Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Those Dynamite Kids - Dynamite recap for April 14, 2021

At the start of the show, The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) stated that they did what they did last week because of friendship, and say that Don Callis was right when he said that they had changed, stating that they were no longer hungry and let others change the narrative. Matt Jackson says he is no longer content it is time to introduce a newer, better version of the Young Bucks as we see the tassles being cut off on one of their wrestling outfits.

As we hear from "Iron" Mike Tyson, MJF interrupts and lets him know that The Pinnacle is peeved with him, then tells him that Chris Jericho is his enemy and that tonight is the best time to strike. MJF asks Tyson to "be on the right side of history," then makes fun of his tattoo before bribing him with a blank check with his name on it. Tyson takes the blank check, tears it up, eats it and spits it at MJF.

The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) retain against Death Triangle (PAC and Rey Fenix) after the Bucks unmask Fenix.

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviews Adam Page. Adam Page leaves to get some bread rolls for The Dark Order, then John Silver tries to rehab his arm.

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviews The Inner Circle. Jericho says that when they were attacked by The Pinnacle, it influenced them to change their ways and apologize to some people they have respect for, one of whom is "Iron" Mike Tyson. Jericho says Tyson was the first person he called, and Tyson told Jericho to call him if he needed him. Jericho called Tyson to have The Inner Circle's back against The Pinnacle, and now Tyson is special guest enforcer. Jericho says Tyson to call tonight's match right down the middle, and Tyson says he is firm and fair and will not take sides, but at the same time, he is not one to be messed with.

Jade Cargill beats Red Velvet.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviews Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. and Reba. Britt says she is ranked at #3, and after Red Velvet's loss, she will be elevated to #2. She says she will keep rising up the ranks so the fans get what they deserve: a role model as Women's World Champion.

Anthony Ogogo beats Cole Karter by referee stoppage with a knockout punch to the gut.

We hear from Miro, who says that he wants to talk to Chuck Taylor to smooth things out, but either way, he will work towards his goal of championship gold with or without him.

Chris Jericho beats Dax Harwood in a match with "Iron" Mike Tyson as special guest enforcer as The Pinnacle and The Inner Circle brawl. During the brawl, "Iron" Mike Tyson stops Cash Wheeler from interfering in the match and knocks him out with a right hand. After the match, Chris Jericho names "Iron" Mike Tyson an ancilliary member of The Inner Circle.

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviews Don Callis, The Good Brothers ("The Big LG" Doc Gallows and "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson) and The Young Bucks. Callis takes the microphone and says that just when you think you've seen it all, you haven't seen anything. He calls The Young Bucks coming back to the family fold not the end of the story, but the beginning. Kenny Omega says they did not change; they just got sick of what the fans wanted them to do, and that they will be who they want to be. Matt says he and Nick Jackson are the best tag team in the world and they are back, and they put the tag team division on notice, saying that if The Butcher and The Blade want a shot at them, they have a BTE Trigger with their name on it. Don Callis then says to be prepared to be surprised again. The Young Bucks then tease superkicking the cameraperson, then Don Callis hits an actual superkick on the cameraperson.

We hear from Thunder Rosa, who says that she is back in the top five and that she is coming for championship gold. She says that Serena Deeb is missed, but she is waiting to face her for the NWA World Women's Championship, because she is here to take over the world.

Kris Statlander beats Amber Nova.

Backstage, Dasha Gonzalez interviews Team Taz (Taz, "The Machine" Brian Cage, "Absolute" Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, Hook). Ricky Starks gets annoyed with having to wait on Christian Cage, and Taz tells Starks to stay backstage. When Cage agrees and says Starks is combustible, Taz tells him to stay behind, too.

Tony Schiavone interviews Christian Cage in the ring. Christian Cage says that Tony Khan has given him an open contract and is here to exercise it, then Team Taz shows up, with Taz wanting to know why Christian has not given him an answer as to whether he will join Team Taz. Christian says he came to AEW to win championship, not fix Taz's problems, and tells him his answer is no. Taz tells Christian he made the biggest mistake of his life and proceeds to insult him before Powerhouse Hobbs gets in the ring. Christian and Hobbs go at, and as Christian goes for the Killswitch, Hook gets on the apron, distracting Christian and allowing Hobbs to get the upper hand.

Next week: Tay Conti vs. Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women's World Championship!

We see a video package for Tay Conti vs. Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women's World Championship.

Next week: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Christian Cage! "Absolute" Ricky Starks vs. "Hangman" Adam Page! Trent? vs. Penta el Zero Miedo!

Darby Allin retains the AEW TNT Championship against Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere Match with a Coffin Drop off a truss into the announce table in a match that also sees The Hardy Family Office show up only for Sting and The Dark Order to take them out.

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