Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for June 4, 2024

In backstage from earlier today, General Manager Ava and Mr. Stone wait with security for Ethan Page.

Roxanne Perez guests on commentary for the next match.

Jordynne Grace beats Stevie Turner. After the match, Roxanne Perez gets in the ring with Jordynne Grace and confronts her before shoving her. Jordynne shoves back harder, and Roxanne slips out of being slammed and retreats.

Backstage, Trick Williams finds out from Lash Legend that Ethan Page is talking with General Manager Ava, then says that their relationship is over as she has the opportunity to win the NXT Women's North American Championship. Trick says he is happy for Lash and tells her to get that title, and says he will take care of Ethan Page.

In backstage footage from earlier today, Shawn Spears tells some young stars, such as Uriah Connors and Je'Von Evans, that they have what they need to succeed and that he can help them as if they are lost souls. Josh Briggs shows up and confronts him, and tensions soon when it becomes clear to Josh that Shawn wants someone to manipulate. Je'Von has to stop Briggs before things get violent.

Booker T is in the ring with Lash Legend, Fallon Henley, SoL Ruca, Jaida Parker, Kelani Jordan and "Michin" Mia Yim for the NXT Women's North American Champion for the Women's North American Championship summit. Michin says she had to be a part of this, as she knows what it takes and has been in a ladder match before and loved it, even though she had her face shattered, and she gets to be herself and walk out as champion. Jaida Parker says this is not "black and gold" and that she will leave Michin "black and blue." Fallon says she will be champion and that she will have to carry dead weight or care about feelings, but Kelani says Fallon's name is not on the title. She says that everyone is more than qualified, but that nobody is willing to do whatever it takes to become a champion and that her people need a champion like her. Sol Ruca says she was going to sit back and let everyone get their jabs and insult in, as everyone thinks that they are the one, but five of them are going to be wrong and five souls will be snatched. Lash Legend says she will not be snatched and that while it has been a rough couple of weeks, she will go from having potential to becoming a champion, and Jaida says he never thought Lash could think of anything but "Big Trick Willy." This starts a brawl, and Booker T gets out of the ring before it starts. As this goes on, Mr. Stone arrives and states that per General Manager Ava, there will be a six-woman tag match between everyone tonight.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey does his best Robert de Niro "You talkin' to me" impression, and Myles Borne and Damon Kemp join in before Dempsey tells Kemp that he needs to take care of business tonight.

Backstage, Ridge Holland joins Andre Chase to escore Thea Hail to the ring for the next match after Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne say that they are staying behind.

Jazmyn Nyx beats Thea Hail with a Pele Kick after trapping the referee in the corner as Thea has her in a Kimura Lock.

Backstage, Ethan Page leaves General Manager Ava's office, having left a lot of demands for his deal. Meanwhile, Mr. Stone mentions the six-woman tag match later tonight and says he needs something to spice it up.

In footage from earlier today, The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) is seen attacking Nathan Frazer and Axiom at an official merchandise truck until security steps in. It is then announced that The O.C. have been thrown out of the building for tonight's show by General Manager Ava, and that The O.C. will return at Battleground.

Backstage, it is revealed that Shawn Spears has laid Josh Briggs out with a chair. Je'Von Evans confronts Shawn Spears, then brawls with him on the way to the ring. Security steps in as Spears rams Je'Von into the ring steps. Spears cleans off the announce table, but Je'Von hits him with a back body drop onto the table and gets the upper hand.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews The D'Angelo Family (Tony D'Angelo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, Arianna Rizzo, Luca Crusifino). Tony D'Angelo says he has become acclimated to Heritage Cup rules thanks to Luca Crusifino, and now he is in control.

Tony D'Angelo retains the NXT Heritage Cup Championship with two straight falls (2-0) against Damon Kemp. D'Angelo scores the first fall with 1:02 (one minute, two seconds) left in Round 1 with a Fisherman's Suplex. D'Angelo scores the second and defining fall only eight seconds in (2:52; two minutes, fifty-two seconds) after a dazed D'Angelo hits Kemp with a spinebuster out of nowhere.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviews General Manager Ava, who says Ethan Page is insistent on signing the contact in the ring and that Ethan wants a lot of things before he signs. Trick Williams shows up and tells Ava to give Ethan what he wants, and if Ethan wants to do this in public, he will be there. Ava then takes a phone call from Sexxy Red.

