Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Those Dynamite Kids - Dynamite recap for May 8, 2024

Backstage, Adam Copeland says he is not feeling too great and that his mind has been wandering to places he does not want it to, and tonight, he will put a stop to that. He says tonight's match with Brody King will be a no-disqualification match.

Orange Cassidy beats Trent Beretta. During the match, Don Callis shows up to get a closer look at the match and to guest on commentary. Later in the match, Trent exposes a turnbuckle, but Orange does as well as the referee confronts Trent for his actions, and Orange sends Trent into his exposed turnbuckle before winning with a schoolkid pin. After the match, Trent attacks Orange out of anger and even gouges the eyes before hitting Orange with a piledriver on the ring steps. Trent continues to attack Orange by slingshotting him into the ring frame, then pulls a toolbox out from underneath the ring. Orange grabs a metal folding chair, then Don Callis runs to Orange Cassidy and helps him to the back while Kris Statlander confronts Trent.

In footage from earlier today, The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) arrives at the arena and park in AEW founder and President Tony Khan's spot.

In footage from after last week's Dynamite, Jack Perry says Kenny Omega is not as bad as he thinks he is and hopes he had fun hitting his moves for the last time, then says Kenny is not the hero The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) needed him to be, and that he is a coward. He says that The Elite and AEW do not need him anymore, and that they will change the world without him. Jack Perry says everyone will have to sacrifice, and that Kenny made his.

We hear from Kenny Omega, who is sitting in a hospital bed. He says that The Young Bucks (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) were like family to him for the past fifteen years, but here he is in the emergency room. He knows that what happened last week was business, and that Double or Nothing is AEW's fifth anniversary. Kenny then challenges The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) to Anarchy In The Arena, and announces that FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) will be the first two members of his team and that the other two will reveal themselves sooner than The Elite think.

Tony Schiavone interviews Serena Deeb on the stage. Serena says that she is aware everyone loves "Timeless" Toni Storm and is aware that people think she will not win, and says it is important to make it known that losing at Double or Nothing is not an option. She talks about her return to the ring earlier this year after fifteen months on the shelf following three unprovoked seizures, which she calls "a scary, traumatizing experience" as she did not know what caused them. Serena says the vision of becoming AEW Women's World Championship has been stuck in her mind, and as she is about to mention what it would be like to be world champion, Toni Storm shows up. Toni says that all she has heard is a charity case, and Serena tells Toni to start giving a shit and start taking this seriously, as she has fought for her life and will do it again to become AEW Women's World Champion. Toni tells Serena that she does not give "a single solitary shit" about what Serena has been through, which leads to an intense stand-off. Toni then tries to go for a cheap shot, but Serena lays her out with a right hand.

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviews Orange Cassidy in the trainer's room. Rocky "Azucar" Romero shows up to check on Orange and says that if he wins his match tonight, he, Orange and another party can get a Trios title shot. Rocky wants to mend fences with him and Trent so that they can all go for the Unified Trios titles, but Orange says they will figure things out.

Mariah May beats Harley Cameron. After the match, Saraya attacks Mariah May while Harley joins in, then Mina Shirakawa runs in and lays out Harley with a spinning back fist before teasing a kiss with Mariah May. Mariah and Mina eventually celebrate with champagne.

Backstage, PAC says he is not concerned with Death Triangle (PAC, Penta el Zero Miedo) when The Bang Bang Gang ("Switchblade" Jay White, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) shows up. Jay White says Death Triangle is dead and that PAC should be concerned about himself while he says he should be getting all the gold. He then says PAC should watch him to learn a thing or two about winning.

We hear from Malakai Black, who tells a story about how Adam Copeland manifested his dreams into reality and became so influential in pro wrestling that he changed its landscape but soon became aware of his own mortality. He talks about Copeland started a family and created a facade for what he really was, and how Copeland had to be reminded of who he really was. He says he has to kill this facade and bring Copeland to the brink of death so that he will live again.

We see a video package for The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) and their mission to change the world. We then see The Young Bucks (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) backstage, saying they need more Elite video packages and less Kenny Omega updates. Matthew Jackson finds out that Swerve Strickland's face-to-face meeting with Christian Cage is next.

