Thursday, May 2, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for May 2, 2024

First Class (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) are in the VIP Booth with Bun B at the start of the show. AJ Francis says that they have decided to take Joe Hendry's live apology in while surrounded by beautiful women and a moneymaking entourage.

Mustafa Ali beats Chris Bey after one of Ali's security guards hits Bey with a flag as he goes to the top rope.

Punk rock guitarist and vocalist Lars Frederiksen guests on commentary for the next match.

Alisha Edwards beats Dani Luna after Alisha Edwards dropkicks Joey Threat, allowing Masha Slamovich to hit Dani with the Snow Plow as the referee admonishes Alisha.

We hear from Sami Callihan with the initial edition of DMTV. He says he is here to fix the mistakes of the past, and says that the idiots and "false prophets" in the back do not have a clue.

Before the next match, Cody Deaner says that he has talked with Director of Authority Santino Marella and that he has allowed him to tack on a stipulation to spice things up. Hammerstone says he has been in Impact for a few months and that seeing Deaner pander to idiots to see what they want has been the worst part of the experience, and proposes an arm wrestling match. Deaner says he is in the mood for something a little crazier since they are in Las Vegas, and proposes a Sin City Street Fight. After Deaner asks the fans what they want to see, the match becomes a Sin City Street Fight. Deaner then hits Hammerstone with the microphone.

Hammerstone beats Cody Deaner in a Sin City Street Fight with the Torture Rock. After the match, Hammerstone refuses to relinquish the hold, and Jake Something rushes into the ring and dives at Hammerstone for the ground and pound. When Jake overpowers security, Hammerstone teases fighting him, but steps out of the ring.

In a digital exclusive, Director of Authority Santino Marella finds out that "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth has a neck injury and will not be able to compete at Under Siege. "Broken" Matt Hardy shows up and says he will take Nic Nemeth's place and help Speedball Mountain ("Speedball" Mike Bailey and Trent Seven) "delete" The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) at Under Siege. Director of Authority Santino Marella makes it official.

Backstage, we hear from "Broken" Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain ("Speedball" Mike Bailey and Trent Seven). Trent Seven says that The System(Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) needs to be taken down and that they must add to the team. Mike Bailey says it is time to delete The System. Matt Hardy makes them honorary members of House Hardy for the match, naming them "Trent the Seventh" and "The Ball of Speed," respectively.

Backstage, Jonathan Gresham is met by Director of Authority Santino Marella, who hopes that Gresham's return to TNA will be a lot smoother than when he left as he welcomes him back. When they shake hands, Santino notices octopus ink on his hand. A masked version of Gresham then sits across from him as Santino washes the ink off of his hand.

First Class (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) are still in the luxury box, then says that while he does not trust Joe Hendry as far as he can throw him - which is pretty far - he still trusts him enough to hear his apology. Joe Hendry shows up and enters the ring, which is furnished with speakers, a chair, a rug, a microphone and a guitar. Hendry says his troubles with First Class began with a song and should fittingly end with a song, then looks back at the "Cheez-It Champion" song before playing it on guitar. He then gives an encore presentation of the chorus from "Banned From Diving" before performing the apology song, and says that things are going to be different, as he will take things a little higher after initially going low. The song is a cover of Creed's "Higher," where Joe Hendry makes fun of AJ Francis even more and asks for him to get fired while also making fun of him being released from WWE twice.

Gia Miller interviews The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) on the stage. Eddie says Under Siege is the night that Alisha will bring gold to The System, and says that as much as they do not want to admit it, TNA needs them. Brian Myers wants to know how Speedball Mountain ("Speedball" Mike Bailey and Trent Seven) got a match with them when they wiped the floor with them, and says they are riding the coattails of "Broken" Matt Hardy. Moose says that while Matt Hardy has been gone, he has become a TNA legend, and says it is ironic that Matt Hardy claims to delete people when The System cannot be deleted and says that Hardy and Speedball Mountain will be deleted. Alisha says that at the end of the day, you always trust The System.

"Inevitable" Ace Austin beats Trey Miguel to face Mustafa Ali for the TNA X Division Championship at Under Siege.

Backstage, we hear from Eric Young and "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander. Alexander says he has no love for Frankie Kazarian or Steve Maclin, and Eric Young agrees as he proclaims that they will come straight at them at Under Siege.

George Iceman announces that Ash By Elegance will be watching the next match from the luxury box.

Jordynne Grace retains the TNA Knockouts World Championship against Miyu Yamashita after blocking the Skull Kick and countering with the Juggernaut Driver. After the match, Jordynne Grace and Miyu Yamashita shake hands. After Yamashita leaves, Steph de Lander shows up and attacks Jordynne, then Kon shows up. De Lander orders Kon to break Jordynne's neck, but the lights go out. When they come back on, PCO is in the ring, and after PCO chops Kon, Jordynne hits Kon with a low blow. De Lander lays Jordynne out with a clothesline, but she soon gets goozled by PCO. De Lander tries to seduce PCO in letting her go, but Jordynne gets back up and tosses her out of the ring.

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