Thursday, September 26, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for September 26, 2024

Jordynne Grace's mystery partner is revealed to be Sol Ruca from NXT.

Jordynne Grace and Sol Ruca beat Rosemary and Wendy Choo by disqualification after they are both attacked from behind by Tasha Steelz. After the match, Wendy joins Tasha in attacking Jordynne and Sol Ruca, but Masha Slamovich runs in and chases them both away.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian asks Gia Miller if she is down with the king before saying "yes" for her, then says that she does not believe in Joe Hendry much like he does not, then says he will beat Hendry tonight and it will be that much sweeter when he gets a world title shot. He also says that he gets to do it in front of "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and that Nemeth will get a taste of what awaits him in his future as everyone acknowledges him as "The King of TNA."

Jonathan Gresham beats Laredo Kid by submission after smashing Laredo Kid's left knee into the mat.

Backstage, Mike Santana has a chain as the says that The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC) is going to get it. He then breaks into their dressing room and goes on the attack.

Zachary Wentz and ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) beat "Speedball" Mike Bailey, KUSHIDA and Leon Slater in a six-man tag match.

Backstage, Cody Deaner meets with Jake Something and Hammerstone, and tells Jake that he is making all the wrong decisions. Jake Something says he is sick of failure before Deaner tells him Hammerstone is not someone that he should be following. Hammerstone says he and Jake are winners while Deaner is pathetic, then demands Deaner prove otherwise in the ring. Deaner says he does not walk away from family or a fight, and while this may not be the best choice to make, he will be happy to punch Hammerstone in the mouth and do it for the people.

We see a video package of Mike Santana regarding his feud with The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC), where he tells them that they are playing in his world and that no matter how long it takes, he will make each of them feel his pain and agony. He says that he fears no man and no evil, as he is "the nastiest ever" and that he is in his playground having fun.

Léi Ying Lee (formerly known as Xia Li in WWE) beats Hyan in her TNA debut.

Backstage, Leon Slater apologizes to "Speedball" Mike Bailey for losing, but Speedball tells that they are in the most competitive division and tells him to keep on going as he is the future of the division.

We hear from ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey). Ace Austin says they are mourning the loss of the TNA World Tag Team Championships to The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers), who keeps bending the rules to get what they want. Chris Bey says they will not let Alisha Edwards' interference slide as they have a chance to win the tag titles back before Ace Austin mentions their contractually obligated rematch. Suddenly, The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy) show up, and Matt Hardy acknowledges their rematch before saying they are also in consideration for tag titles as well as with their victories against The System. He says that no matter who is champion, they will be coming for the tag team titles, and that nothing will stop their train of momentum.

"The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander heads to the ring. Upon the fans chanting "You tapped out," Alexander says he deserves it after doing a lot of questionable things as of late, and says that before Victory Road, he did not believe in Joe Hendry because he felt Hendry did not believe in himself. He says that Hendry got the toughest fight he could give him and that he went out on his shield, and says that the letters "TNA" have made him think about the last six years and what he has been able to do as well as the fans. Alexander also mentions Eric Young talking sense to him and says it has been eating away at him, then invites Eric Young to the ring. Eric Young shows up and heads to the ring. Eric Young calls Josh Alexander "the real walking weapon" and says that respect is earned over a lifetime. He says he has watched Alexander grow up and become one of the best wrestlers in the world under the TNA banner. He says that Alexander is "the lifeblood" of TNA and that it is great to have the real Alexander back, and says that Alexander's heel turn can be a pivotal moment that others can learn from. He says that Hendry believes in himself and that he also believes much like the fans do. Young says that Alexander is a real man for admitting his mistakes and that he did not go down the wrong path, and that the fans love him for it. Alexander then says he is glad to have Eric Young in his life to show him what truly matters, then Eric Young raises Alexander's hand. Young helps Alexander out of the ring, but Alexander allows Young to let him do the honors, which allows him to attack Young from behind. Alexander then says he is exactly who he needs to be, and if Eric Young cannot see that, then he will burn TNA to the ground with him in it. Alexander goes for a C4 Spike, but Steve Maclin shows up and chases Alexander out of the ring. Suddenly, Maclin is attacked from behind by Sinner and Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams), and Alexander joins in before Sinner and Saint pass Maclin over to Alexander for a C4 Spike.

Backstage, Director of Authority Santino Marella tells Steph de Lander about his experiences with getting neck surgery, and tells her to focus on health and says that she should take a break from being backstage at the shows. As Steph asks Santino if he needs another assistant, Matt Cardona shows up saying everyone gets it concerning the neck surgery. Santino says he is getting sick of Cardona, but tells him that if he wants PCO, then he has PCO. Cardona says he is always ready, then Santino says he has PCO in a Monster's Ball Match. Cardona is suddenly reluctant as he backs away.

Heather Reckless beats Xia Brookside with the Rarified Air thanks to the distraction by Ash by Elegance, who shows up mid-match with personal concierge George Iceman.

Backstage, Ash by Elegance and personal concierge are met by Heather Reckless as they wait for their limo. Ash says Heather looks "reckless," and George Iceman says there is something about Heather, but she lacks elegance before the two of them take Heather aside for a makeover.

"The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth guests on commentary for the next match.

Before the next match, Joe Hendry takes the microphone and says he will give Frankie Kazarian an introduction worthy of a championship contender before calling him the winner of the 2024 Antonio Banderas lookalike competition. This also leads to a "Puss In Boots" chant as Hendry mentions a few Antonio Banderas movies, calling him "the dad from Spy Kids" and "Puss in Boots," but when Hendry says Kazarian is not "The King of TNA," Kazarian hits him with a forearm.

Frankie Kazarian beats Joe Hendry to become the number one contender for the TNA World Championship at Bound For Glory after hitting Joe Hendry with brass knuckles...almost. After the match, "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and another referee tell match referee Daniel Spencer what has happened, then Director of Authority Santino Marella shows up and restarts the match. Despite being dazed from behing hit with brass knuckles, Joe Hendry hits Kazarian with the Standing Ovation to win the match and the title shot. Joe Hendry beats Frankie Kazarian at Bound For Glory.

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