Swerve Strickland heads to the ring. Swerve says he is in a "pissed off" and fighting mood due to what happened last week, and says that since becoming World Champion, everyone wants a piece of him. He says he cannot blame Christian Cage for his actions and that he has done things like cutting his hair, too, and calls himself "the Donovan David of professional wrestling." Swerve calls Christian out so that they can have their conversation right now, and The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch, "The Prodigy" Nick Wayne, Mama Wayne) shows up. Christian says there will be no championship in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada when the Edmonton Oilers lose tonight, then says that The Patriarchy's actions are by design and that he will take something from Swerve until he takes what he wants. He says Swerve has rode a wave of momentum to the World Championship, but waves crash and his wave will crash at his feet, for Swerve is not in his league and he deserves to stand at the top of the mountain as World Champion. Christian says that Swerve can take comfort that he can see gold whenever he wants and look at his teeth when his house has been foreclosed on, unless he takes those from him right now. Swerve tells Christian he did not come alone, then The Mogul Embassy (Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, "The Machine" Brian Cage) shows up from behind Swerve, and dares Christian to get in the ring so he can beat him down like Kendrick Lamar beat Drake. Swerve says he has gotten knocked down and stood right back up to become World Champion, then says Christian will not get in the ring because it will put him in an uncomfortable position and say "I Quit." Christian seems to say nothing at first, but Swerve is soon attacked from behind by The Mogul Embassy. When referees get in the ring, The Mogul Embassy forces them to retreat. After Swerve is tossed out of the ring, The Mogul Embassy then put Swerve through the announce table.

Backstage, The Young Bucks (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) congratulate The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch, "The Prodigy" Nick Wayne, Mama Wayne), and Christian says that they look forward to working with them further and that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. The Young Bucks then laugh about what happened to Swerve.

Backstage, Willow Nightingale says she is not feeling so great, but her smile cannot be beaten off her face. She says she is ready for any challenge, and that Double or Nothing is another stop at being champion. She asks if Mercedes Moné is ready for her, because last time, she walked out the victor, and while she respects Mercedes, she has been on the run of her life. She says Mercedes may get all the attention, but in a wrestling match, she will be the winner.

"Switchblade" Jay White beats Rocky "Azucar" Romero. After the match, The Bang Bang Gang ("Switchblade" Jay White, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) attacks Rocky Romero, then PAC shows up and forces them to retreat.

We hear from Samoa Joe, who talks about what drives a warrior as he trains for a return, and says that he is not the warrior that fears, but what men fear in the first place.

"The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho and Big Bill beat Mo Jabari and Harlon Abbott after Big Bill does all the heavy lifting before tagging Jericho in to hit Harlon Abbott with the Judas Effect for the win. After the match, Jericho accidentally calls Edmonton, Alberta, Canada "Calgary" and that the learning tree is about learning from mistakes. He says that the FTW Championship is for all the fans, then thanks the fans and thanks Big Bill for a good job tonight. He thanks Katsuyori Shibata for giving him a good fight for the FTW Championship and thanks Hook before telling him to take as long as he needs before facing him again. Tony Schiavone then gets in the ring and tells Jericho that Hook will be back next week. Jericho says that he and Hook will celebrate next week on Dynamite together before thanking the fans.

Adam Copeland retains the TNT Championship against Brody King in a no-disqualification match. After the match, Brody King attacks Copeland, then Kyle O'Reilly gets in the ring and fights Brody King. Kyle and Copeland work together to clothesline Brody King out of the ring.

Backstage, Mercedes Moné says that she is close to making an in-ring return and that she thrives in the spotlight. She says she is ready for Willow Nightingale at Double or Nothing, as Willow took a year of time away from her career that she can never get back. Mercedes she is back on a whole new level and that she will wipe the smile off Willow's face as she takes her title.

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviews Adam Copeland and Kyle O'Reilly. Copeland thanks Kyle O'Reilly for the help, but O'Reilly wants a favor in the form of Saturday night's Cope Open match. Copeland accepts.

The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, "The Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry) shows up to mockingly tell Kenny Omega to get well soon, and Matthew says that Tony Khan should have gotten out of his own way and realized that they wanted to make AEW a better place, but they had no choice but to piledrive him. Matthew questions Kenny Omega ending their friendship, and Nicholas says FTR only saved Kenny because they hate them before accepting the challenge for Anarchy In The Arena and wishing Kenny luck finding two other people who want to face them. FTR show up, and Dax Harwood says that after a little bit of convincing, he has found two men with big enough balls for the job: Eddie Kingston and "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson. A now complete Team AEW confronts The Elite before both sides brawl, with security, officials and the locker room trying to break things up to end the show.

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