Friday, June 14, 2024

Against All Odds 2024 - The Results

Sami Callihan beats Jonathan Gresham on the countdown after KUSHIDA shows up for the first time in weeks and swabs a bunch of black ink out of Gresham's ink with a rag in one hand while carrying a vial in the other.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose). Alisha says they will start off hot and that she and Masha Slamovich will walk out tonight as Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Eddie says "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth have wanted this, but their dream of wrestling The System for tag team gold will turn into a nightmare very quickly. Myers says Nic and Ryan will find out that The System never fails, and that they can always trust The System. Moose says "Broken" Matt Hardy has done a lot of talking and that his family has embarrassed and humiliated his, and when all is said and done, Matt Hardy will learn to "trust the goddamn System."

Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich retain the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championships against The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle) on the countdown.

Mike Santana and Steve Maclin beat The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz). Both men shake hands after the match.

Backstage, we hear from "Broken" Matt Hardy, who says that tonight is the night that he becomes TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and that he will make The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) obsolete when he breaks Moose and deletes his championship reign under "Broken Rules," which means that there are no rules. He says Moose may think he has the advantage, but he has broken brilliance, and tonight will end with him holding the World Heavyweight Championship.

Before the next match, AJ Francis calls Chicago, Illinois "the worst city in the United States," then says he hates Chicago while wearing a Chicago Bulls jersey by clarifying that it is a Scottie Pippen jersey and that "Michael Jordan didn't win anything until Scotty Pippen showed up." He also says that TNA never reached its full potential until it became "TNAJ Francis."

PCO beats Rich Swann despite the attempted interference by AJ Francis. After the match, Steph de Lander shows up and says she has made PCO wait long enough, and that she will go on a date with him.

The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) retain the TNA World Tag Team Championships against "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth. Early on in the match, Dirty Dango shows up and gets Alisha Edwards ejected from ringside for getting involved in the match. Later on in the amtch, the referee gets pulled out of the pinfall during a pinfall attempt by Ryan Nemeth, and as the referee cannot tell who did it between Moose and Dango, Nic Nemeth takes out Moose, and Dirty Dango takes a shot at Nemeth from the outside of the ring, allowing Eddie to hit the Boston Knee Party for the win. After the match, Dango celebrates briefly with The System (Eddie, Alisha, Myers, Moose).

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey). Austin says that they do not play the luck game and that they make their own luck. He says that tonight is what is important, as they swing the momentum back in their favor and focus on the tag team title shot that they still have in the tank. Chris Bey says it has been two years since they first teamed up, and that tonight is where it all begins again.

Before the next match, Joe Hendry says there was speculation as to where he would be tonight, but he chose to be here in Chicago, Illinois and here in TNA. He says that he is facing a TNA legend in Frankie Kazarian tonight, then asks Kazarian if anyone has noticed his resemblance to Antonio Banderas, as he has had a classic like Desperado but has held on a little too long. He says there comes a time when Kazarian must ask himself if he is really "The King of TNA" or the dad from Spy Kids. This leads to a "Dad from Spy Kids" chant. He then then says it is more about what one sounds like than what one looks like, and it sounds like the fans believe in Joe Hendry.

Frankie Kazarian beats Joe Hendry after poking Hendry in the eye as Hendry goes for a belly-to-back suplex at the ring apron. After the match, Kazarian continues to attack Hendry and puts him in the crossface chickenwing, then Ace Steel shows up and confronts Kazarian and tells him to leave Hendry alone. Kazarian shoves Steel as soon as Steel turns his back, and Steel responds by punching Kazarian in the face.

Before the next match, Trent Seven says they may be in Mustafa Ali's hometown, the Chicago, Illinois crowd will want to see something. He mentions Tom Hannifan's interview with Ali, and reveals that the cameras kept rolling after the interview was over. We see footage of Mustafa Ali chewing out his security force before chewing out Campaign Singh, saying he does not live in Chicago and would not raise his family in such "a crime-ridden hellhole." When Singh asks Mustafa asks if he wants his title, Mustafa calls the X Division Championship "a piece of shit" and "a prop that means nothing" before leaving the room.

Mustafa Ali retains the TNA X Division Championship against Trent Seven with the Sharpshooter after raking Seven's eyes, tripping him off the top rope and hitting the top rope 450 splash to his legs before making him tap out to the Sharpshooter.

Backstage, Frankie Kazarian says that he is setting himself on the path to the World Championship, yet Ace Steel had the audacity to put his hands on him. Director of Authority Santino Marella shows up, and after Kazarian says that he wants Ace Steele in a match but that Steele would probably use a weapon, Santino makes the match official and makes it a Chicago Street Fight.

ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey) beat "The Walking Weapon" Josh Alexander and Eric Young after Young inadvertently punches Alexander in the face as Chris Bey goes for The Art of Finesse.

Jordynne Grace's open challenge for the TNA Knockouts World Championship is answered by Tatum Paxley from NXT. Before the match can occur, Ash by Elegance's personal concierge George Iceman says that Jordynne attacked and assaulted Ash by Elegance. He says that they have talked to their lawyers and have decided out of the goodness of their hearts not to prosecute and press charges, then says they will keep their distance from Jordynne as she is "violent and unpredictable" before introducing Ash by Elegance. Ash shows up, and she and her personal concierge watch from the entrance tunnel while drinking champagne.

Jordynne Grace retains the TNA Knockouts World Championship against Tatum Paxley. After the match, Ash by Elegance gets in the ring and punches Jordynne in the back of her left knee with her jeweled knuckles. Jordynne counters with a spinebuster before throwing Ash out of the ring, and Ashc omplains that her back has been injured. At ths point, Jordynne has Ash's jeweled knuckles, and after throwing them at personal concierge George Iceman, Jordynne pours a bottle of champagne on Ash's face and blinds her before drinking some of the champagne.

Slammiversary is live on pay-per-view on Saturday, July 20th!

Moose retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against "Broken" Matt Hardy in a Broken Rules Match. At the beginning of the match, Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers are taken out of the match by "The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth, who show up and brawl with Eddie and Myers, taking their brawl to the back in the process. Later on in the match, Alisha Edwards hits Matt Hardy with a shinai, and Reby Sky shows up and fights Alisha, hitting her with a Twist of Fate. Shortly after this, Moose throws Reby into Matt's path as he tries to Spear Moose through a table, then Moose hits a Spear of his own to win and retain. After the match, The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) attack Matt and Reby, then Nic and Ryan Nemeth show up again to make the save only to be overpowered. Joe Hendry shows up and fights Moose only to be taken out as well, then Jeff Hardy - fresh out of AEW - shows up with a chair and swings away at The System, hitting Moose with a Twist of Fate before Matt does the same. Jeff then hits Moose with a Swanton Bomb to end the show.

Here are the full highlights from tonight's show!

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