Saturday, June 22, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for June 22, 2024

Before the next match, Barnabas the Ringleader introduces The Twins of Salem (Jacksyn Crowley and Abel Booker) and announces that they will make Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders pay in pain, then declares that Maurice the Strong and Herzog will destroy K-Toomer forever in the main event.

The Twins of Salem (Jacksyn Crowley and Abel Booker) beat Derrick King and Ray Ray Sanders after Ray Ray inadvertently hits Derrick King with a top rope cross body.

Dustin Starr interviews Mackenzie Morgan at the announce desk. Mackenzie says she has been Memphis Wrestling Women's Champion for 250 days and that she has held the title with pride, and says that she wants a fair fight against Bashley Bones after Bashley recently got an unfair fight.

Mackenzie Mitchell retains the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship against Bashley Bones.

Backstage, Matchmaker King Cobra and Assistant Matchmaker Michael are met by Sir Matthew and Lord Gaston, and they tell Matthew and Gaston that they must defend the tag titles against Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex). Gaston tries to feign injury to get out of the match, but Cobra and Michael are not buying it.

"All The Way" Ray Collins beats Jay Smooth.

Backstage, "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock gets a call from Van Viciouss and tells him that he has somebody he wants in The Hollywood Clique (Blaylock, Viciouss, Secret Service), and asks Van Viciouss to trust him as he knows this is going to work out.

We hear from Sycho Simon, who says that Real1 may be a bonafide G and a certified stud, but he is a psycho, and that he will beat him in tonight's main event at Autozone Park.

We hear from Tim Bosby, who says that he has been trying to get another shot at Aaron Roberts and the Memphis Internet Championship, but Roberts refuses to accept the match. He says he is willing to do anything, including risking everything, to become champion again.

We hear from Mike Anthony, who is still furious with his losing streak as of late as well as his lack of options aside from the one voice inside of his head.

Suckerboy beats Mike Anthony in his debut match with a Sunset Flip despite Mike Anthony attacking him before the bell.

The Last Savages (Gio Savage and Draco) beat The O'Neal Brothers (Steven and Devin O'Neal).

We see another message from Kurt Swiss, who says that he cannot help but be overwhelmed with sadness over how great Memphis used to be and that Memphis must go back to what it was once and what made it great, and next week, everyone will see what he means when he says that he will make Memphis great again. He says that Memphis does not need paper champions or hollow leaders, but someone like him with dignity who will carry it to the finish line. He says it will be a long, hard road, but with him, Memphis will be the greatest of all time.

K-Toomer reveals that his tag team partner is Assistant Matchmaker Michael.

K-Toomer and Michael beat The Circuz (Maurice the Strong and Herzog).

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