Sunday, June 23, 2024

Championship Gold - Championship Wrestling recap for June 23, 2024

Note: This episode is a repeat of Championship Wrestling From Atlanta from October 24, 2021.

Before the next match, Howdy Price says he and Levi Shapiro have officially arrived and that they can see why they waited: it smells bad here due to the manure used for Georgia's peaches. He says that he has brought something more exciting that than the new tree that has sprouted out around here, and that they will lay down an open challenge to anyone in the locker room with one year of experience. Suddenly, Jonah Turk shows up to accept the challenge.

Levi Shapiro quickly retains the United Television Championship against Jonah Turk with the claw from the top rope.

Backstage, Dustin Starr interviews Manny Lemons, who reminds the people who he is after saying that he has not lost his zest.

Baron Black beats Manny Lemons with a Texas Cloverleaf. After the match, Baron Black calls out Lord Crewe, saying he just woken one of the biggest technical giants, that it is "on sight," and that his ass is grass the next time he sees him.

Backstage, we hear from Effy, who says that he tends to make Championship Wrestling From Atlanta his personal buffet table and take it over, and that he will be eating those oysters, collecting those pearls, and that Atlanta will soon be his home.

Heather Monroe beats Reka Tehaka. During the match, Heather grabs the timekeeper's chair. When the referee takes it away, Heather hits Reka with her fan, then hits a backpack stunner for the win. Reka Tehaka tries to kick out, but she kicks out too late.

Backstage, Marti Belle interviews Lord Krewe. Krewe says his recent actions spoke louder than his words, then says "Any other questions?"

The Tate Twins (Brandon and Brent Tate) beat inFAMy (Robin Steele and Joeasa). After the match, inFAMy hit The Tate Twins with a low blow as The Rapture watch from ringside and enjoy what they see.

Backstage, Marti Belle interviews "Outlandish" Zicky Dice. Zicky says that what others call "chaos," he calls "outlandish." Suddenly, Dani Jordyn shows up and tells Zicky Dice there's something he'll want to see backstage, then tells Marti Belle she "smells like a baby prostitute."

Effy beats "Uptown" Andy Brown after reversing the Fatality into a jackknife pin.

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