ladder Match to determine the inaugural NXT North American Women's Champion, with four slots filled and two slots to be filled tonight, then introduces hip-hop recording artist Sexxy Red to the ring. There is a belt covered by a mantle on a nearby table. Sexxy Red announces that she will be hosting Battleground, then reveals the NXT North American Women's Championship for the first time. Tatum Paxley shows up to try to take the championship, but "Michin" Mia Yim runs in and fights Tatum Paxley. This leads to a match.

"Michin" Mia Yim beats Tatum Paxley to qualify for the NXT North American Women's Championship Ladder Match. During the match, Jaida Parker guests on commentary.

Backstage, Joe Coffey is talking with Mike Coffey, and is wanting to know where Wolfgang is. Meta-Four (Oro Mensah, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) shows up wanting to know why Gallus attacked Noam Dar, but Gallus (Joe and Mark Coffey) refuses to answer, with Joe saying he thought Oro Mensah was better than this before Gallus leave.

Backstage, Lola Vice is met by Arianna Grace, who asks Lola if she expects to go through another NXT Underground match, and tells her that "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler is extremely dangerous. Lola says she knows, and that Arianna can find out how dangerous she herself is first-hand.

Ridge Holland beats Riley Osborne. During the match, Ridge almost uses the ring steps, but Thea Hail stops him from using them. After the match, Riley refuses to shake Ridge's hand.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson). Anderson says they seem to get the silent treatment, and Gallows says they are tired of the NXT Tag Team Champions duck them. Anderson says their beatdown is what happens to those who treat them like outsiders, and Gallows says the beatdowns will continue whenever they want until they get their title shot. Anderson asks Axiom and Nathan Frazer if they have their attention now, and says they can either keep running or defend their titles. After The O.C. leaves, it is revealed that Oro Mensah has been attacked.

The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) beat Malik Blade and Edris Enofé. During the match, Malik Blade inadvertently shoves Edris Enofé off the ring apron and into Brinley Reece, hurting Brinley, who has to be helped to the back. After the match, The O.C. are attacked by Nathan Frazer and Axiom, and Frazer says that as long as he and Axiom are tag team champions, they will not let them anywhere near the tag titles. Axiom then accepts their challenge for Battleground.

We see a vignette for Dante Chen, who has been waiting for two years for his opportunity and has been staying ready for a chance to represent his family and his culture in Singapore, and thanks the fans for their support thus far. He says that while he will treasure last week's victory forever, he is ready for more victories and whatever is next. Backstage, Dante Chen is congratulated by the locker room when Lexis King tries to rain on his parade and says beating him will never happen again. Dante takes that bet and says he can beat him again tonight, and Lexis says his fifteen minutes of fame are over.

Backstage, Trick Williams thanks Je'Von Evans for having his back last week, then talks about their match with Gallus and says they have to be on their A-game. Sexxy Red shows up and says she is loving NXT so far, then wishes them luck before Je'Von asks Sexxy Red to accompany them to the ring.

Roxanne Perez heads to the ring. Roxanne says he has been the only one to appreciate the NXT Women's Championship from the very beginning after having seen it jump from waist to waist by women who use it as a vehicle or stepping stone to something better. She says she is the only one who has shown true commitment to the championship, as she has been training since she was thirteen years old for this and that she represents not just present or future greatness, but true greatness. Roxanne says she finds it disrespectful to find out who her next opponent is in the way that she is finding out, and demands respect from General Manager Ava, as she deserves to be treated better. After saying she can also play the disrespect game, she demands to know who her opponent is, then Ava shows up and tells Roxanne that she has never called her "a bad champ," then reveals that her opponent at Battleground is Jordynne Grace. Jordynne says some people may remember her from the Royal Rumble, then reintroduces herself for those who do not. She calls Roxanne a great champion who has built her name in NXT like she has built her own name in TNA, then asks who has built a stronger foundation and wants to know at Battleground when she challenges Roxanne for her title and leaves Las Vegas a double champion.

