Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Generation NXT - NXT recap for June 11, 2024

Kelani Jordan heads to the ring to start tonight's show. Kelani says she has won many gymnastics championships in her life, but nothing compares to becoming the first-ever NXT Women's North American Championship, and says that while it was a fight on Sunday, she will remember this for the rest of her life. She also says that with no prestige or legacy to uphold with her title, she has to make one herself, and she will prove day in and day out in the ring that no one can "do it like 'Lani." Jaida Parker shows up and says all Kelani Jordan proved is that she can scurry up a ladder like a squirrel, then namedrops "Michin" Mia Yim as she says she will be the next Women's North American Champion before she is suddenly attacked by Michin. This starts a match.

"Michin" Mia Yim beats Jaida Parker with a roll-up. During the match, The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) show up to check on Michin, then Jaida Parker gets a chair. As Gallows distracts the referee, Anderson takes the chair away, and Michin rolls Jaida up for the win.

In footage from yesterday, New Catch Republic (Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne) stand up for Wes Lee. Tyler Bate says he will not stand by and let Wes Lee get bullied, then Pete Dunne tells Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) to prove themselves in the ring.

Backstage, Chase University is divided when it comes to Ridge Holland, with Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne saying they do not trust Ridge. Thea Hail finally yells at everyone to stop arguing and realize they have all been in a situation of being untrustworthy. She then says that they are all Chase U and that this is not a teachable moment; this is the truth.

We see footage of "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes outside of the building with fans from earlier today.

Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) beat Wes Lee and New Catch Republic (Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne) in a six-man tag match.

Backstage, Jaida Parker mentions her loss to Bronco Nima and Lucien Price and The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) getting themselves involved, then mentions that she will run Michin out of NXT.

Backstage, Malik Blade and Edris Enofé want Brinley Reece to be careful tonight. Brinley says she appreciates the concern, then says Wendy Choo is a sweetheart and that they will have a fun match.

We see a travel diary of Sol Ruca's time in Las Vegas for NXT Battleground.

Wendy Choo - now with a darker appearance and personality - beats Brinley Reece with a straitjacket hold.

In footage from after last week's show, Oro Mensah attacks Ethan Page and security has to step in. We also see footage from before NXT Battleground where Oro attacks Ethan again, as well as another post-show attack from Oro on Ethan at Battleground. It is now announced that as per General Manager Ava, Oro Mensah has bene fined as well as banned from the building tonight.

Outside of the building, Byron Saxton interviews Roxanne Perez. Roxanne brags about beating Jordynne Grace and retaining the NXT Women's Championship, then mentions her State of the Women's Division address before Mr. Stone congratulates her and asks what will be in her address. Roxanne says everyone will have to wait just like she did for her opponent on Sunday.

"The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes heads to the ring. Rhodes says "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles has been a lot of things throughout his career, then says that he will add quitting to him to his career on Saturday. Suddenly, Trick Williams shows up. Trick says that he and Cody have had similar journeys, huge mountains to climb and huge chips on their shoulders to get to where they are now, and now that they have their championships on the other side of the mountain, everything feels different now. He says that instead of chasing something, they have what they chased, and now people are attacking them. He then asks Cody how he deals with all this. Cody says that even though they have conquered similar mountains, there is another mountain for Trick to climb. He then says he does not want to get ahead of himself, then says General Manager Ava has allowed him to reveal his next challenger for the NXT Championship. Cody announces that the next challenger will be decided in a 25-man over-the-top-rope battle royal, and some of the people in the match may come from different locker rooms. Trick stops Cody as he leaves, saying that July 4th is around the corner, and asks him if he is coming to the cook-out. Cody says yes, and both men hug before Cody's theme is played.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Dante Chen, who says that while Lexis King may dismiss his two victories against him, he will leave a lasting impression with cane shots on his body before striking at some pipes. Dante then says his Singaporean spirit will teach him discipline as he ends this on his terms.

Backstage in the women's locker room, Carlee Bright introduces herself to Wendy Choo, but finds out like everyone else in the room that Wendy's dark side is out there for all to see.

The WWE 2024 NIL class is seen in the front row.

Lexis King beats Dante Chen in a Singapore Cane Match after hitting Dante with a low blow and nailing him in the throat with his own cane.

Backstage, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx are met by Cody Rhodes, who gifts Jacy with his "Undashing" face mask from out of a brown paper bag.

Eddy Thorpe returns next!

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson catch up with "Michin" Mia Yim, who announces that she is the next challenger for the Women's North American Championship. Anderson says that Styles will become WWE Champion at the same time that Michin tastes gold.

Before the next match, someone tries to get his hands on Vic Joseph at the announce table. (It is later revealed via social media that this is Brooks Jensen.)

Eddy Thorpe beats Tavion Heights.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey has been watching the last match, and he tells Myles Borne to go get Tavion Heights so they can recruit him. When Damon Kemp says they do not need new members in No Quarter Catch Crew (Dempsey, Kemp, Borne), Dempsey mentions his failure to win back the Heritage Cup.

Backstage, General Manager Ava and Mr. Stone talk in the office regarding Roxanne Perez's State of the Women's Division address when Stevie Turner shows up and says that she has overheard Roxanne wanting an apology from Ava. Ava then gets an important phone call.

Shawn Spears beats Je'Von Evans after Je'Von Evans leaps backwards off the middle rope and lands face-first on the announce desk.

Backstage, Nathan Frazer and Axiom are with New Catch Republic (Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne) in the locker room when The D'Angelo Family (Tony D'Angelo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino) shows up. Tony D'Angelo says he did not think Nathan Frazer and Axiom did not have it in them, and D'Angelo wants to give him a history lesson on the Heritage Cup. After The D'Angelo Family leaves, Axiom wants Frazer to focus, but Frazer says he can be a double champion, as he misses holding the Heritage Cup.

Backstage, "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes is met by Shawn Spears, "All Ego" Ethan Page and Lexis King - all good friends who used to be in All Elite Wrestling - who all say they will win the battle royal next week.

Roxanne Perez heads to the ring for her State of the Women's Division address. Roxanne says she has upheld her promise to protect the NXT Women's Championship and that there are levels to this and nobody is on hers. She says that the fans are just finding out what she has always known, then asks General Manager Ava to head to the ring. Ava shows up and congratulates Roxanne, but says it is about what one does as champion, not what one says. Roxanne says that Ava makes everything about her, and says that she will find a way to win against whoever she puts in line for her and that there is nobody who will take her title. Suddenly, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx show up. Jacy, who is wearing "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes' mask on top of hers, says Roxanne has been taking credit for the entire women's division and that Roxanne lost her innocence as well as her memory, as she was a reason people tuned in to NXT before Roxanne's rise. Jazmyn says the last few weeks have made Roxanne forget that the biggest threats to her title reign are right under her roof, then Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson show up. Lash says Meta-Four has been making history every single week, and Jakara says since Roxanne wants to take credit for what they are doing, they are going after her and not Kelani Jordan. Lola Vice shows up and says that while Roxanne proved she was different at NXT Battleground, so did she, and her fists do not lie. She says it is only a matter of time and that only Roxanne is on her level. When Jakara tells Lola to shake her ass to the back of the line, Lola kicks Jakara in the head, starting a brawl, and Lola stands tall with Roxanne in the ring to end the show.

Here are the full highlights from tonight's show!

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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