Friday, June 21, 2024

THE NXT LVL - NXT LVL UP recap for June 21, 2024

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe beat Cutler James and Dion Lennox.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Sarah Schreiber interviews Shiloh Hill, who is making his singles debut tonight. Shiloh introduces himself and mentions his history as a starting linebacker in Stanford University, and admits that he has has less time in the ring than everyone else. He then says that wrestling is not about time, but about heart, and that he has a big challenge in fourth-generation Superstar Uriah Connors, who is craftier and more experienced than he is. He also mentions that he graduated college with a 4.0 GPA, so when it comes to getting tested, he is doing alright.

Shiloh Hill beats Uriah Connors in his singles debut.

Karmen Petrovic beats Wren Sinclair.

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