Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for September 17, 2024

General Manager Ava oversees a contract signing to start tonight's show. She announces that on the St. Louis, Missouri show on October 8th, Sexy Red will appear in NXT again, and that Randy Orton will compete in an NXT ring for the first time ever. As for the Chicago, Illinois show on October 1st, CM Punk will make an announcement, Wes Lee will face Trey Miguel in a street fight, Miz will appear for a special Miz TV, Giulia will face Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship, and Trick Williams will face "All Ego" Ethan Page for the NXT Championship. Ava then announces that the contract signing right now is for Trick vs. Ethan. Trick is introduced to the ring first, and Trick says that while he is hurting and in pain, it does not change the fact that Pete Dunne is "still a Butch." He says that he and Dunne went to war and that Ethan Page tried to hold him down, but he was still last man standing, and in two weeks, he will make history by beating Ethan for the NXT Championship. Ethan Page shows up to become an absolute buzzkill as Trick and the crowd chants "Whoop that trick," and Ethan says that while Trick has every right to be confident, he is Trick's Kryptonite. Trick says that ever since Ethan stole the NXT Championship from him, he has been running from him, and that the running will stop on October 1st. Ethan says he won and earned the title, and that he still remembers the shock and surprise on everyone's faces, including Trick's, when he won it, and that Trick will have a look of disappointment when he finds out he does not have him figured out and he puts everything to an end. As Trick says that he will be the victor, Ethan kicks Trick in the gut and puts him through the table with the Ego's Edge, then tells Trick that he will not even make it Chicago.

In backstage footage from last week, Tony D'Angelo confronts Hammerstone for not getting the job done. Hammerstone tells D'Angelo that Oba Femi is a beast, and D'Angelo tells Hammerstone that he will go back to General Manager Ava and get a rematch. Hammerstone says that if D'Angelo is the Don of NXT, then he should take care of Oba himself. D'Angelo says he paid him to do a job, and now he will have to take care of him.

It is announced that Saturday Night's Main Event will air Saturday, December 14th from Long Island, New York on NBC and Peacock.

Backstage, General Manager Ava is speaking with Robert Stone and Stevie Turner when they are approached by Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander regarding a match on October 8th. Ava says she will get back with them.

Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley beat Wendy Choo and Rosemary.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews General Manager Ava and Trick Williams. Ava says the contract is getting signed tonight, as does Trick, and Trick says that when the contract is signed, nothing is holding him back.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey tells Tavion Heights that he has made a name for himself in Japan and tells him to make him proud. Tavion says he has light bulbs going off, and Dempsey tells him and Myles to take the tag team division by storm. Wren butts in, and Dempsey tells Wren to make a name for herself as well. Wren gets fired up.

Hammerstone beats Tony D'Angelo by count-out after D'Angelo walks out on the match. Oba Femi is seen watching the match from ringside.

Zachary Wentz suddenly heads to the ring and says that last week, he and Trey Miguel were supposed to challenge for the NXT Tag Team Championships, but could not. We see parking lot footage of Trey getting in his car only for Wes Lee to attack him. Wentz says he does not know when Trey will be back in action, then calls Wes Lee "an absolute piece of garbage" for his actions after everything they have been to and that Wes deserves everything that will happen to him in Chicago, Illinois. He says that the pain he will put Wes through in their street fight will be ten times worse than Wes' loss at No Mercy, and that this will end in Chicago.

Backstage, General Manager Ava meets with Indiana Pacers point guard Tyrese Haliburton, who says that he can get the contract signing done. Robert Stone says he believes in Tyrese, much to Tyrese's surprise, then Tyrese leaves with the contract. Ava is shocked that Stone lied about his friendship with Tyrese.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews The Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx). Jacy Jayne says all they do is speak the truth, and says one can either take it like a real woman or cry about it. She also says that Lola Vice thinks she is better than she actually is. Fallon Henley calls Jaida Parker "the next It Girl on NXT," and Jazmyn says that if Jaida wanted to fight them, she would have. Back at the women's locker room, Lola Vice is fired up by The Fatal Influence's comments, then says Jaida Parker does not want her help. Jaida Parker shows up and mentions Lola mentioning her. Lola admits neither woman wants the other's help, then says she will get the job done with The Fatal Influence.

Eddy Thorpe beats Ashante "Thee" Adonis after Adonis blows a kiss to a woman in the crowd that he gave a rose to during his entrance from the top rope.

CM Punk is seen backstage.

At Chase University, Riley Osborne and Thea Hail are disappointed with Ridge Holland's actions towards Chase University, and Thea says that Ridge broke her heart. Riley says that he hates that he and Duke Hudson were right, and says that Ridge showed who he really was when they gave him a chance. He says that next week, he will get Ridge Holland out of their lives once and for all.

