Thursday, June 20, 2024

Honor Roll - Ring of Honor recap for June 20, 2024

Titan beats Aaron Solo.

Cole Karter, Griff Garrison and Anthony Henry beat Serpentico and The Infantry ("The Captain" Shawn Dean and "Bad News and Tattoos" Carlie Bravo) in a six-man tag team match following the distraction by Maria Kanellis-Bennett, allowing Griff Garrison to win with a metal folding chair.

We see a video package for "Big Shotty" Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher in a two-out-of-three falls match for the ROH World Television Championship.

Lexy Nair interviews Athena and Billie Starks as part of an emergency Minion Empowerment Meeting. Athena shows up on crutches and a boot, and she confirms that she is injured. Athena says she tore a couple of ligaments in her ankle and that she will be out for four to six months. She says that she has put the ROH women's division on her back and that she did not think her championship reign would end like this, and that is is best for the division, Ring of Honor and MIT if she keeps the ROH Women's World Championship around her waist, as this is not how her reign will end and she will be ROH Women's World Champion forever. Queen Aminata and Red Velvet show up with a referee, and Aminata says that Athena's head and ego are way too big for the boot on her foot, and questions if she is really hurt before threatening to hurt her for real. Red Velvet says Athena and Billie have been ducking them for weeks, for they have met their match and they are scared. She says that Athena is faking her injury much like Billie Starks faked one to win, and when Billie shoves Aminata, Aminata shoves Billie into Athena, knocking her down. The referee has to keep Billie from going after Queen Aminata and Red Velvet before the medical staff checks on Athena.

Before the next match, Jacoby Watts gets in the ring. All of a sudden, Brandon Cutler says everyone has heard enough and asks if the fans here are educated enough to know what Watts is talkinga bout, then calls Nick Comoroto "[Watts'] little wet noodle" and tells him to put his microphone away for him. Comoroto responds with a headbutt, then Cutler hits Watts with a chop block.

Jacoby Watts beats Brandon Cutler.

"The Problem" Marina Shafir beats Maggie Minerva by submission.

Backstage, we hear from Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett). Bennett says they have many tag team titles, but they are never mentioned as one of the best tag team titles of all time, and that allows teams like "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard to think they can get a match against them whenever they want. Taven wants to know what their opponents have done since they have been here while they have been cementing their legacy, and says that their success is not a trend that will not be ending any time soon.

Before the next match, Jacked Jameson mocks the fans as well as their opponents, calling them "anorexic" and stating that "Boulder's morning BM" weighs more than them before threatening to relocate them from the "nowhere town" that they come from.

The Iron Savages (Boulder, Bronson, Jacked Jameson) beat Isaiah Harris, Jay Marston and Eric Eznite.

Lance Archer beats Deonn Rusman.

Backstage, we hear from Atlantis Jr., who wants to challenge the winner of tonight's main event of "Big Shotty" Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher in a two-out-of-three falls match for the ROH World Television Championship in Mexico in order to show that the best wrestlers come from Mexico and CMLL.

"Legit" Leyla Hirsch beats Diamanté with a counter into an inside cradle. Diamanté attacks Leyla after the match.

Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) retain the ROH World Tag Team Championships against "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard as Menard entertains the idea of using one of the tag team titles - which is introduced into the ring by Matt Taven - as a weapon.

Kyle Fletcher retains the ROH World Television Championship against "Big Shotty" Lee Johnson two falls to one (2-1) in a two-out-of-three falls match. Fletcher wins the first fall with a brainbuster followed by a piledriver after the near-fall, after a brainbuster on the apron and a powerbomb afterwards fails to finish the job. Afterwards, Lee Johnson is checked on by medical, and is deemed able to continue. Johnson scores the second fall with an inside cradle after shoving Fletcher into the corner to counter a move. Kyle Fletcher scores the third and deciding fall after Fletcher shoves Johnson into the ref, which allows Fletcher to kick Johnson in the groin and hit a brainbuster into the top turnbuckle to win and retain.

Here is the recap for tonight's show.

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