We hear from Eddy Thorpe, who says that to some people, fire is a destructive force, but to him and his people, it is a doorway to the spirit world and communication with the ancestors as well as healing. He says that he has asked for guidance from the flames and that the vision is strong, his body is healed and the path is illuminated for him and any of his people who have a dream. He says that through the cleansing of the fire, he has been reborn.

Backstage, Riley Osborne tells Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail) that Ridge Holland still cannot be trust. Duke Hudson says he can see where Ridge Holland is coming from and takes him aside for a chat. Thea Hail says she cannot deal with this and leaves, then Ridge shows up, thankful for the match. Andre Chase says everything is okay when Ridge looks for everyone else, with Ridge none the wiser.

Lola Vice beats Arianna Grace. After the match, Lola Vice tells "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler that she has one of two options: either being tapped out or knocked out, and tells her "You choose, bitch!" Baszler runs out to the ring, and security quickly moves into place.

We see a vignette for Carlee Bright, where we see footage of her as a cheerleader before she came to NXT after graduating from college, and says that "NXT's ray of sunshine" has officially arrived. Backstage, Natalya, Karmen Petrovic and Kendal Grey congratulate Carlee when Izzi Dame shows up to rain on Carlee's parade, but Karmen takes offense to Izzi's attitude. When Izzi talks back, Karmen punches her in the face.

Backstage, No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp, Myles Borne) is training when Damon Kemp asks Charlie Dempsey if he is already. Dempsey says that ever since he lost the Heritage Cup, he lost a piece of himself, and he feels he needs to win the Heritage Cup back. He says that they need to learn from how Tony D'Angelo runs his family and regain structure, and has Damon Kemp take on D'Angelo next week.

Backstage, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson wonder who attacked Noam Dar and Oro Mensah, and Lash says she will ask Trick Williams if he is behind the attacks, as she knows he will tell her the truth.

Dante Chen gets another surprise victory on Lexis King. After the match, Lexis King attacks Dante Chen, then exposes the concrete underneath the floor padding and hits him with a spinning neckbreaker.

We hear from Josh Briggs, who talks about his time in NXT with Fallon Henley and Brooks Jensen, and while he bet on himself after they split, he felt he had lost his way. He says he will find out who he is after Battleground.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Shawn Spears, who says that the youth of NXT is so talented yet so misguided and that he has also been down that path. He says he will help guide the youth to their maximum potential and become the answer.

Backstage, Tony D'Angelo shows up as his family talks about the NXT tag team titles, and D'Angelo says nothing else gets down until they put No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp, Myles Borne) to bed. He says the Heritage Cup is growing on him while the cup is like a part of the Crew, and that he wants to know more about the Crew to see how they operate. D'Angelo says that they will beat the Crew at their own game.

Fallon Henley guests on commentary for the next match.

Kelani Jordan beats Wren Sinclair to qualify for the NXT North American Women's Championship Ladder Match.

Backstage, Stevie Turner wants to know what Jordynne Grace has done to earn a shot at the NXT Women's Championship while she has been working at NXT Level Up. She also wants to see if Mr. Stone has an opportunity for her. Suddenly, Jordynne Grace shows up and proposes a match between them next week.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Wes Lee, who says that and that Gallus may want all the gold in NXT, but he will not let them have the North American Championship. Suddenly, Oba Femi shows up and commends Wes Lee for his bravery, then says that the amount of opponents does not matter to him as he will walk out as champion. Wes Lee reminds Oba Femi that he has made a career of proving people wrong, and says that he will do the same with him.

Trick Williams and Je'Von Evans beat Gallus (Joe and Mark Coffey) after Sexxy Red stops Joe Coffey from using the NXT Championship as a weapon. After the match, Lash Legend shows up and asks Trick to be honest with her, and asks him if he attacked Noam Dar and Oro Mensah. Suddenly, the lights go out, and when they come back on, Trick is shoved into Lash by Ethan Page - fresh out of All Elite Wrestling and Ring of Honor - who then says that he took them both out. He then takes out Trick Williams in the corner to end the show.

Here are the full highlights for tonight's show!

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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