Sunday, September 15, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for September 15, 2024

Note: Today's episode is the eighth episode of Championship Wrestling ever, from November 5, 2010.

We hear from "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce, who says that the NWA World Heavyweight Championship looks as pretty as it can on the only shoulder heavy enough to carry it. He says that he has been under fire from all sides as Scorpio Sky, Joey Ryan and Colt Cabana are staking their claim on his title. and says that to be the best, one must be the worst and look in the mirror and know you will sink to any depth. He says that he is the man who can do that with eyes cold as ice with no remorse, and he has knocked out all of those people. He says that he apologizes to nobody, because the means are justified by "this end:" The NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

The RockNES Monsters (Johnny Goodtime and Johnny Yuma) retain the NWA Heritage Tag Team Championships against Anchors Away (David E. Jones and Ryan Stone).

Backstage, Jeff Resnick interviews Joey Ryan. Joey Ryan says he pinned "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce and became #1 contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and that nobody can take that away from him, not even Scorpio Sky. He says that he has nothing but respect for Scorpio Sky and has no trash to talk about him , then says he has a prop wrestling promo app on his iPhone, and reads from it that that Scorpio Sky will be in the ring with him and that only one man's arm will be raised in victory, and that it is him.

We hear from "Pretty" Peter Avalon in West Hollywood, California and gets opinions on NWA Championship Wrestling from a couple of bunny girls, some guy who is dressed like MC Hammer, and people dressed like Cheech and Chong, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and a Facebook page.

Buggy beats Lucky O'Shea. After the match, Lucky O'Shea attacks Buggy until other referees show up to restore order.

Coming soon: Slymm!

Colt Cabana beats Rico Dynamite with the Billy Goat's Curse. After the commercial break, Colt Cabana says he might be having fun and games, but in two weeks' time, he is coming for "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce and winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

Backstage, Jeff Resnick interviews Scorpio Sky. Scorpio says that just two weeks ago, he and Joey Ryan were partners and brothers, but tonight is a completely different story, as they both have a similar goal. He says that they will be coming into the match as friends and neighbors but will be taking each others' heads off, but he has trained too hard and is too ready to go straight to the top, as the stars are not high enough.

Joey Ryan beats Scorpio Sky to become #1 contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship after countering a kick with a jackknife pin. After the match, both men shake hands, and as Scorpio Sky raises Joey Ryan's hand, both men are attacked by "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce. As Pearce is about to hit Joey Ryan with a piledriver on the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Colt Cabana runs in and beats up Adam Pearce, putting Pearce in the Billy Goat's Curse and makes him tap even after Pearce rakes him in the eyes until multiple referees restore order. Pearce retreats, and Colt Cabana asks him how it feels to tap out before telling him that he will take his title and buy everyone a drink.

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