Saturday, June 29, 2024

Memphis Thing - Memphis Wrestling recap for June 29, 2024

Dustin Starr interviews Tim Bosby at the announce desk. Bosby says that at Championship Saturday, "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts cheated him even after he made him tap out in the middle of the ring, then says he knows Roberts is here today and that he wants one more match. He also says that Roberts is nothing more than an egg-sucking dog, to which the fans agree, and demands Roberts accept the challenge, even asking for Matchmaker King Cobra and Assistant Matchmaker Michael to make the match official. Matchmaker King Cobra shows up and says he has some good news and bad news. The good news is that he has a contract for the championship match today, but the bad news is that in order to get the signature, Bosby has to put his Memphis Wrestling contract. If Bosby wins, he is the champion again, but if he loses, he is gone from Memphis Wrestling. Bosby says that if this is what it takes, then he is on, as Roberts started this and he will end this and become a three-time champion.

Backstage, Big John Dalton is met by Coach Miller, who reminds him that all of the dirtsheets are talking about him and that he has gotten Memphis Wrestling a lot of views, and that he must keep the momentum going. He tells Big John Dalton that he should challenge for the Internet Championship, which Big John thinks is a good idea. Big John leaves to challenge for the Internet Championship.

Denzel Rollins beats Kurt Swiss with the Dismem-Bar.

Before the next match, Lord Gaston shows up with Sir Matthew with a cast on his right foot and a crutch.

Sir Matthew beats Tim Grind after Sir Matthew shoves Flex on the outside to distract the referee, which allows Lord Gaston to hit Tim Grind with his crutch to help Sir Matthew win. After the match, Tim Grind chases Lord Gaston to the back, and it becomes obvious that Gaston is not injured.

Backstage, "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock is on the phone with Van Viciouss, saying that the person he wants is at the bottom of the barrel and that he wants to help him out. Suddenly, one of the Secret Service agents tells him that everything is good to go.

"DDT" Diana Taylor beats Tootie Lynn after Tootie Lynn kicks the candy out of Makkari Kandy's hand, allowing Diana to get Tootie back into the ring for the DDT and the win.

"Main Event" Brad Skimahorn and Big Nasty Phil beat Steele Cross (Ethan Steele and Alex Cross) after Main Event Bradley hits Alex Cross with a foreign object from the ring apron.

Backstage, Assistant Matchmaker Michael is worried about Tim Bosby putting his Memphis Wrestling contract on the line. Matchmaker King Cobra says he trained Tim Bosby and knows he can get the job done. Meanwhile, J. Webb is spying on them.

Next week: "The GunShow" Brett Michaels!

We see images of sky, grass and a bonfire. "Reverend" Ash Taylor stands in front of this bonfire with Brother Bruce and Marrow, then points forward. Ash Taylor carries a red shinai in his hand, then Brother Bruce braces himself against a fence and takes lashes from it. Marrow also takes the same punishment. While Brother Bruce thanks Ash Taylor, Marrow simply laughs. Afterwards, Ash Taylor raises the shinai into the air.

Dustin Starr interviews Mackenzie Morgan at the announce desk. Mackenzie says that he loves the fans and that they are her world, and while she is in a world of war, she chooses peace, and she is a fighter for the fans. She says that she is the sound of his mother's scream and the message of his father's whisper as she conquers anything in her way. As for what is next, what happens happens, and she wants to be the fans' favorite. All of a sudden, an unknown female wrestler shows up, and she introduces herself to Mackenzie by punching her in the face. After another punch to the face, she gets Mackenzie in the ring and hits her with a Michinoku Driver before caressing her face. She then hits Mackenzie with a leg drop as security is at the ring. The mystery woman then makes it clear that she wants the Memphis Wrestling Women's Championship.

Tim Bosby beats "The Problem Child" Aaron Roberts to become Memphis Wrestling Internet Champion for a third time despite a pre-bell attack with the championship belt by Roberts and constant referee distraction by Justin Case after Bosby ducks a championship belt shot by Roberts, which hits Justin Case and knocks him off the ring apron. This allows Bosby to lock in the ankle lock and grapevine it, and without Justin Case on the ring apron to distract the referee again, Aaron Roberts has no choice but to tap out. (Had Tim Bosby lost, he would have been gone from Memphis Wrestling.)

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