Saturday, September 7, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for September 7, 2024

The Righteous Path ("Reverend" Ash Taylor, Brother Bruce, Marrow) is seen approaching the WrestleCenter.

Pete Pranica guests on commentary for this week.

Dustin Starr interviews Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex) at the announce desk. Flex says that people can say what they want to say, but they are tag team champions once again. Before he can say much else, Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders show up. Derrick King congratulates Too Kool II, then wants a shot at the tag team titles. All of a sudden, The L.A. Hustlers (Notorious Bradley and Roughshot Lamont) show up, with Lamont saying they have beaten Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders. The Twins of Salem (Jacksyn Crowley and Abel Booker) also show up, wanting a piece of the tag team title action.

We hear from Sycho Simon, who tells J. Webb that he does not care about Lucy and that if J. Webb wants Lucy, he will have to take Lucy.

Tim Bosby retains the Memphis Wrestling Internet Championship against Draco in an open challenge.

We see some footage from Tater Town Throwdown in Gleason, Tennessee.

Diana Taylor catches Lord Gaston in Makkari Kandy's candy bowl, and Gaston calls her a "dirty bird" and "a witch." When Makkari shows up, Gaston flees.

We hear from Matchmaker King Cobra, who creates an eight-man tag team match of Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex) and the team of Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders vs. The L.A. Hustlers (Notorious Bradley and Roughshot Lamont) and The Twins of Salem (Jacksyn Crowley and Abel Booker) following the events at the start of the show.

Big John Dalton beats JT Williams, then celebrates with the fans after the match.

We hear from K-Toomer, who says it is not over between him and "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts while warning "The GunShow" Brett Michaels to stay out of his business. He says that he is coming for the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship.

Diana Taylor and Makkari Kandy beat Lord Gaston in a two-on-one handicap match.

Backstage, Zaya interviews Big John Dalton, who says that he will be defending the Dirty Bird Championship, which he has again this year, on his return to Ingomar High School. He is suddenly attacked by "Main Event" Brad Skimahorn and Big Nasty Phil, and Bradley hits Big John Dalton with a sledgehammer before stealing the Dirty Bird Championship. Big Nasty Phil gets his turn with the sledgehammer on a now-bloodied Big John Dalton outside the building before he and Bradley handcuff Big John to a handrail and dent the Dirty Bird Championship's front plate with the sledgehammer.

"The Walking Red Flag" Colton Cage beats Luke Justice.

The L.A. Hustlers (Notorious Bradley and Roughshot Lamont) and The Twins of Salem (Jacksyn Crowley and Abel Booker) beat Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex), Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders in an eight-man tag team match after Lamont shoves Ray Ray Sanders off the top rope, allowing Notorious Bradley to hit a splash for the win.

The Righteous Path ("Reverend" Ash Taylor, Brother Bruce, Marrow) show up, and Brother Bruce and Marrow kneel at Ash Taylor's sides as Ash Taylor speaks at his podium, saying he has tried to save everyone and has brought souls to absolution only for everyone to become heretics. He then says he will have to make a martyr out of the worst of them, and demands the biggest cigarette-smoking, beer-swilling person they can find so he can bring them to absolution before praying for that person's soul. Suddenly, a mysterious figure with cigarette in hand is seen outside of the WrestleCenter. This figure puts out a cigarette in the parking lot, then enters the WrestleCenter, gets some beer, and heads to the ring after someone hands him a Singapore cane. This figure is The Sandman, and The Righteous Path get in the ring with him only for Brother Bruce and Marrow to get caned, and Reverend Ash Taylor steps up only to get struck down.

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