Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for May 21, 2024

Fallon Henley beats Thea Hail after baiting her into a Shining Wizard to qualify for the NXT Women's North American Championship Ladder Match. After the match, Jazmyn Nyx gets in the ring and beats up Thea Hail. During the match, Ridge Holland stops Fallon from using a metal folding chair as a weapon, but the referee ends up tossing him and the rest of Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne) ejected from ringside.

Backstage, The D'Angelo Family (Tony D'Angelo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, is met by Nathan Frazer and Axiom. After an A-Kid joke and a chat about championship opportunity where Frazer and Axiom state they will give title shots to NXT Superstars, Luca Crusifino and Stacks want a shot at the tag team titles. Frazer says they've got it.

It is announced that Ivar is out indefinitely following the attack from Gallus at the end of last week's show, and that Wes Lee and Josh Briggs want to beat him up.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang). The three of them brags about beating up three of NXT's best, and Joe Coffey says that when he becomes #1 contender tonight, Oba Femi will find out just how dangerous Gallus is. Mark Coffey says NXT will not be as comfortable now that they are back.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom retain the NXT Tag Team Championships agaisnt The D'Angelo Family (Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino) after No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp, Myles Borne) leap the barricade and attack Tony D'Angelo at ringside. After the match, The O.C. attack Nathan Frazer and Axiom in the ring.

Backstage, Mr. Stone is talking to one of the participants of the NXT Women's Combine when Lexis King shows up and says the only way to recruit the next big superstar is to recruit him, as he is virtually undefeated. General Manager Ava shows up and puts Lexis King in a match against a mystery opponent. Lexis leaves, and Mr. Stone says Lexis King should have has ass handed to him and that he should be the one to do it. Ava reminds him that his last match did not go so well and says that he will find the perfect opponent for Lexis King.

Backstage, Riley Osborne is ticked off with Ridge Holland getting Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Osborne) ejected from ringside, and blames him for Thea losing the match. As Ridge confronts Riley for judging him when he gave him the benefit of the doubt last week, Andre Chase stands between them and tells them to settle things in the ring.

Oba Femi guests on commentary for the next match.

Wes Lee and Josh Briggs beat Joe Coffey in a Triple Threat Match to decide a #1 contender for the NXT North American Championship. During the match, Josh Briggs headbutts Wes Lee, which causes him to fall onto Joe Coffey's legs before he hits a splash on Joe Coffey. Both men are on top of Joe Coffey for the three count.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews Karmen Petrovic and Natalya. Karmen Petrovic says that this may be her first main event, but with Natalya at her side, she is ready. Natalya says she and Karmen have bonded and that they will be a well-oiled winning machine.

Backstage, Edris Enofé says he is full of bad luck, but Malik Blade tells Edris to focus on positivity. Brinley Reece says it not about luck, but about confidence, and whatever they decide to do as to whether they will be in her corner tonight, she is all for it.

Backstage, Oba Femi meets with General Manager Ava on who his opponent will be. He finds out that he will be facing Wes Lee, Joe Coffey and Josh Briggs for the NXT North American Championship in a Fatal 4-Way Match at Battleground.

Jaida Parker beats Brinley Reece to qualify for the NXT Women's North American Championship Ladder Match. Malik Blade and Edris Enofé watch from backstage during the match, but show up to watch from the stage near the end.

Backstage, Fallon Henley is met by Jazymn Nyx, who talk about Henley's win tonight and her Women's North American Championship aspirations. Jazymyn Nyx mentions Fallon saying she does not need friends, which means she could get her revenge on Thea Hail, then walks away. Fallong looks shocked.

We see Wendy Choo wake up.

We hear from Roxanne Perez, who says it is her title against the world and that she is better, and anybody can say what they want to say about her. She says all she cares about is the NXT Women's Championship, as all she sees is a prodigy when she looks in the mirror.

Backstage, General Manager Ava is on the phone, stating that Roxanne Perez will soon find out who her next challenger for the NXT Women's Championship is for Battleground.

Before the next match, Lexis King says that another opponent will soon fall to him and that he is undefeated. Mr. Stone soon shows up, points to the stage, and Dante Chen shows up to challenge Lexis King.

Dante Chen beats Lexis King after countering the Coronation with an inside cradle following the distraction by Mr. Stone.

Backstage, Lola Vice and "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler talk about their match. Lola says they are unstoppable, and Shayna tells Lola to keep the dancing backstage.

Trick Williams heads to the ring. He brings up Noam Dar attacking him from behind on Supernova Sessions, then mentions Noam Dar being attacked backstage last week. He makes it known that he did not attack Noam Dar, and if he wanted to, Noam Dar would have unconscious. Suddenly, the rest of Meta-Four show up, and Jakara Jackson says that Trick Williams isn't tricking them and that they know it was him. Oro Mensah tells Trick to be a man admit he does not deserve to be NXT Champion. Lash Legend, on the other hand, believes Trick, much to Jakara and Oro's surprise, and Trick threatens to kick Oro's ass. Suddenly, Joe Coffey shows up, and Wolfgang and Mark Coffey attack Trick from behind with Joe Coffey joining in. Je'Von Evans runs into the ring to save Trick Williams, but the numbers game takes over, even as Trick Williams gets back up.

Backstage, Mr. Stone tells Dante Chen that he deserved tonight's win, and General Manager Ava shows up to congratulate Dante Chen. Chen thanks Ava for the opportunity, and Ava thanks Mr. Stone for making another star tonight.

Natalya and Karmen Petrovic beat "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice. After the match, Shayna helps Lola up, but Lola kicks Shayna in the head. Shayna gets up as Lola dances on the apron, however, and puts Lola in the Kirifuda Clutch. Referees have to get Shayna off Lola, then General Manager Ava shows up. Ava says they are looking for a fight and that they will get it at Battleground, then Shayna Baszler takes the microphone and says "NXT Underground" before going at it with Lola again to end the show.

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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