Saturday, June 1, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for June 1, 2024

The stranger in the fur coat with the walking stick has made it to the WrestleCenter.

Dustin Starr interviews K-Toomer at the announce desk. K-Toomer says that he carries the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship with pride as he has went through so much to get it and that he will not duck anybody, then Barnabas The Ringmaster shows up. Barnabas tells K-Toomer that he will not get rid of him and The Circuz (Barnabas, Maurice The Strong, Jacksyn Crowley, Abel Booker) that easily, and that for everything he has done to them, it will never be over until he says it is, and that the time of "K-Toomer's lie" is about to come to an abrupt end. Barnabas says K-Toomer's eternal damnation is about to begin before he introduces The Circuz's newest member: The man in the fur coat with the walking stick, whom Barnabas calls "The Eternal One" and the "Red Leg of Death." The man then comes out of his fur coat and reveals himself to a hirsute, unkempt wild man who Barnabas calls Herzog. Herzog and K-Toomer brawl, and when Barnabas distracts K-Toomer, Herzog hits K-Toomer with a chair.

Dustin Starr interviews Brooklyn Brawler, who shows up with J. Webb, at the announce desk. The Brooklyn Brawler says he is here for one reason and one reason only: to see a Memphis brawl. He says that where he comes from, people break arms and legs and that wrestling moves don't matter, and that he wants to see a brawl today.

"Main Event" Brad Skimahorn beats J. Webb in a Memphis Brawl. During the match, Bradley and Big Nasty Phil try to put J. Webb in a straitjacket, and after The Brooklyn Brawler puts a stop to that and takes out Phil, Bradley hits J. Webb with a foreign object and hides the evidence to get the win.

The L.A. Hustlers (Notorius Bradley and Ruffshot Lamont) as well as the team of Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders are seen outside of the WrestleCenter, ready for their Hustle Hard Match.

The L.A. Hustlers (Notorius Bradley and Ruffshot Lamont) beat Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders in a Hustle Hard Match after Bradley pins Derrick King by putting a chair on top of him and sitting on it while choking Derrick with the chair.

It is revealed that "Righteous" Ryan Rembrandt and Brother Bruce have been attacked backstage, and that "The GunShow" Brett Michaels has laid them both out.

We see footage of Buff Bagwell with Big John Dalton. Buff tells Big John that next week will be the biggest match of his career and that he will teach him the Buff Blockbuster, then finds out that Big John's new partner is here.

King Cobra and Michael beat The Hollywood Clique ("Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock and Van Viciouss) to keep their respective jobs of Matchmaker and Assistant Matchmaker for Memphis Wrestling.

We hear from Tim Bosby, who says that he will win the Internet Championship for the third time, and that he will Bos-Plex Aaron Roberts, take his title and prove he is nothing more than an egg sucking dog. We then find out he is squatting with a whole person on his shoulders.

We also hear from "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts and Justin Case. Roberts says he has beaten Tim Bosby twice for the Internet title and that he will beat him for a third time.

Before the next match, an angry Reverend Ash Taylor tells Brett Michaels every opportunity to join The Righteous Path only to be insulted and disrespected at every turn, and now Marrow will splatter him all over the WrestleCenter and hurt him in every way imaginable.

"The GunShow" Brett Michaels beats Marrow despite Reverend Ash Taylor's interference when Ash Taylor holds Brett Michaels down for a big boot only for Brett to dodge it and Marrow to kick Ash Taylor in the face again. Brett then hits the GunShow Lariat for the win.

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