Backstage, Jordynne Grace is met by "Michin" Mia Yim as well as Sol Roca. Jaida Parker wants a stop to the ass-kissing, which Michin takes offense to. Arianna Grace suddenly meets with Jordynne regarding the idea of facing Roxanne Perez, then Tatum Paxley shows up and creeps Jordynne out.

We see a video package for the NXT Underground Match between "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler and Lola Vice at Battleground.

Natalya beats Izzi Dame following a series of pinfall reverses.

Backstage, Nathan Frazer and Axiom say The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) are not tough, as they are getting back up and beating them to retain the NXT tag team titles at Battleground.

Before the next match and during the commercial break, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe are attacked by Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang). Gallus take offense to Mark Coffey and Wolfgang being banned from ringside while Sexxy Red was allowed there, and Joe Coffey says that the fans would only respect them if they did everything popular. Mark says they are here to be professional wrestlers, not social media influencers, and Wolfgang says the younger superstars are ruining everything they have built. Joe Coffey says Gallus are three grown men, and that they have business to take care of. Suddenly, Oba Femi shows up and says he knows Gallus are powerful as a group, but he can still beat Joe Coffey. Wes Lee shows up in the crowd and says he has take care of three angry men in Gallus to deal with to win back the North American Championship. Gallus attacks Oba Femi, but Wes Lee goes after Gallus, and the numbers game works in Gallus' favor.

We see Wendy Choo get out of bed, wash her face, and break a mirror as soon as it is revealed that Wendy is wearing dark make-up. It is then revealed that Wendy Choo is returning next week.

Backstage, Lexis King brags about beating Dante Chen down so badly last week before he is suddenly attacked by Dante Chen. Officials have to break up the brawl, and Lexis says they will finish this once and for all.

"Michin" Mia Yim, Sol Ruca and Jaida Parker beat Lash Legend, Kelani Jordan and Fallon Henley in a six-woman tag match after everyone attacks each other and Sol Ruca hits Lash Legend with the Sol Snatcher. During the match, Michin and Jaida Parker argue with each other, and Jazmyn Nyx and a masked Jacy Jayne show up to watch from the ramp.

Backstage, Stevie Turner asks General Manager Ava for another match as Ava heads to the ring.

Backstage, we hear from Eddy Thorpe, who says that his thoughts turn to memories as he looks into the sacred fire. He mentions that he comes from a long lineage of fighters (which includes The Briscoe Brothers [Jack and Jerry Briscoe], "Chief" Jay Strongbow (who was not actually Native American) and Wahoo McDaniel, and that he fights for representation, then says his mind and body have been cleansed and that he comes back to NXT to execute with his eyes open.

General Manager Ava introduces Ethan Page to the ring for his NXT contract signing.Ava says she does not like handling business like this, but she will make an exception here, and demands Ethan sign the contract. Ethan tells Ava she will have to get used to him calling the shots, for when he signs, he will get a lot of perks nobody else will get. Ava says she does not like handling business like this, but she will make an exception here, and demands Ethan sign the contract. Ethan tells Ava she will have to get used to him calling the shots, for when he signs, he will get a lot of perks nobody else will get.Ava says she will not sign with the demands Ethan wants, but Ethan says she has no choice as she has to sign him, as NXT lost eight wrestlers in the draft and left a void that he can fill and take the brand to new heights on the way to a new home. Ethan says he could have sat at home and collect a check for the next two years, but he is not about that, and while Ava might really hate him, she knows he is a talented mega-star and that he has earned the ego that he has. As he says that he not stated opinions and has only spat facts, Trick Williams shows up. Ethan Page tosses the table out of the ring, then says nobody is getting put through a table as he is only here to handle business. Trick tells Ava to give Ethan what he wants so that he and the fans can get what they wants, which is whipping Ethan's ass, then tells Ethan that this is his house and that he has been here for a while and that Ethan cannot jump him and jump the line. Trick then says he will make an example out of Ethan Page and take him out, then Ethan says that while Trick has every right to be ticked off, they have more in common that he thinks and that he was once in his tag team partner's shadow but could not break out. He congratulates Trick on being able to break out, but warns him that the NXT Championship comes with a big target and a spotlight that he craves, and that the attack was him making his own opportunity. He then signs the contract. Trick then asks Ava to sign the contract, but Ava says she cannot agree to the stipulation. Ethan says that if Ava signs, she gives him his first match in NXT at Battleground for the NXT Championship and she signs for the end of the "Whoop That Era." Trick says Ava has been here with him since the 2.0 days while Ethan has no history here, and that on Sunday, he will whup him. Ava signs the contract.

Here are the full highlights for tonight's show!

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