Saturday, September 21, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for September 21, 2024

Dustin Starr interviews Big John Dalton and Coach Pillar at the announce desk. Coach Pillar announces that $19,000 was raised for St. Jude Children's Hospital, and Big John Dalton says it was great to raise that much money in his own backyard.

Big John Dalton beats Jay Smooth (who is still waiting for a call from "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock), then celebrates in the audience with Coach Pillar.

Tim Bosby retains the Memphis Wrestling Internet Championship against Ethan Steele in a Tim Bosby Open Invitational Match.

We see Mike Anthony, who says that he is back in control and back in his original form.

Dustin Starr interviews Mackenzie Morgan at the announce desk. Mackenzie says she does not care if the match with C-Rex happens, but she does care about the target that Nixi XS has put on her back while hiding behind C-Rex because she knows she cannot beat her. Nixi XS shows up, and Mackenzie tells Nixi to get in the ring and prove. Nixi says she can beat Mackenzie any day of the week and look twice as good doing it, and tells Mackenzie to take her name out of her mouth. Mackenzie then gets in the ring and dares Nixi to get in.

We see footage of Jonathan Gresham helping out the trainees in the WrestleCenter as Gresham outlines his goals regarding what he wants to do as a trainer.

After the short break, Matchmaker King Cobra approves Nixi XS vs. Mackenzie Morgan for the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship.

Mackenzie Morgan retains the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship against Nixi XS after reversing a pinfall after a lungblower with an inside cradle in a match that sees Mackenzie losing one of her front teeth. After the match, Nixi XS says she is sick and tired of Mackenzie getting lucky, and C-Rex shows up as Nixi says she will cash in and have C-Rex crush Mackenzie like the gnat that she is before lifting the Women's Championship and handing it to her.

Sycho Simon beats J. Webb in a No Rules, No Regrets Match after piledriving J. Webb through a table from the ring apron.

Backstage, someone is buying snacks when they find a pamphlet for Reverend Ash Taylor's Righteous Path.

Dustin Starr interviews "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock and his Secret Service agents at the announce desk. Blaylock says "GTH" means "Go To Hollywood" and that many people have been coming to him wanting to join The Hollywood Clique. He then says that there are a lot of shenanigans going on in Memphis Wrestling, yet there are good people backstage who know that he can take someone and make them into a diamond. He then introduces his new client, "All The Way" Ray Collins. The fans chant "No Way Ray" as Blaylock hands Collins a handful of $100 bills before proclaiming that they are coming for all of the championship gold in Memphis Wrestling and that they mean business.

"The Problem" Aaron Roberts retains the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship against "The GunShow" Brett Michaels and K-Toomer in a Triple Threat Match. During the match, Justin Case hands a cloth full of ether, and K-Toomer is able to wrestle the cloth from Roberts before GunShow hits him with a GunShow Lariat. Roberts tosses GunShow out of the ring and pins K-Toomer to retain. After the match, GunShow and K-Toomer have a staredown in the middle of the ring, and both men soon brawl before K-Toomer chokes GunShow out. Aaron Roberts and Justin Case return, and K-Toomer dares Roberts to get back in the ring.

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