Friday, September 13, 2024

Victory Road 2024 - The Results

KUSHIDA beats Leon Slater with the cross arm breaker in the countdown.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander. Alexander says that Joe Hendry's fairy tale ends tonight and that he is the hero in the story while Hendry is the court jester off to the side making all the noise to distract everyone and makes everything he does a mockery. He says he will get in the ring, and eventually, the bell will ring, and if he does not tap out to the ankle lock, he will drop him on his head with the C4 Spike, and Hendry will be lucky to do anything ever again.

Jake Something and Hammerstone beat Eric Young and Steve Maclin in the countdown.

The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy) beat Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and KC Navarro).

"Speedball" Mike Bailey beats Zachary Wentz to win the TNA X Division Championship for a third time after countering the UFO with a Backstabber and hitting the Flamingo Driver.

We hear from The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC). Eddie says that everything is bigger in Texas, and Myers says they will be doing big things when he and Eddie become two-time tag team champions. JDC celebrates becoming an official member of The System, and Moose says that "The Wnated Man" Nic Nemeth is staring at a soon-to-be four-time World Champion. Alisha, who is now wearing a neck brace, says it is going to be difficult to replace "The Queen of The System," then says who better than the greatest to beat the greatest as Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz - Alisha's replacement in the match - show up, then says Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) is dying tonight.

Before the next match, Steph de Lander says that her career has felt like a dream sometimes, and she is proud to be in a TNA ring with her heroes and in front of 2,000 sold out fans in San Antonio, Texas. She says that her career has been full of ups and downs, and the fans have been there every step of the way. She then says that Matt Cardona and PCO need to sort things out, as while this is hurting her, it is not the only thing hurting her. She then says that she needs neck surgery and has needed it for a long time, as she wakes up every day in pain and has fought through it because she did not let anyone down, including the fans, TNA and everyone else. She then says she has to do this to take care of herself, then says that while Cardona has been a jerk lately, he is still his best friend, even though she is not his property. She says that Cardona found her at her lowest and took her to her highest, and thanks him for that. She then says that she would find true love with PCO, but she is so glad that she has. Steph says that this friction is not healthy for her or fer them, and asks them both to stand up, be the men that they are, and figure this out without her. She says that this is not a retirement speech, because she is not done yet and she has more to give to the business, to TNA and to the fans, and that this is not goodbye, but "see you later," and tells the fans that she loves her. She hugs PCO, then the two of them leave. When Rhino tries to leave the ring, however, Cardona kicks the bottom rope into his groin before hitting him with Radio Silence, then says it is all about him now.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews "The Wanted Man' Nic Nemeth. Nemeth says tonight is a big night and that he takes the World Championship as a big responsibility. He says that Moose has had his number and he has beaten him, but now he feels rejuvenated even more than in the last six months, as TNA is the place to be and he will walk out a fighting TNA World Champion.

Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) beat Tasha Steelz and Masha Slamovich to become the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions for a second time. (Had Spitfire lost, they would have been forced to break up as a tag team.) After the match, Alisha Edwards chews out Masha Slamovich, and when Masha Slamovich blocks a slap by Alisha and confronts her, Tasha Steelz hits Masha with a cutter from behind followed by a ground and pound. Alisha then raises Steelz's hand.

Backstage, we hear from Hammerstone and Jake Something. Jake Something says that what they just did is just the beginning as well as a statement. Hammerstone says Eric Young and Steve Maclin are just two names and the first on a long list of people who will suffer the same fate for getting in their way.

Before the next match, Joe Hendry says that "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander thinks he does not have what it takes to be the face of TNA or go toe-to-toe with him, but luckily for him, he does not define himself through people like him when he has whole arenas chanting "We believe."

Joe Hendry beats "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander with the ankle lock. During the match, Alexander shoves Hendry into referee Daniel Spencer, knocking Spencer down. Hendry makes Alexander tap to the ankle lock, but Spencer is still down. Alexander hits Hendry with a low blow, but Hendry gets up and reveals he was wearing a protective cup - with his own face on it - the whole time, and hits him with the Standing Ovation before putting him in another ankle lock. This time, referee Daniel Spencer is back on his feet, and Alexander taps.

The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) beat ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) to become two-time TNA World Tag Team Champions after Alisha Edwards grabs at Chris Bey's ankle from the outside.

Jordynne Grace retains the TNA Knockouts World Championship against Wendy Choo. Early in the match, Wendy tries to hit Jordynne with her body pillow near the front row, but it is taken away by Jordynne's grandmother, who is behind the barricade. After the match, Rosemary gets in the ring and hits Jordynne with a Spear, and Wendy puts Jordynne in the sleeper hold.

Backstage, Director of Authority Santino Marella is met by Arianna Grace. Santino says he is proud of Arianna and the fact that they are both working together, and both make it clear that they take their respective gimmicks very seriously. (Santino and Arianna are father and daughter in real life.)

Frankie Kazarian guests on commentary for the next match.

"The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth retains the TNA World Championship against Moose. During the match, Alisha Edwards and JDC show up and distract Nemeth, but Nemeth puts Moose in the sleeper hold when Moose catches him out of the air. Moose grabs Nemeth's hair, but Nemeth hits a superkick. He goes for the Danger Zone, but Moose hits the Spear. Nemeth kicks out, however. Alisha then passes the World title to Moose as JDC distracts referee Daniel Spencer, but Mike Santana shows up and takes the World title away from him and fights and chases JDC to the back. Nemeth hits the Danger Zone, but Moose kicks out. Later in the match, Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers pull referee Daniel Spencer out of the ring after Nemeth hits another Famouser, and Nemeth has to keep Daniel Spencer from throwing the match out. This causes Eddie and Myers to be ejected from ringside and the match to continue, and John Layfield suddenly shows up from out of the crowd, hits both Eddie and Myers with Clotheslines from Hell, then leaves through the crowd. Moose hits a lariat followed by a Spear, but Nemeth kicks out. Soon after this, Nemeth is able to retain after hitting the Danger Zone one last time.

Here is the recap for tonight's show!

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