Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memphis Wrestling - The Starr Gender Reveal Special

Dustin Starr interviews Reverend Ash Taylor - now wearing a neck brace - at the announce desk, despite Reverend Ash Taylor not being invited to the event. Reverend Ash Taylor says he is here today because it is a day of celebration, and that he is here to congratulate Dustin Starr not because of his new child, but because he found a woman foolish enough to lay with him. He also says he is here to pass the collection plate and pray for the new child, then bows his head in prayer before "The GunShow" Brett Michaels shows up wondering why Reverend Ash Taylor is here. Brett then tells him that if that if anyone needs a prayer, it is Ash Taylor, then puts his hands on him and throws him into the ring. Both men shake hands, then Brett crushes Ash's hand, hits him with a spinebuster and finally lays him out with a GunShow Lariat. After the match, Brett Michaels says that he is Team Pink, but is calling that Dustin and Maria Starr will have twin daughters.

We see some behind-the-scenes footage from this special event.

Derrick King beats Sycho Simon in a match that turns into a hardcore match halfway through when Simon pulls out a garbage can that contains a dirty diaper. Simon is about to use the diaper as a weapon when Derrick shoves it into Simon's face. Later on, Simon throws some chairs into the ring, and when he swings at Derrick with one of them, the chair rebounds off the top rope and into his head, allowing Derrick to win with a Superkick. After the match, Dustin Starr interviews Derrick King at the announce desk, and Derrick says he is Team Blue.

We see even more behind-the-scenes footage from this special event.

Dustin Starr interviews Tim Bosby at the announce desk. Bosby - representing Team Blue - congratulates Dustin Starr on the new child and predicts it will be a boy, then Dustin Starr interviews Mackenzie Morgan - representing Team Pink - at the announce desk, and Mackenzie predicts it will be a girl. Bosby then says boys are bigger, faster and stronger than girls and asks why they are even having this match, but Mackenzie takes this as Bosby saying she cannot beat her. Both of them shake hands before the match.

Mackenzie Morgan (representing Team Pink) beats Tim Bosby (representing Team Blue) in a Gender Reveal Match. During the match, Dustin Starr hands Tim Bosby some blue powder to throw in Mackenzie Morgan's face, but Mackenzie ducks and the powder hits the referee. Bosby gets Mackenzie in the ankle lock, but the referee is still blinded when Mackenzie taps out. As this goes on, Maria Starr hands Mackenzie some pink powder to throw in Bosby's face, which she does successfully before hitting Bosby with a Stunner. After hitting Bosby with a facebuster, the referee is barely able to count to three, and Mackenzie wins, revealing that the new child is a girl.

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