Saturday, September 28, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for September 28, 2024

Dustin Starr interviews "The Problem" Aaron Roberts and Justin Case at the announce desk. Justin Case states that all that matters at the end of the night is that Aaron Roberts is still Heritage Champion, then mentions Roberts winning all of the other titles in Memphis Wrestling before saying there is nothing anyone can do about Roberts being champion. Roberts threatens to slap everyone in the WrestleCenter if they continue to chant "egg sucking dog." Justin mentions that "The GunShow" Brett Michaels and K-Toomer are fighting each other, then says they are done with them and that they will get no more title shots. Roberts tells GunShow and K-Toomer they can do the three-way dance all they want, but says they must be sick and tired of getting in each other's way. Roberts then says GunShow and K-Toomer can continue to fight each other while he moves on to bigger and better things. Justin Case says he does not care if GunShow and K-Toomer are here and potentially have something to say about it.

Backstage, Ray Ray Sanders talks with Derrick King about their recent match with Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex) when Tim Grind shows up, saying "it is what it is" and that they will do what it takes to stay champion and that Too Kool II will make it up to them, then takes offense to Ray Ray talking about Too Kool II and tells him that he will see him in the ring.

Tim Bosby retains the Memphis Wrestling Internet Championship against "Main Event" Bradley in a Tim Bosby Invitational Match.

We see footage of Memphis Wrestling - and Robert Gibson of The Rock 'n Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) - at the Mid-South Fair.

At the WrestleCenter, the woman who found the Righteous Path (Reverend Ash Taylor, Brother Bruce, Marrow) pamphlet last week asks Big Dan if there is any way to see Reverend Ash Taylor. A befuddled Big Dan says he will see what he can do.

Gio Savage beats "The Walking Red Flag" Colton Cage.

We hear from Sycho Simon, who says that the last has been seen of J. Webb and that nobody knows who will be next before throwing J. Webb's teddy bear Lucy into a trash can. Suddenly, someone picks Lucy up from out of the trash.

Dustin Starr interviews K-Toomer at the announce desk. K-Toomer announces he has a lot to say, but actions speak louder than words. He says the fans saw what happened to him and that he wants the Heritage Championship, but this is bigger than that. He then calls "The GunShow" Brett Michaels so he can knock him out. Justin Case shows up with Big Dan and security, and K-Toomer threatens to beat up Justin Case. Justin tells K-Toomer that his problem is with GunShow, and tells him not to worry about Aaron Roberts, then GunShow shows up. Justin says he is telling the truth and that "The Problem" Aaron Roberts has moved on, then tells K-Toomer and GunShow to fight among themselves. Matchmaker King Cobra shows up and announces that next week, K-Toomer and GunShow will face each other to decide a #1 contender for the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship.

The L.A. Hustlers (Notorious Bradley and Ruffshot Lamont) beat The New Guys (Jake Bosche and Scott Stanley). After the match, Dustin Starr interviews The L.A. Hustlers at the announce desk. Lamonte says they are not in consideration for the tag team titles because of Dustin Starr's "buddy system" with Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders, and Bradley says they want their title shot against Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex).

We hear from Ray Collins, who says that everyone's goal is to sign a big money contract, and while people have called him a sell-out, a jerk and an asshole, he is "a rich asshole." He says the fans may not like it, but he does not care.

Tim Grind beats Ray Ray Sanders with a schoolkid pin while grabbing the tights after Flex grabs Ray Ray Sanders from the outside and Derrick King confronts Flex.

We see more footage and photos from Memphis Wrestling's show at the Mid-South Fair.

C-Rex beats Mackenzie Morgan to become the Memphis Wrestling Women's Champion, ending Mackenzie Morgan's run as the champion at 392 days. After the match, C-Rex hands the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship to Nixi XS.

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