Thursday, September 12, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for September 12, 2024

Steve Maclin beats Hammerstone with a schoolkid pin. After the match, Hammerstone attacks Maclin from behind and puts him in the Torture Rack, but Eric Young runs to the ring and makes the save. Jake Something then shows up and stands alongside Hammerstone outside of the ring.

We hear from The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose, JDC). Eddie says everyone was praying for them to fail, but they got a "System reboot," and Myers says everyone saw what the reboot was all about. He says that they will annihilate The Hardys on their way to Victory Road. JDC says they are hungry and that they will forget their manners. Moose says that Alisha will still be queen of the Knockouts, JDC will still be a loose cannon, Myers will become a three-time tag team champion, Eddie will continue to be a legend, and he will be a four-time World Champion.

Backstage, Steve Maclin says that Eric Young showed him respect at Emergence, then Eric Young shows up. Maclin thanks Eric Young for having his back, then Eric Young says respect is a two-way street and that they will show Hammerstone and Jake Something that it is about the size of the fight in the dog at Victory Road.

Heather Reckless beats "The Quintessential Diva" Gisele Shaw. (The match is Gisele's last for TNA before heading to Scott D'Amore's revival of Maple Leaf Wrestling.) During the match, Ash By Elegance and personal concierge George Iceman show up to watch from ringside, and during the match, George Iceman distracts the referee so that Ash By Elegance can hit Gisele Shaw in the eye, allowing Heather to hit Wrecked for the win.

We see another vignette of the female wrestler, formerly known as Xia Li in WWE.

Matt Cardona heads to the ring, and demands that Steph de Lander head to the ring with him. Cardona takes the microphone from Steph before she can say much, then says it is obvious that Director of Authority Santino Marella has it out for him, as he has come back from a life-threatening injury only to be in a tag match with Rhino and PCO on his first match back. He says this is an unsafe working environment, then says he can pick his own tag team partner. He then introduces his tag team partner for Victory Road as none other than Steph de Lander. Cardona insists that Steph does not commit any funny business, because if she does not do as he says, he will send her back to Australia. Suddenly, PCO shows up and heads to the ring. Steph kicks Cardona in the groin, then PCO hits Cardona with a choke slam before hugging Steph.

Backstage, Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) is met by Gia Miller. Gia says that their careers are a lot for Spitfire to put on the line, but Jody Threat says they have been scraping from the bottom to get to where they are. Dani Luna says that they may need everything on the line to prove that they have the heart to win the Knockouts Tag Team titles.

ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) beat Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and KC Navarro) in a Tornado Match.

We see a vignette for Jonathan Gresham regarding Gresham's octopus mask as well as his shedding of it.

Joe Hendry heads to the ring. Joe Hendry wants to know if Josh Alexander lives by the mantra of "Say his name and he appears," then calls him out for what he did to him. Alexander shows up in the upper seats, saying it is for Hendry's safety, and tells him to go ahead and play what funny video he has of him. We then see a music video where Joe Hendry makes fun of Josh Alexander and the fact that he never smiles before calling him "Kurt Angle from Wish." An angry Alexander says he has nothing to smile about and that he should be the one in NXT snapping ankles and dropping people on his heads while , but they picked the one guy who can't back it up when the bell rings. He then says he traveled the world for two decade and did everything the right way only for Joe Hendry to steal his thunder and take opportunities from him with a few videos that went viral. He then says that if Hendry wants to see him smile, he will not be able to see it after he destroys him at Victory Road and the fans start chanting for him again. Hendry, seeing that Alexander is frustrated, notes that he saw a sign earlier saying "Walking Weiner." This starts a "Walking Weiner" chant. Alexander tells Hendry he has dug his own grave a little bit deeper and that he will end him at Victory Road once and for all so the fans can see what a real professional wrestler looks like. Hendry says he has also traveled the world and made believers out of people, and says that Alexander sounds like all of his critics. He also says the fans will chant that they believe even louder when he beats Alexander at Victory Road.

Backstage, Jordynne Grace meets with Arianna Grace, saying that she and Karmen Petrovic are welcome here, but Wendy Choo is not. Arianna says Wendy is not in the building and promises that nothing will happen to Jordynne at Victory Road, but Jordynne is skeptical, saying that promises mean something in TNA as opposed to NXT.

We hear from Mike Santana, who says that everybody knows where he has been and what he has done and that his sights are set on the World Championship and Victory Road. He says "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth has taken the World Championship all over the world, but he hopes that Moose wins the world title, as it will be another thing that he takes from Moose along with his pride and dignity when he makes him suffer.

Before the next match, personal concierge George Iceman makes fun of the fans for being fat and toothless before telling them that they will be witnessing history and introducing Ash By Elegance.

Ash By Elegance beats Xia Brookside after personal concierge gets on the ring apron to beg Brookside off. This allows Brookside to avoid another Meteora to the back of the neck, and also allows Heather Reckless to suddenly show up and pull Brookside by the arm to ram her shoulder into the ring post, giving Ash the win.

We hear from "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth, who says that Moose had his chance to look him in the eye and blew it when he took to social media to complain. He says words do not hurt him, but they seem to hurt Moose, and that he has been in the ring with Moose's heroes and that there is only one way to go at Victory Road: him kicking Moose in the face as hard as he can. He says Moose was the best, but now he is the rest, and he is the one getting the victory while Moose just gets the road.

Backstage, Ash By Elegance checks herself in the mirror when she finds out Heather Reckless is behind her. Personal concierge George Iceman likes Heather's attitude, but not her wardrobe, and Ash finds Heather's actions interesting. George Iceman then hands Heather his number if she wants a personal makeover.

The Hardys (Jeff and Matt Hardy) beat The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers).

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