Tuesday, April 6, 2021

After Dark - AEW Dark recap for April 6, 2021

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex "3" Reynolds) beats Jake St. Patrick, Sage Scott and Chandler Hopkins in a six-man tag team match.

Backstage, Cezar Bononi talks to "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth, saying that what they plan to do is impossible, but Nemeth says he needs two wingmen and wants someone who is a little sexier and more supple. JD Drake shows up, taking this as a fat joke, and Nemeth tells him to consider cutting the facial hair and dying his hair blond. JD Drake asks what is sexier than a blue-collar, hard-working man.

Team Taz ("The Machine" Brian Cage, "Absolute" Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs) beats Brick Aldridge, Justin Law and Hayden Backlund in a six-man tag team match. Once again, Cage is not tagged in until the very end ot hit the Drill Claw on Hayden Backlund

Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus) beat Rex Lawless and Dean Alexander.

"The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth beats Fuego del Sol.

The Butcher quickly beats Jon Cruz.

The Sea Stars (Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo) beat Vertvixen and Jazmin Allure.

We see a music video from "Platinum" Max Caster where Caster mocks "Hangman" Adam Page and The Dark Order.

Red Velvet and KiLynn King beat Madi Wrenkowski and Vipress.

JD Drake beats Baron Black.

Sonny Kiss and "The Bad Boy" Joey Janela beat KC Navarro and Aaron Frye.

Matt Sydal quickly beats Mike Magnum with a bit of misdirection that leads to a kick to the head followed by the Lightning Spiral for the win.

Matt Hardy beats Vary Morales with The Leech. Darby Allin is seen watching Matt Hardy from afar before and during the match. After the match, Matt Hardy tells Darby Allin that he has the audacity to call him a sell-out when his name and face is plastered all over TNT, and when he gets the chance, he will show just how extreme he is and leech the life out of him like he just did to Vary Morales and take the TNT Championship.

Bear Country (Bear Boulder and Bear Bronson) beat TheHybrid2 (Jack Evans and Angelico).

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