CM Punk heads to the ring. Punk says he is in a different mood than he was on Raw, then says that he remembers some of the people in the crowd and admits that he tried to hide in order to watch the show from backstage. He says that he appreciates the work that goes into NXT and admits that he will eventually have to butt heads with some of the NXT Superstars in the future, and says that Shawn Michaels called him up because he knew he loved NXT. Punk said he begged to be on the Chicago, Illinois show and that Shawn told him he could do whatever he wanted on the show. All of a sudden, Roxanne Perez suddenly shows up. Roxanne mentions her NXT Women's Championship match with Giulia, then says that Punk is her all-time favorite wrestler and one of the reasons that she got into the business, but admits she always preferred AJ Lee. This leads into an "AJ" chant. She says that she was happy to see him return at Survivor Series, but then says she should have been a Drew McIntyre fan and that CM Punk wants to be in the Chicago show because he wants one more moment of glory before McIntyre ends his career. Roxanne tells him to stay home because she does not need him there, then says that the show will soon become hers because it is all about her. She then says that she does not care about how popular Giulia is in Japan and that it is all about her, then says "Tell me when I'm telling lies," then says that as a wise man one said, she would rather be hated for something she is than loved for something she is not. Punk gives Roxanne credit for maximizing her minutes, as he loves an overconfident champion. He says that the NXT Women's Championship and the chip on her shoulder makes Roxanne not just the best in NXT, but in WWE, and that none of that will matter when Giulia hands her ass to her. After Punk says he did not come here to talk about her or Giulia, the lights go out, and Giulia shows up. She gets in the ring and tells Roxanne that the countdown is on and that she has two weeks left. Roxanne goes for a cheap shot, but Punk stops her, and Giulia wags her finger in Roxanne's face.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Kelani Jordan says that when it comes to The Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx), nobody is off-limits, as they will attack anyone they see. She knows she has a target on her back and that she will defend against women who excel in the ring, not in insults. She also considers holding her own open challenge one day like Jordynne Grace, and when she does, she had better see a member of The Fatal Influence step up to the plate. Suddenly, Wren Sinclair suddenly shows up and says that Charlie Dempsey told her to make a name for herself, then slaps Kelani in the face and says she is doing it now. Kelani then chases Wren out of the interview area.

Backstage, Tony D'Angelo meets with the rest of The D'Angelo Family (Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, Adrianne Rizzo, Luca Crusifino). Tony says nothing is wrong and that he is fine, then says that he is afraid and that he is supposed to be The Don of NXT and lead the family, but Oba Femi is a machine and he cannot beat him.

Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander beat No Quarter Catch Crew (Tavion Heights and Myles Borne) after Kelani Jordan chases Wren Sinclair around the ring and to the back. After the match, it is announced that Randy Orton will be Je'Von Evans' opponent on October 8th.

Backstage, Ridge Holland says that he would destroy Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, Riley Osborne), and that he will be seeing Riley Osborne next week. Meanwhile, Shawn Spears wishes Brooks Jensen luck, and Jensen asks Shawn if he is with him. Spears says yes.

Brooks Jensen beats Dion Lennox after Jensen mockingly wears Lennox's glasses and Lennox keeps Shawn Spears from putting his hands on his glasses.

We hear from Wes Lee, who brags about his actions on X (formerly Twitter) and says that if Trey Miguel had been at No Mercy, he would have sent him back to TNA. He says he had to do what he had to do and that the street fight with Zachary Wentz will end everything.

On X (formerly Twitter), A-Town Down Under (Grayson Waller and Austin Theory) talk about never having held the NXT Tag Team Championship, and consider challenging Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the titles next week. Frazer and Axiom respond on X, saying they accept. The match is official for October 8th.

Lola Vice beats Jacy Jayne despite Jazmyn Nyx and Fallon Henley's attempted interference in the match. After the match, The Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx) attack Lola Vice, then Jaida Parker runs into the ring and takes them all out single-handedly, with Jacy Jayne having to be helped out of the ring. Lola confronts Jaida, and referees have to hold them back.

Backstage, Adrianne Rizzo tells Tony D'Angelo that she is also scared. D'Angelo says he has disrespected and failed the family, but Adrianne says that D'Angelo has to carry that fear and that no matter what, he will always have the family. She says she is seeing what this is doing to D'Angelo and knows that he wants another shot at Oba Femi, and D'Angelo says he does. Adrianne Rizzo says that if D'Angelo loses, he will do it through the fear, then tells him that the family believes in him and that he must believe in himself.

Tyrese Haliburton is in the ring to get Trick Williams and "All Ego" Ethan Page to sign the contract for their match, then says he has reinforcements in the front row in the form of his Indiana Pacers teammates. The crowd boos, and Tyrese says he would boo too if he were an Orlando Magic fan. Trick Williams shows up and shows respect to Tyrese, saying that just like how Team USA won gold in Paris, he will win gold in Chicago, Illinois. Trick then calls out Ethan Page, telling him to sign the contract before he signs his forehead with a Gucci loafer. Ethan Page shows up as Trick signs the contract and says this is ridiculous, and says he gave Trick an out but did not take it. Ethan says that if he has to sign the contract, he will do it, then says that when it comes to the NXT Championship, he is the Boston Celtics, and when he beats Trick in Chicago, he will be like the Indiana Pacers and the rest of the NBA when he has to watch him be victorious. Ethan then says he will continue to carry the championship and the brand, then signs the contract. Tyrese declares the championship match official, then says Trick knows what time it is before bringing out CM Punk. Punk gets in the ring and thanks Tyrese, then says Roxanne is soon to be the former NXT Women's Champion and announces that Ethan and Trick's match is so big that it needs something special. The fans chant "Referee," and CM Punk agrees the match needs a special guest referee, which is none other than himself. He says the only rule is that the official will be listened to, and since he is the official, they can start fighting right now. Trick and Ethan immediately brawl with referees and security moving quickly into place while CM Punk leads a "Let them fight!" chant to end the show.

Here are the highlights from tonight's show!

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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