Tuesday, April 20, 2021

After Dark - AEW Dark recap for April 20, 2021

We hear from Darby Allin, who says that Jungle Boy shakes everyone's hand and tries to be everyone's hand and that he is here for championships, not for friendships, and that he can "see through everyone's shit." He challenges Jungle Boy to either show up on Wednesday and turn the switch in order to fight him and win the TNT Championship or not show up at all if he is going to show up with a smile on his face.

"Absolute" Ricky Starks guests on commentary for the next three matches.

"The Bad Boy" Joey Janela beats Will Allday.

SoCal Uncensored ("The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) beat Ryzin and John Skyler.

Big Swole and KiLynn King beat The MK Twins (Ashley and Steff MK).

We hear from "Absolute" Ricky Starks, who says he should be the #1 ranked wrestler in AEW and not "Hangman" Adam Page, and that when Page is on top, he falls to pressure. Meanwhile, Stark says he makes diamonds, and that it is time for Adam Page to move over for someone who is absolute. He asks how many chances one can get with a target on their back, then turns to the camera and says "Well, Adam Page...I'll be your huckleberry."

The Butcher and The Blade beat Brick Aldridge and Cole Karter.

Backstage, "The Hollywood Hunk" Ryan Nemeth tells JD Drake that he may be reluctant to be a sexy wingman, and provides a few options for what to wear. The first option looks like a neck from JD Drake's tacklebox according to JD Drake, and the second one is a Hawaiian shirt and shorts that Drake takes a liking to. The third one is a red outfit that, when Drake looks at it, says "What do I look like? Marky Mark?" When Bononi says that is what Nemeth wants and not Drake, Drake takes this as Bononi saying a hard-working man like him cannot be sexy, then agrees to try on all three outfits, much to the delight of Nemeth and the chagrin of Bononi.

Sonny Kiss beats Jake Manning. After the match, Sonny Kiss says that when he came to AEW, he vowed to do two things: shake some ass and kick some ass. He talks about the time he told the world that AEW is for everyone, and says that every time he steps in the ring, he earns the right to call himself "all elite." He tells everyone to throw out their pre-conceived notions of him, becuase the games are over.

"Absolute" Ricky Starks guests on commentary for the next match.

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Preston "10" Vance) beat Jay Lyon, Midas Black and Ken Broadway.

Billy Gunn beats Andrew Palace. After the match, Billy Gunn tells QT Marshall that he called down the thunder and got it, and tomorrow night on Dynamite, there is no place for Marshall to hide.

Dante Martin beats Fuego del Sol.

Diamante beats Queen Aminata.

The Varsity Blonds (Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr.) beat Hayden Backlund and Kit Sackett.

Max Caster beats Alan "5" Angels. During the match, Preston "10" Vance tries to stop Anthony Bowens from interfering, and this leads to Bowens tossing the boombox into the ring. Angels catches it, but hands it to the referee. As the referee is removing the boombox, Caster grabs his chain from the ring post, but gets hit with a spinning roundhouse kick from Angels. When Angels pins Caster, Caster hits Angels with the chain and pins Angels for the win, all without the referee seeing the chain, and manages to secretly hand it off to Bowens after the match.

Powerhouse Hobbs beats Baron Black.

PAC beats Dean Alexander with the Brutalizer after Alexander is knocked out and unable to defend himself.

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