Thursday, September 19, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for September 19, 2024

Alisha Edwards shows up to start tonight's show and calls what happened to The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha, Brian Myers, Moose) at Victory Road "a travesty," as she is no longer a champion in TNA. She says that if it were not for "Masha Slamo-witch," she would still be champion. She also says that if Masha Slamovich thought she would embarrass her in front of the world, then she has another thing coming. Masha shows up, and Alisha says that Masha cannot do anything to her because she is under concussion protocol. Alisha then says she is the brains of the team and that Masha is nothing without her, and that Masha does not understand a word she is saying because she cannot speak English. Masha takes the microphone and speaks to Alisha in Russian, then says - in English - that she understands perfectly and that she is sick of hearing her voice and that she is sick of her, just like the fans. Suddenly, Masha is attacked from behind by Tasha Steelz, but Tasha fights back until she is struck from behind with a shinai by Alisha. Tasha Steelz gets her turn with the shinai when Jordynne Grace suddenly shows up and blocks the shinai with the Knockouts World title. Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers soon show up, but so do The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy). The System (Eddie, Myers, Alisha) and Tasha Steelz get out of dodge as Masha, Jordynne and The Hardys stand tall in the ring, then Director of Authority Santino Marella arrives. Santino makes a six-person tag match between The System and the team of Masha Slamovich and The Hardys, then Arianna Grace shows up and makes a tag match with Jordynne and Karmen Petrovic against the team of Wendy Choo and Rosemary for next week.

Backstage, Eric Young speaks with "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander. Young says he has been in Alexander's position and has danced with the devil in the pale moonlight, and that they both look at the business in the same way. He says it is about respect and that the young guys are watching his every move, then tells Alexander that this is bigger that he is and that he needs to think about what he is doing and take it seriously, as he is a leader here.

Backstage, Masha Slamovich is met by Jordynne Grace, who says that she has wanted her to answer one of her open challenges for the Knockouts World Championship. Masha says they will be seeing each other pretty soon, but for now, she has other business. She then knocks on The Hardys' dressing room door to thank them, and reveals that she has met them as a kid and never thought she would team with them. Matt Hardy says that they have had dreams turn into realities themselves and says that they need to get ready for their match against The System tonight.

Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and KC Navarro) beats Sinner and Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams).

Backstage, Mike Santana shows up with a barbed wire baseball bat, saying he has dug out of holes his entire life and that he wants to see if JDC is willing to walk through the fire, as he will baptize him in his own blood.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews "Speedball" Mike Bailey. Speedball says it feels great to become X Division Champion again after one of the greatest matches in TNA history, and says that the X Division is the most competitive division in all of wrestling and that one must be the best of the best to keep the title. He calls Leon Slater and KUSHIDA two of the best in the world and that they will all have a championship match that they will not soon forget.

In post-show footage from Victory Road, Steph de Lander tells PCO that he will get his hands on Matt Cardona eventually and that he will have to be patient.

Rhino beats Matt Cardona by disqualification after Cardona hits Rhino with a chair that Rhino introduces into the ring. Afterwards, Cardona grabs the chair again only for the lights to go out, and when they come back on, PCO is in the ring, and he hits Cardona with a choke slam. Cardona then goes up top, but Cardona retreats. PCO then attacks the chair and even hits it with a PCO-Sault, and Cardona cannot believe what he is seeing as PCO keeps punching the chair with a ground and pound.

Before the next match, NXT-TNA Liaison Adrianna Grace congratulates Spitfire on winning the Knockouts Tag Team titles and says she has been watching the Knockouts division, and that she wants them to defend against new competition. She then introduces their next challengers: Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright.

Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) retain the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championships against Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright.

Backstage, Ash by Elegance and personal concierge George Iceman are met by Heather Reckless, who asks for their help and support and asks them to be in her corner for her match next week.

Mike Santana beats JDC in a Texas Death Match after jumping off a ladder and splashing JDC through a table. After the match, Santana is attacked from behind with a metal folding chair by Moose.

Backstage, Sinner and Saint are met by "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander, who says that they have a ton of potential and to not let a loss like tonight's set them back, then says they will get to where they want to be and tells them not to hesitate to reach out for advice.

We see another vignette for Lei Ying Lee (formerly Xia Li in WWE), who is debuting next week.

Joe Hendry heads to the ring. Hendry says that this year has been a rollercoaster for him, but Victory Road was special, as he made a statement when he faced the very best in "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander and beat him. He says that he tapped Alexander out, then talks about how he had a goal to be the TNA World Champion when he came to TNA, and while he has had a huge amount of support, there are some in the back who do not want him to be successful. Hendry then says that does not matter, as fans around the world have chanted "We Believe," because no matter how much people try to hold him down, the audience lifted him up. As he says that he has a feeling that they will lift him up to the TNA World Championship, Frankie Kazarian suddenly shows up. Kazarian says the fans could not lift their own bellies to find their own genitals, much less Joe Hendry, and says that Hendry only beat Alexander because he had "a loaded weapon stuffed in his crotch." He then says that fans become sick of one-hit wonders and that he is sick of Hendry, his voice that makes him sound like "a cross between Shrek and Groundskeeper Willie" and Director of Authority Santino Marella protecting him. Kazarian then proclaims that if anyone is worthy of a shot at the TNA World Championship, it is him, as he believes in Frankie Kazarian. He also says that if "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth is any kind of man, he will show up in the ring and grant him his title shot. Nic Nemeth suddenly shows up, and Kazarian shows astonishment at Nemeth's appearance. Kazarian tells Nemeth that he scouted him at Victory Road and that he is taking his championship, but Nemeth tells Kazarian to shut up before congratulating Hendry on his Victory Road and that he has his eye on him before shaking his hand. Nemeth then addresses Kazarian, telling him to take his sunglasses off while indoors before telling him that the TNA World Championship is the only crown that matters and that this is as close as he will get to it. Santino Marella shows up and announces that next week, Kazarian and Hendry will face off in a #1 contender's match with the winner facing Nemeth for the TNA World Championship at Bound For Glory.

Masha Slamovich and The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy) beat The System (Eddie, Myers, Alisha) in a six-person tag team match. At one point in the match, Alisha grabs Matt Hardy by the ankle from the outside, but gets caught by the referee and ejected from ringside. As she leaves and yells at Masha and The Hardys, ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) show up and hook her by both arms before carrying her off to the back.

Here are the highlights from tonight's show!

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