Tuesday, April 27, 2021

After Dark - AEW Dark recap for April 27, 2021

The Acclaimed ("Platinum" Max Caster and Anthony Bowens) beat Fuego del Sol and D3.

Matt and Mike Sydal beat David Ali and Aaron Frye.

Dante Martin beats Andrew Palace.

The Varsity Blonds (Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr.) beat Duke Davis and Ganon Jones.

"The Machine" Brian Cage beats Marty Casaus. (Marty Casaus is best known for his time in Lucha Underground as Marty "The Moth" Martinez as well as his appearances on WWE Tough Enough.)

We hear from Matt Hardy, who says that The Hardy Front Office get to kick The Dark Order's (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Preston "10" Vance) asses tonight, even though it is no longer a challenge anymore. He says The Dark Order only win when they have the numbers advantage and are not very bright. Allie and The Blade say that The Butcher's cleaver hand is still hurt. Matt Hardy says that he would have gotten some big wins if it were not for The Dark Order, and after saying that his three children are smarter than The Dark Order, he says that The Hardy Front Office will kick their asses.

"Legit" Leyla Hirsch beats Renee Michelle with a cross arm breaker.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts guests on commentary for the next match.

Lance Archer beats Jake St. Patrick.

We hear from The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Preston "10" Vance). Evil Uno says The Hardy Family Office has been a pain in their side for a month now, and tonight, there will be no tomfoolery as it will be down to a three-on-three match with the smartest, most devious person in the room, a person who is born and bred for combat and a person who is the most powerful member of The Dark Order. Evil Uno says that they will be victorious, for they are The Dark Order.

Diamante beats Raychelle Rose.

Lee Johnson beats Will Allday. After the match, Johnson is attacked by QT Marshall, and "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes runs into the ring with a bullrope in his hands as Marshall hits Johnson with a cutter.

Penelope Ford beats Ashley D'Amboise.

Colt Cabana beats Cole Karter.

KiLynn King beats Dani Jordyn.

SoCal Uncensored ("The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) beat Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis.

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Preston "10" Vance) beat The Hardy Front Office (The Blade, Marq Quen, Isiah Kassidy) after a full nelson from 10 to The Blade. During the match, Matt Hardy and The Bunny are ejected from ringside for getting involved in the match, thanks to Colt Cabana.

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