Sunday, May 26, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for May 26, 2024

Note: This episode is a repeat of the October 2, 2021 episode of Championship Wrestling From Atlanta. Also, the video cuts off early, and with the interviews cut out, this is probably how the replay of this show would have went.

Suge D beats Kaleb Konley after Kaleb gets his phone and tries to take a selfie during a submission hold only for Suge D to break out and fight back.

Jack Cartwright vs. Levi Shapiro for the United Television Championship from April 10, 2021 is replayed.

Carlie Bravo beats Scotty Beach with the Crossbones. After the match, Carlie Brown attacks and chokes Scotty Beach out with the American flag.

The Tate Twins (Brandon and Brent Tate) beat The Skimahorns (Brad and Briar Skimahorn).

Baron Black beats Lord Crewe with a La Magistral Cradle. After the match, Baron Black offers to shake Lord Crewe's hand, but Crewe hits him with a right hand and pounds on him before heading to the announce table, grabbing a chair, and taking it to the ring. Before he cant ake it inside the ring, however, Lord Crewe snaps out of his rage and drops the chair as the referee tells him not to use it.

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