Thursday, June 13, 2024

Final iMPACT! - iMPACT! recap for June 13, 2024

Mike Santana beats Zachary Wentz after Wentz distracts the referee so that Trey Miguel can interfere only for Steve Maclin to take Trey out, allowing Santana to hit Spin The Block for the win. After the match, Santana and Maclin have a stare-down in the ring.

In footage from earlier today, Tom Hannifan interviews Mustafa Ali. Mustafa says an honor has been bestowed upon him and that he has been walking a path to greatness since he became X Division Champion, and he plans to make the X Division great again. He says that he is creating equal opportunity for all as X Division Championship despite how he has won matches and tried to place limits on the X Division when it came to Jake Something, and that his multi-man match was not a loss because he withdrew from the match. Mustafa says he cannot wait to defend his title in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois for Against All Odds. Campaign Singh stops the interview when Mustafa Ali is accused of ducking "Speedball" Mike Bailey.

In a digital exclusive from earlier this week, The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) meet. Eddie Edwards says he has been in the Hardy Compound before and that he has a bad feeling about this, as does Alisha and Brian Myers, but Moose is undeterred as he leaves. Masha Slamovich shows up and tries to Alisha, but Alisha is not in the mood and leaves with the rest of The System. The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle) shows up and makes fun of the fact that Masha and Alisha are not getting along, but Masha has a response for that.

Marti Belle beats Masha Slamovich with a schoolkid pin with additional leverage from the outside by Allysin Kay.

Backstage, Xia Brookside chats with Steph de Lander about PCO - to whom Steph will give her answer at Against All Odds - when Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) shows up and AJ Francis takes Steph's black rose. Unbeknownst to anyone else, PCO is here and is following Fir$t Cla$$.

Gia Miller interviews Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) on the stage. AJ Francis still has PCO's black rose in his hand as he says that friends are supposed to have one's back and brags about being Digital Media Champion. When the black rose is addressed, Francis says his DM's are open and that the rose is from "a fellow admirer backstage." The lights go out, and when they come back on, PCO is behind everyone. PCO punches out Francis and tries to take the black rose, but Swann punches him. Swann nearly gets knocked out, and when security gets involved, PCO goes on the attack, then grabs the black rose.

Dani Luna beats Tasha Steelz.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Joe Hendry. Joe says The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) beat him down last week, but he is known for humility, and if he wants to shatter the glass ceiling, then he must learn another thing or two. He then says that he has found someone who can make him among the best in the world and brings out Ace Steel, who says that he seen Joe Hendry's talent and that he knows what to do to get Hendry to another level and break the grass ceiling. Frankie Kazarian shows up and confronts Hendry for stealing his thunder, but Hendry reminds him that he lost last week. Kazarian says that Ace and Hendry do not have what it takes, as kings are born, not made. Ace tells Kazarian to put his money where his mouth is against Joe Hendry at Against All Odds. Kazarian accepts the challenge, but says that if Hendry is to hit him, then he must kill him.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) arrives at the Hardy Compound, and Eddie Edwards tells The System that they should enter from the back.

At the Hardy Compound, The System (Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Moose) are met by "Broken" Matt Hardy at the back. Matt says he wanted The System to meet the family, and Moose says he only cares about beating Matt up in front of his family. Matt warns Moose not to step forward or else he will set off a trap. It is too late, and fireworks shoot out of the compound at The System. The System is scattered, Brian Myers then ends up in another room where he finds a Matt Hardy action figure. He then ends up in the compound's Starcade, where he finds another action figure. Someone scampers across the arcade from behind Myers, who then finds yet another Matt Hardy action figure as well as a Matt Hardy cardboard standee, where he soon meets Maxel. Myers then ends up in the shed, where he is surrounded by skeletons and ghosts of Myers' past, then finds another before finding out that a skeleton that looks like Edge is moving. He gets Speared by the skeleton, then attacked by Maxel with a leg drop off a lader. Alisha explores the house, and she soon encounters Reby Sky and her daughter Eevee. Alisha is not happy to meet Reby, and wants to leave. Eevee is upset and refuses to get out of her way, and she sends a storm of black confetti at her. Moose is outside, and he is soon met by Bartholomew, who leads him to Matt Hardy. Moose soon finds Matt Hardy's childhood home, and as Senor Benjamin is watching past footage, Moose is soon met by Matt Hardy, who knocks him out from behind and pushes him around in a wheelchair. Alisha soon finds herself under the blade of a guillotine, and Reby Sky lowers the blade and decapitates Alisha. Matt Hardy throws Moose into the Lake of Reincarnation, and when Moose comes out, he comes back as a football player. Matt says he has brought Moose back to his best form ever, and that he wants Moose at his best at Against All Odds. Moose says he will not make it to Against All Odds, but Vanguard 1 shows up and distracts Moose so Matt can hit the Twist of Fate. All of a sudden, The System ends up at the front gate of the Hardy Compound unharmed. Moose threatens to kill Matt Hardy at Against All Odds.

Ash by Elegance beats Jada Stone. During the match, Rosemary is seen watching from above.

We see footage of Jonathan Gresham with a chair. He addresses Sami Callihan, saying he likes him and that he makes him laugh. He says he has beaten Sami once, and asks why he should face him again. He says that at Against All Odds, it is him against Sami's immune system.

We hear from Jordynne Grace. Jordynne admits she is disappointed and that she should have known better and prepared for what happened. She then says that despite the outcome, she still makes history as a champion and that is not changing any time soon. Jordynne then says that after challenging for the WWE NXT Women's Championship, she will return the favor, and issues an open challenge to any woman from any wrestling company who thinks they are better than her to face her for the Knockouts World Championship at Against All Odds. She then says that no matter who she faces, nothing can stop the Juggernaut.

"The Wanted Man" Nic Nemeth and "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth beat ABC ("Inevitable" Ace Austin and Chris Bey).

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