Friday, June 14, 2024

THE NXT LVL - NXT LVL UP recap for June 14, 2024

The D'Angelo Family (Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino) beat Jasper Troy and Shiloh Hill (with Shiloh Hill losing a tooth).

In backstage footage from earlier today, Sarah Schreiber interviews Kendal Grey, who says it is a wonderful opportunity to step into the ring with someone as talented and fierce as Izzi Dame. She says she is still finding her groove, but she is evolving and adapting and that it is time to step into "the Kendal Grey area."

Kendal Grey gets an upset victory on Izzi Dame. After the match, Izzi Dame attacks Kendal Grey, and Carlee Bright soon shows up and hits a double drop kick along with Kendal to knock Izzi out of the ring.

Andre Chase beats Lucien Price.

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