Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for May 7, 2024

Backstage, the locker room claps for Wes Lee as he heads to the ring saying that it is good to be back and that he has one goal in mind.

Wes Lee beats Josh Briggs. During the match, Ivar shows up to get a closer look at Josh Briggs, and guests on commentary. After the match, Josh Briggs and Ivar brawl on the outside, and Wes Lee takes them both out from the top rope. Meanwhile, Oba Femi watches the aftermath of the carnage from the balcony.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Tyriek Igwe, Tyson Dupont, Hank Walker and Tank Ledger talk with Nathan Frazer and when No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp, Myles Borne) show up and mock Igwe and Dupont for losing to The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson). Dupont says there is no shame in losing to The O.C. as they are veterans, and that they are going to become a lot more comfortable in the tag team division Dempsey says there is no comfort in facing No Quarter Catch Crew, but Dupont says they are not afraid of pain. As Hank and Tank hold back Igwe and Dupont, The O.C. show up, but Frazer and Axiom leave them hanging on the "Too Sweet" and leave. Gallows says that Frazer and Axiom are going to lose the NXT tag team titles.

"The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler beats Karmen Petrovic with the Kirafuda Clutch.

Backstage, Kelani Jordan is puzzled by Fallon Henley's recent behavior and that it took everything to keep herself from smacking Fallon in the recent NXT Women's Combine. Fallon shows up and asks why she didn't, and when Kelani says it because they are friends, Fallon says she has spent her entire career helping friends, but now she comes first. This soon leads to both women being held back when they argument gets more heated.

We see footage from the NXT Women's Combine. Thea Hail and Kelani Jordan led the combine in the speed portion.

Before the next match, it is announced that the referee for the next match is "unavailable" while Luca Crusifino stands nearby with two members of Tony D'Angelo's family. It is then announced that Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo is the special guest referee for the next match.

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe beat No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne) after Charlie Dempsey shoves special guest referee Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo for a slow count and Stacks punches him in return before making a fast count when Igwe stacks Dempsey up.

Backstage, Gigi Dolin sits in the middle of a conversation between Chelsea Green and Arianna Grace. Arianna looks forward to Chelsea becoming NXT Women's Champion before Chelsea mentions everything she has been through. Chelsea says she will win the NXT Women's Championship, while Arianna says she will beat Michin. After Chelsea and Arianna leave, Gigi finally decides that she has had enough of Arianna Grace.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Roxanne Perez, who says that tonight is about her and that when one is the face of the brand, the main event and a two-time champion, they call you a prodigy. She says nobody likes Chelsea, and that tonight, she will beat her and send her packing.

"Michin" Mia Yim beats Arianna Grace after Arianna gets caught out using the middle rope for leverage on a sit-down pinfall attempt.

Backstage, Thea Hail thanks Ridge Holland for checking on her and says it is nice to talk to someone who knows what she is talking about. After Ridge mentions he has a daughter who is much like Thea, and Andre Chase and Duke Hudson show up to congratulate Thea, Lexis King shows up and says the wrestling business is not for everybody before mocking Ridge. Ridge confronts Lexis when Duke Hudson steps in and causes Lexis a pompous airhead, but Lexis tells Hudson that he just pissed him off and leaves.

It's time for Supernova Sessions. Tonight's guest is Trick Williams. After we see a short video package of Trick Williams at WWE headquarters, Trick demands to know what is inside Lash Legend's manila envelope, but Noam Dar says this is his show and that he decides when, then tells Lash to reveal what is in the envelope. We then see a photo of Noam Dar with his foot under the rope when he beat him in their match, and says everything Trick has built has been on a lie. Trick is unimpressed and tells Noam that if he wanted a title match, all he had to do was ask, then says he is not the father, much to the surprise of Lash Legend, who is almost forced to reveal that she has a relationship of some sort with Trick and possibly the mother of his child. When Trick tries top stop Lash from walking out of the ring, Noam lays Trick out with an elbow and holds up the NXT Championship.

We see more footage from the NXT Women's Combine. "Michin" Mia Yim and Jaida Parker stand out in the jump and punch power competitions.

We hear snoring.

Backstage, Natalya talks with Karmen Petrovic about finding one's edge when one guy tries to catcall Karmen only for Karmen to kick him in the head.

Fallon Henley beats Kelani Jordan after sending Kelani into an inadvertently uncovered steel turnbuckle.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey tells Tony D'Angelo that he will get what he wants, but he will regret it when he finds out that No Quarter Catch Crew holds all the power, and that he will not find out who his opponent is until next week.

We see more footage from the NXT Women's Combine. Lash Legend dominates in the power department, as does Wren Sinclair. "Michin" Mia Yim and Izzi Dame win out in the mid iso thigh press, and in the conditioning gauntlet, Ivy Nile dominates.

Backstage, Ava announces that Sol Ruca, Thea Hail, Jaida Parker, Brinlee Reece, "Michin" Mia Yim, Fallon Henley, Lash Legend, Ivy Nile, Izzi Dame, Kelani Jordan, Tatum Paxley and Wren Sinclair have advanced to the qualifying matches for the NXT Women's North American Championship.

Lexis King beats Duke Hudson after Ridge Holland chases Lexis King back into the ring and slides a chair in, distracting Hudson and allowing Lexis King to hit a superkick followed by the Coronation for the win.

Backstage, Noam Dar says Trick Williams got his legs put out while refusing to address Lash Legend's conspicuous absence. Je'Von Evans shows up, and this leads to Noam Dar threatening to clip his wings as the shiny new toy in NXT.

We hear from Jazmyn Nxx, who says that Thea Hail coms across as the girl next door and the underdog who wants to be everyone's friend, but says she is really a n animal with no remorse after Thea inadvertently busted Jacy Jayne's nose. She says that Jacy is recovering from surgery and wishes her a speedy recovery while proclaiming she will make Thea Hail pay.

Backstage, Ridge Holland apologizes for costing Duke Hudson, saying he sees his daughter whenever he sees Thea. Duke Hudson accepts his apology, but Riley tells Ridge that a leopard never changes his spots, and Ridge says that if he has to earn Chase University's trust, he will.

Roxanne Perez retains the NXT Women's Championship against Chelsea Green.

Backstage, Tony D'Angelo has Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo attacking Damon Kemp and Myles Borne in the back of an SUV before the D'Angelo Family drives off with them in order to stick it to Charlie Dempsey and the Catch Clause. As Tony D'Angelo drives off, Charlie Dempsey shows up looking for Myles and Damon.

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