Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for September 3, 2024

Trick Williams heads to the ring to start tonight's show. Trick calls out Pete Dunne, saying Dunne started this and that he will end it. Instead of getting Pete Dunne, he gets "All Ego" Ethan Page instead. The crowd chants Joe Hendry's song as Ethan Page brags about being NXT Champion and says he should be opening the show. Trick tells Ethan he called his match down the middle, but tells him not to get too comfortable as he is coming back for "his" title. He then says he has unfinished business with Dunne. Ethan says the title is his and that he will be the one defending it in Chicago, Illinois, and that Trick will be lucky to make it to Chicago. Trick is suddenly attacked from behind by Pete Dunne, and Trick and Dunne brawl as referees rush into the ring.

Backstage, Hank Walker and Tank Ledger are confronted by Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang). Referees get between both teams before things get physical. Meanwhile, Jaida Parker is met by The Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx), and this leads to Jazmyn Nyx challenging Jaida to a match.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) beat the team of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger and Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang) in a Triple Threat Match to become #1 contenders to the NXT Tag Team Championships after Je'Von Evans shows up to attack Joe Coffey and Tank Ledger takes out The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson).

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Nathan Frazer and Axiom when The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) show up to congratulate them before proclaiming they will take the NXT tag titles to TNA and asking if Frazer and Axiom are on the same page.

Backstage, Blake Howard interviews Trick Williams, who says that he is ready for war with Pete Dunne when Dunne runs in and fights Trick. Officials rush in to stop the brawl.

Lexis King beats Oro Mensah after getting Oro riled up by saying that his father should have burned to ashes and pinning him with a stack-up pin while putting his feet on the middle rope for leverage. After the match, Oro chases Lexis to the back.

Backstage, Oba Femi meets with The D'Angelo Family (Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, Arianne Rizzo, Luca Crusifino). As Oba brags about beating Tony D'Angelo, Adriana Rizzo says it is not over between Oba and D'Angelo. Oro Mensah says that in many cultures, a woman is to be seen and not heard. As Stacks and Crusifino hold Adriana back, Tony D'Angelo shows up and says that is how one gets smacked in the mouth. Oba takes this as a challenge, and D'Angelo says Stacks will take care of business tonight.

Backstage, No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Wren Sinclair) come across an angry Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang), with Joe Coffey wanting revenge against Je'Von Evans for getting involved earlier tonight. Mark Coffey says that after they are done with Je'Von, they are coming for the Heritage Cup. Charlie Dempsey reminds Wren Sinclair that one cannot just go out and challenge everyone and that one must stop and make a decision.

Tatum Paxley beats Rosemary. After the match, Tatum Paxley is attacked by Wendy Choo, who tries to put her in a sleeper. Paxley blocks the sleeper, but Rosemary hits Paxley with a Spear. All of a sudden, Lyra Valyria shows up in NXT for the first since being drafted to Raw and fights off Wendy and Rosemary. Tatum and Lyra hug afterwards.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Pete Dunne, who says that Trick Williams will learn that actions have consequences and learn the lesson of a lifetime as security is in the background. Trick shows up and brawls with Dunne again, and General Manager Ava demands that both Trick and Dunne head to the ring as the brawl is broken up.

We see an Instagram video from Jordynne Grace, who announces that next week, she will put the TNA Knockouts World Championship on the line in an open challenge match, and for the first time ever, in a WWE ring.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne ends in a double count-out after Dunne puts Trick through the announce table with a side Russian leg sweep off the barricade. After the match, Trick attacks Dunne with mounted punches, and both men continue to go at as referees and security try to break up the post-match brawl.

We hear from Ridge Holland, who talks about how Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne, Thea Hail) gave him a sense of purpose and belonging. As for why he destroyed Andre Chase and put him in the hospital, it is because Chase U won the big one but failed to keep it. He says that he brought them all back to prominence, but all they did was criticize every move he made, saying Duke Hudson "blew smoke out of his asshole" and that Riley Osborne was no different. Ridge says they failed without him, and that when they became a champion, they fell victim to mediocrity. He then says that NXT will not get the man he tried so hard not to be, and that the step by step destruction of Chase University begins next week and that he will enjoy it. He then stomps and smashes Duke Hudson's MVP trophy.

Backstage, Brooks Jensen is met by Shawn Spears, who thanks Jensen for attacking Malik Blade and Edris Enofé after they attacked him. He says that he thought he was saving Jensen, but Jensen ended up saving him When Jensen asks why everyone thinks that Spears is manipulating him, Spears says he cares what Jensen thinks, and wants to know what Jensen believes and tells him to think about. Meanwhile, Dion Lennox has been watching from the background, and tells Jensen that Spears is gaslighting him before leaving. Spears sees this brief conversation go down.

Je'Von Evans beats Joe Coffey with help from Cedric Alexander, who suddenly attacks Mark Coffey from outside, which distracts Joe Coffey.

Backstage, Tatum Paxley is happy that Lyra Valkyria is back and has forgiven her. Lyra admits that they did not finish things on the best terms and that she would never return, but she could not help but keep her eye on her. She says she would rather fight with Tatum than against her, and that is time for Tatum to show "those weird girls" Wendy Choo and Rosemary how weird she really is.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews General Manager Ava, who says that there must be a winner between Pete Dunne and Trick Williams. She puts them both in a Last Man Standing Match next week where the winner faces "All Ego" Ethan Page for the NXT Championship.

Oba Femi beats Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo.

Backstage, Ashante "Thee" Adonis overhears Brinley Reece and Karmen Petrovic having a conversation about Edris Enofé and approaches with a rose, but Eddy Thorpe shows up. Adonis tells Thorpe to stay out of his business, or else.

Backstage, Je'Von Evans speaks with Wren Sinclair regarding the Heritage Cup and makes his case for a shot at the Heritage Cup Match. Wren Sinclair says he has the match next week, then Je'Von leaves. When Charlie Dempsey shows up, he finds out what happened, and is not exactly happy about it. Meanwhile, Myles Borne is wearing Airpods and has no idea what happened.

Jaida Parker beats Jazmyn Nyx. After the match, Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley attack Jaida Parker, and Jazmyn Nyx hits Jaida with the Nyx Kick.

Backstage, the women's division is waiting for Roxanne Perez to appear in the ring when The Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx) show up. Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice make it clear they are not having it from them, and Jacy Jayne tells Kelani to count her days as champion.

Roxanne Perez heads to the ring. Roxanne brags about retaining against Jaida Parker at No Mercy as well as the NXT history that she is making and the NXT records she is breaking, and says some women can only dream of the career that she has had. She also says that the main roster cannot stop talking about her before giving Jaida Parker credit where credit is due, saying that while Jaida Parker is the future, what she herself has cannot be taught, produced or touched. As Roxanne says that nobody has the ability to take the NXT Women's Championship from her and that it will be her holding her title in the air as the smoke clears, Chelsea Green suddenly shows up. Chelsea mocks the fans, then says she is beloved by the fans and that she would do anything for her fans, except for the creepy ones, and says nobody will tell her who the real number one contender is. Giulia shows up, and Chelsea yells and points at her only to get beaten up. She then says "Me. You. CW." to Roxanne to end the show.

Here are the full highlights from tonight's show!

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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