Saturday, June 15, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for June 15, 2024

Pete Pranica guests on commentary this week.

Dustin Starr interviews K-Toomer at the announce desk. K-Toomer says the Memphis Wrestling Heritage Championship is not going anywhere anytime soon, even as The Circuz (Barnabas the Ringmaster, Maurice the Strong, Jacksyn Crowley, Abel Booker) sticks their noses in his business. He tells "The GunShow" Brett Michaels that he appreciates his help, but he did not need it, and that he knows they are about their business, that it is all about the Heritage Championship, and that he wants to have their championship match the right way this time. K-Toomer then tells Brett Michaels to be ready, because he will be ready as well. He then re-addresses The Circuz, saying he has something that will put them out of business moving forward, and while The Circuz has the numbers game, if and when he needs a partner, he will pick that. He tells Brett Michaels that he appreciates the help again, but reminds him that they have bigger business in the Heritage Championship.

In the WrestleCenter parking lot, Kid Kash catches up with Tommy Dreamer, then finds out he is needed at the announce desk.

Dustin Starr interviews Kid Kash at the announce desk. Kid Kash says he has been travelling around and staying busy keeping up with the light heavyweight scene, and says that he has been retired since 2015 and would only come back if there is true competition out there for him. He also says he is here because he has heard that some of the best light heavyweights are being trained here, then says he will be at the announce desk to scout talent, and if anybody impresses him, they just might get a challenge.

We see Ray Ray Sanders training with some ropes in the WrestleCenter when Derrick King shows up. Ray Ray blames Derrick for their recent losses and says he is a big joke, and tells him to either step up or step aside.

"The Chosen One" Zay Washington beats "The Walking Red Flag" Colton Cage.

We see some odd monochrome footage of a professional wrestler alongside footage of an erupting volcano and alligator teeth.

We see footage of "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock holding open backstage auditions for The Hollywood Clique as Van Viciouss is out shooting a movie. One of the people to try out is Jay Smooth. Blaylock is unimpressed with Jay Smooth, but someone else in the distance catches his eye, and he has one of his Secret Service agents flag them down. That someone is Mike Anthony.

Just Jodie beats Raven Black with a schoolkid pin after Raven Black gets caught using the middle rope for leverage during a pinfall attempts and argues with the referee.

Dustin Starr interviews The Nyxx Network (Sir Matthew and Lord Gaston) at the announce desk as part of a Memphis Wrestling Tag Team Championship celebration. Matt says he is proud of himself and that while he has a very hot wife and three beautiful children, being a tag team champion with Lord Gaston is the happiest thing in his life, and says that they are so good at being champion, Pete Pranica can ride on their coattails, as the Memphis Grizzlies will never win an NBA Championship. Lord Gaston says he could not be happier than being a tag team champion again before making fun of Big John Dalton and proclaiming that nobody can beat them and that they will be tag team champions forever. As Sir Matthew proclaims that there is nobody in the locker room who can beat them, Too Kool II (Tim Grind and Flex) show up. Tim Grind hopes that Matthew and Gaston got the celebration out of their system and that they had a lot of fun, because Too Kool II are the number one contenders to their titles and they cannot wait to take their titles off their waists and put them back where they belong, as they look a little frail to be carrying them around. Flex says they have held tag team gold in Memphis wrestling history for over a year and have held tag team gold five times in all, and they are about to make it six. He also proposes that they can do this right now. Matthew and Gaston decline.

It is revealed that Kid Kash has been attacked in the WrestleCenter parking lot by Sycho Simon, who is seen in the distance.

Backstage, "All The Way" Ray Collins meets with Assistant Matchmaker Michael about getting a match. As Michael says he has to bounce the idea off Matchmaker King Cobra, Jay Smooth shows up wanting a match so he can win and impress "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock. As this goes on, J. Webb is seen watching from behind the door. Michael then makes a match between Ray Collins and Jay Smooth official.

The L.A. Hustlers (Notorious Bradley and Ruffshot Lamont) beat The Top Gunz (Brandon Beretta and Joey Vinetti).

We hear from Tim Bosby, who says that he had "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts dead to rights in the middle of the ring when he made him tap out, but Justin Case got involved and the next thing he knew, Roberts cheated him with a belt shot to the skull. Bosby demands one more shot at the Internet Championship from Roberts with no shenanigans.

"The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts and Justin Case show up, and Justin Case demands an opponent for Roberts while he guests on commentary despite the two of them not being on today's card, as he says that they are not playing around and they will show why Tim Bosby is undeserving of another title shot. Luke Justice shows up, and as soon as he gets in the ring, Roberts attacks him while Justin Case keeps talking on the microphone while pretending Luke Justice is Tim Bosby.

"The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts beats Luke Justice. After the match, Roberts hits Justice with the Problem Bomb, then powerbombs him in the center of the ring before telling Tim Bosby that he will have to earn another shot at the Internet Championship.

Dustin Starr interviews Tommy Dreamer at the announce desk. Dreamer mentions Kid Kash being jumped by Sycho Simon in the parking lot, then demands a match with Simon in the ring. When told that Simon is banned from entering the WrestleCenter for his actions as of late, Dreamer proposes a Parking Lot Brawl, saying he is here to chew gum and whoop that trick, and he is going to whoop that trick. Dreamer leaves and heads to the parking lot to look for Sycho Simon, but he is soon attacked from behind by Simon. This leads to a parking lot brawl, and Dreamer wraps a chain around Simon's neck before dragging him into the WrestleCenter. The brawl soon makes its way to the ring, and while Dreamer has the upper hand, Simon eventually overpowers him and elbow drops Dreamer as he is lying on a metal folding chair in the middle of the ring.

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