Friday, September 6, 2024

THE NXT LVL - NXT LVL UP recap for September 6, 2024

Izzi Dame beats Layla Diggs.

In footage from earlier this week, Dani Palmer meets with Lainey Reid. Dani says that Lainey has been impressing her and challenges her to a match. Lainey says she would be honored.

Dani Palmer beats Lainey Reid.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Sarah Schreiber interviews Drake Morreaux, who says that he has been waiting a long time to face Dante Chen. He says he has to go through Dante Chen to make a name for himself, and while he came up short last time, he has gone back and studied film because he knew he would face him again. Morreaux says he is in for an uphill battle, and he is ready for the climb.

Dante Chen beats Drake Morreaux.

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