Sunday, June 2, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for June 2, 2024

Note: This episode is a replay of the October 9, 2021 episode of Championship Wrestling From Atlanta.

Violence of Action (Roman Rozell and Derek Pisatoro) beat Jonah Turk and Cliff Hendrix.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Marti Bell interviews Darius Bengston. Bengston says that tonight is the biggest opportunity of his career so far and that he is not scared of Alex Chamberlain, who he says will not come in the way of his dream. He says that Chamberlain will find out why he shines from Los Angeles to Essex, then Chamberlain shows up and says "Good luck tonight, kid."

Darius Bengston beats Alex Chamberlain with a jackknife pin.

Backstage, Dustin Starr interviews Reka Tehaka. She says she has heard what Heather Monore has to say and knows what she wants, then says she can beat her anywhere, any time and any place.

Jonathan Gresham beats Mike Bennett. During the match, both men have each others' shoulders down during an inside cradle, and after the commercial break, it is announced that management wants a clean finish and that the match is to be restarted immediately. Gresham beats Bennett after Bennett's shoulders are on the mat as Gresham has him in a Figure Four Leg Lock.

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