Thursday, May 23, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! Wrestling recap for May 23, 2024

"The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth and "Broken" Matt Hardy beat The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) to earn a shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championships. After the match, Myers hits Nemeth from behind with a jumping knee. Matt Hardy fights Brian Myers, but Moose shows up and hits Matt with a Spear before doing it again after Eddie holds Matt down. Myers then holds Ryan down so that Eddie can place a chair around Ryan's neck, but as soon as Moose is about to hit Ryan, Nic Nemeth suddenly shows up and dives over the top rope, taking out The System and forcing them to retreat.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey). Chris Bey says that families may fight, but there is no tension between him and Ace Austin, who then admits that they may not be on the same page as they once thought, and that they need to work some feelings out of their system in the ring. Chris Bey is reluctant, but Ace Austin is sure that this will get them back on track. Bey says that he trusts Austin, then they leave.

Backstage, "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth, Ryan Nemeth and "Broken" Matt Hardy meet with Director of Authority Santino Marella, who mentions Ryan and Matt's tag team title shot. Matt says he came back to become TNA World Champion, and Santino mentions Moose singling Matt out. Santino tells Matt he has his tag team title, and Nic Nemeth says that he and Ryan will go for the tag team titles. Santino makes it all official, and Nic tells Matt that when he wins the World title, he wants the first shot. Matt says he would love that.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) beat Sinner and Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams). After the match, The Rascalz are attacked from behind by Steve Maclin before he hits them both with Caught In The Crosshairs. Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Steve Maclin, who says that this is payback against The Rascalz, and that he will end this between them no matter how many times they come back at him and put his sights back on Mike Santana. Santana shows up and says they should get back to business, and challenges him to a match next week, which Maclin accepts.

Before the next match, Frankie Kazarian berates and argues with ring announcer Jade Chung over how she recenly called him "The King of TNA". Security surrounds Kazarian, who announces that "The King of TNA is leaving the building" before heading to the back. As he heads to the back with security following, Kazarian meets Cody Deaner, who heads to the ring. Deaner says he does not know what Kazarian's issue is, then announces that he has an issue of his own and calls out Jake Something. Jake Something heads to the ring, and Deaner tells him that he deserved the beating after how he turned on him to join Eric Young and create Violent By Design. He then says he wants to fight with Jake, not against him, then says it is not their choice and leaves it up to the fans. When asked, the fans make it clear they want to see Jake and Deaner shake hands. Before they can do that, The Good Hands (John Skyler and Jason Hotch) show up, and John Skyler says he and Jason Hotch does not care what anyone wants and that Jake wants nothing to do with Deaner. Jake tells Skyler that this does not concern The Good Hands, who he also accuses of speaking for him, which he says nobody should be doing. Skyler makes fun of Jake's intelligence, which gets him knocked out. Jake and Deaner quickly get the upper hand on The Good Hands, then Director of Authority Santino Marella shows up and makes a KFC Match between the two teams, with KFC standing for "Kentucky Fight Club."

Cody Deaner and Jake Something beat The Good Hands (John Skyler and Jason Hotch) in a KFC Match. Deaner and Jake shake hands after the match.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Jordynne Grace. Jordynne says last week's loss was not on her, and she has asked for a new opponent tonight and got it in Marti Bella. She says that tonight, she will prove why she is "The Juggernaut."

Backstage, The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) are angry with Director of Authority Santino Marella stacking the deck against them, and Moose says he will break every bone in "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth's body. Eddie says he and Myers will beat up both Nic Nemeth and "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth for stepping up to The System. Joe Hendry shows up and confronts Moose, saying he has and Eddie has to tell Moose that Hendry is a joke and that everyone knows it but Hendry himself while he has dominated for more than twenty years, and proposes that he will take Hendry out once and for all next week.

Before the next match, George Iceman shows up and says that Ash By Elegance is out with a busted lip and a missing veneer, and is getting minor dental surgery. He then introduces Ash's stand in: a mannequin with blonde hair, a dress and Ash's face pasted on that also has a champagne glass taped to one of the hands.

Jordynne Grace retains the TNA Knockouts World Championship against Marti Bella as the personal concierge George Iceman drinks with the Ash By Elegeance stand-in mannequin on the stage. After the match, Jordynne Grace is attacked on the stage by Allysin Kay, who then smashes the Ash By Elegance mannequin before getting Jordynne Grace back in the ring. Jordynne and Allysin brawl, and Marti Belle joins in. Both Allysin and Marti then lay Jordynne Grace out.

Backstage, Director of Authority Santino Marella leaves a message for Jonathan Gresham, and wants to know why everyone who comes in contact with him is getting sick before telling him that next week, starting with Gresham's match against Sami Callihan, the referees will be wearing a mask and gloves in his matches to avoid getting sick.

Tasha Steelz beats Jody Threat after Lars Frederiksen and Dani Luna want Jody Threat to put Tasha Steelz away.

PCO pines for Steph de Lander in front of a candelabra while smelling a black rose.

Backstage, we hear from Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann). Rich Swann says they have decided on what championship he and AJ Francis want to go after, and Francis announces that they will make that decision next week, with the show cutting off to a commercial for next week's show.

Trent Seven beats "Speedball" Mike Bailey to face Mustafa Ali for the TNA X Division Championship at Against All Odds. During the match, Mustafa Ali shows up with his security detail and watches the match from ringside. Later on in the match, Speedball inadvertently knocks out Mustafa Ali with a kick to the face that is meant for Trent Seven, then he and Trent Seven chop each other on the ouside until the referee reaches a nine count, after which they go back into the ring. Later on in the match, Mustafa Ali gets up and tries to trip Speedball off the top rope as the security detail tries to stop him, and as the referee is dealing with that, Champagne Singh soon shows up and trips Speedball off the top rope, allowing Trent Seven to hit Speedball with the Birminghammer for the win and the title shot.

Here are the must-see moments from tonight's show!

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