Thursday, September 12, 2024

Honor Roll - Ring of Honor recap for September 12, 2024

Atlantis Jr. beats "Pretty" Peter Avalon in an ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground Match.

Backstage, Billie Starkz holds an emergency minion meeting with Athena to see what she has going on. Athena says she has perfection in mind for MIT, then proceeds to put Lexy Nair on a pedestal over Billie Starkz, saying Lexy has been critical to her success. Billie finally snaps and says Lexy has been getting credit for everything she has done as of late, and asks Athena if she has even watched the footage. Athena takes this as Billie snitching on Lexy and being envious of her, then says it is okay to feel that way before telling her not to let jealously overshadow her happiness for her new "number one Minion." She also tells her that "snitches get stitches" and that she is willing to do what she has done to her ten more times if she puts her hands on her or the ROH Women's World Championship again.

Queen Aminata beats Harley Cameron.

Top Flight (Darius Martin and Dante Martin) and Action Andretti beat Vin Parker, Dante Leon and CD Bennett.

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviews Harley Cameron when Rachael Ellering interrupts the interview much like when Harley interrupted her interview to the point that Harley gets frustrated and leaves.

The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) beat Fly Def (Warren J and Zack Zilla). After the match, The Outrunners are attacked by The Iron Savages (Boulder, Bronson, Jacked Jameson), but The Infantry ("The Captain" Shawn Dean and "Bad News and Tattoos" Carlie Bravo). Despite their past history, The Infantry and The Outrunners shake hands afterwards.

Robyn Renegade beats Angelica Risk.

Backstage, we hear from Jacoby Watts and Nick Comoroto. Jacoby Watts says that if "The Judge" EJ Nduka wants a fight, then he has a fight.

The Righteous (Vincent and Dutch) beat James Blackheart and JC Valentine.

Before the next match, "Smart" Mark Sterling gives Josh Woods and Tony Nese the night off due to Ariya Davairi wanting to do this match on his own, then says Daivari is the richest, most in-shape and most successful athlete to ever enter the state of Texas, while his opponent, who is from Texas, represents all the "fat losers" in the crowd. Daivari says that for the last month he has been here, there has been nothing he has wanted more than to punch all the fans in the face, but he would get arrested, so he will beat up a local Texas and kick his ass in front of all the fans instead.

Sammy Guevara beats Ariya Daivari after taking out "Smart" Mark Sterling as well as Tony Nese and Josh Woods, whose interference behind the ref's back backfires when Guevara kicks out of the hammerlock lariat.

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviews Red Velvet, and it becomes obvious that Lexy Nair is showing favoritism towards Billie Starkz. Red Velvet that Lexy Nair is bitter after being pushed around by Athena and that "the mean girl era" has ended, and that it is time to sweeten things up in ROH. Diamanté shows up and says the women's division does not need saving because it is a jungle out there, then says Red Velvet wants to be "Captain Save-A-Ho" and wants to do a good thing and says no good deed goes unpunished and that she is the punishment. Red Velvet says all Diamanté is doing is standing, and wants to know when she will step up. Diamanté says "You'll see."

Lady Frost beats Promise Braxton.

Willie Mack beats Exodus Prime.

Backstage, Anthony Henry says that JD Drake has be rehabbing and will be back soon, and is about to mention Beef when Beef shows up wet from getting ready. Anthony tells Beef that he needs to chill, gets a phone call from JD Drake, then warns Beef to chill out or else JD Drake will slap him in the face when he finally meets him.

Preston Vance beats KM.

Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico and Angelico) and Fuego del Sol beat Ace of Space Academy (LSG and Colton Charles) and Joe Alonzo in a six-man tag match with a submission from Angelico to LSG.

AR Fox and Komander beat Ariel Dominguez and Brillante RB.

Lio Rush beats Rocky "Azucar" Romero.

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