Monday, April 5, 2021

Raw Deal - Raw recap for April 5, 2021

Drew McIntyre heads to the ring to start tonight's show. McIntyre says he cannot help but think about how unique WrestleMania was last year, and this year, WrestleMania is back in business and he is fighting for the WWE Championship. He says that he cannot wait to rip Bobby Lashley to shreds, and says the difference between him and Lashley is that while Lashley is able to make up for last time when he is off the road, he cannot, as he left home early to become a pro wrestler. He says that there were times when he wanted to return home as his mother went through chemotherapy, but his mother told him to keep pushing forward. He then says that he had to sacrifice everything to get where he is. As Drew McIntyre says that he will beat Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship and end the Almighty Era, MVP and Lashley show up, and Lashley says only one of them can be on top. Lashley says that McIntyre was a great champion, but it is his time now, then says that he saw fear in McIntyre's eye and felt it when he put him in the Hurt Lock before stating he will beat McIntyre again at WrestleMania. Lashley says he does not need help to beat him when McIntyre questions his ability, and when McIntyre proposes they fight right now, MVP tells McIntyre to wait until WrestleMania when he will lose his dignity, his consciousness and the match. McIntyre tells Lashley he will run him down and take his title at WrestleMania, but MVP says that is a lot of tough talk considering he might not even make it to WrestleMania. Suddenly, King Corbin shows up. Corbin says he agrees with MVP, saying McIntyre should not even be worried about WrestleMania, then says he started something last week and will finish it tonight when he "[whups his] punk ass" and makes it so there is no WrestleMania for McIntyre.

Backstage, The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) is met by Matt Riddle, who is concerned about how high Omos will get them, but Kofi is confident that he and Woods will retain the Raw tag team titles. On the subject of his matches against Mustafa Ali tonight and against Sheamus at WrestleMania, Riddle looks forward to them, and says he will have grind Sheamus down if he is to beat him at WrestleMania. After Riddle leaves, The New Day are left strangely craving cookies and milk.

Xavier Woods beats "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles after Kofi Kingston throws a microphone at Omos, distracting Styles and allowing Woods to win with an inside cradle.

Backstage, Bad Bunny and Damian Priest show up in a Bugatti.

WrestleMania 37 is five days away!

Before the next match, Braun Strowman says he has had to deal with people like Shane McMahon who bully him for his appearance when they know nothing about him, and that Shane has no idea what he has gotten himself into. He says that Shane can run his mouth all he wants, because the running ends when the steel cage door closes, and he will beat him up for anyone who has been made fun and told they will never be good enough, for Shane will be locked in the cage with him. Strowman says that after their match, after Shane lays in the middle of the ring from the agony he will put him through, he will hear "Here comes the body bag" and not "Here comes the money." Shane shows up and says that when he gave Braun a chance to pick the match he wanted, he wanted to see how his intellect has grown, and says a steel cage match is not that stupid. He says the match would work to Strowman's advantage against any other man, but he is a McMahon and will outwit him, and Strowman will wake up after WrestleMania telling himself that he is stupid.

Braun Strowman beats Elias and Jaxson Ryker in a two-on-one handicap match.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews The Miz and John Morrison, who are carrying paint cans. Miz and Morrison say they are artists of many talents, and vandalize Bad Bunny's Bugatti with red paint and paintbrushes.

Backstage, Bad Bunny finds out his Bugatti has ben vandalized by The Miz and John Morrison. As he surveys the damage, he is attacked from behind by Miz and Morrison. Miz tells Bad Bunny that he does not respect him before officials show up to run Miz and Morrison off and check on Bad Bunny.

Nia Jax and "The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler beat Asuka and Rhea Ripley after Ripley attacks Asuka outside of the ring.

Backstage, MVP is met by Cedric Alexander, who immediately grabs him by the collar as Shelton Benjamin shows up. Cedric tells MVP his greed will cost him, calling MVP a parasite and cripple, passed-up has-been who is leeching off Lashley. He says that while he may not beat Lashley, he will leave scars for Lashley to remember him by, and says he cannot wait for McIntyre to kick Lashley's teeth in. Shelton Benjamin tells MVP to stay out of the way as he and Cedric leave. When Sarah Schrieber shows up and interviews MVP, MVP says that Cedric and Shelton are ungrateful, saying that they are relevant, let alone recent tag champs, because of him. Lashley shows up, realizes something has happened, and says he will break Cedric in half.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler when Lana, Naomi, Mandy Rose, Dana Brooke, Natalya, Tamina, The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan), and Billie Kay show up after Nia becomes confident she and Shayna will stay tag team champions. Nia Jax mentions the women's Tag Team Turmoil match on Night One of WrestleMania and says she and Shayna have no time for arguing, then she and Shayna leave as all the teams argue with each other.

MVP guests on commentary for the next match.

Bobby Lashley beats Cedric Alexander with the Hurt Lock after Alexander cannot even defend himself. After the match, Shelton attacks Lashley to get him off of Cedric, but Lashley lays Shelton out and puts him in the Hurt Lock.

We see a video package chronicling the recent feud between Randy Orton and the recently revived Fiend.

Damian Priest and Bad Bunny head to the ring. Damian Priest says that The Miz and John Morrison crossed a line tonight due to Bad Bunny's recent musical accomplishments while Miz and Morrison are yesterday's news and Miz couldn't hold the WWE Championship for more than a week. He says Miz and Morrison haven't seen anything yet, and challenges Miz and Morrison to a tag team match against him and Bad Bunny at WrestleMania. Bad Bunny says he came here following and believing in his dreams, and says that he loves and respects the business, and talks about how he watched a lot of WWE with his family growing up, then says he does not know how to feel. He says he came here to do his job and is very grateful for the opportunity to perform "Booker T" at Royal Rumble, as he respects Booker T as he does the rest of the WWE Legends. He then says he used to love and respect The Miz, but The Miz did not respect him. Bad Bunny says that he knows that he did what he did, and while he is not a wrestler, he is a man, and Miz disrespected him for no reason. Bad Bunny says that while he respects Miz and his accomplishments, Miz disrespected him and crossed a line, and at WrestleMania, he will show Miz how to respect him, shut him up and whip his ass. Suddenly, The Miz and John Morrison are seen on the TitanTron, and Miz tells Bad Bunny that he does not belong in their world and has overstayed his welcome, and at WrestleMania, they will hurt and embarrass him and send him crawling back home. Morrison accepts Damian Priest's challenge on behalf of himself and Miz, then he and Morrison ride off in a limousine.

Backstage, Sheamus talks to Mustafa Ali, and says that they have in common a complete and utter dislike for Matt Riddle. He also tells Mustafa Ali he will be in his corner when Riddle speeds by on his scooter.

Sheamus guests on commentary for the next match.

Matt Riddle beats Mustafa Ali after countering the Tornado DDT out of the corner into the Bro Derek.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick interviews Drew McIntyre, who says that Baron Corbin would be able to make more sensible decisions than challenging him to a fight, but Corbin is a big guy who will do whatever it takes to get the job done. McIntyre says he will hit Corbin with a Claymore Kick between the eyes before going on to beat Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania.

We look back on "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at WrestleMania 24, courtesy of Snickers.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber interviews Bobby Lashley, who says that he would love to beat up Drew McIntyre if he makes it to WrestleMania, and says it will be difficult for McIntyre to give him an ass-whupping if he puts him to sleep with the Hurt Lock.

MVP guests on commentary for the next match.

Drew McIntyre beats King Corbin after ducking a shot from a cane given to him by MVP - who tells Corbin it's not about beating McIntyre, but taking him out - and hitting the Claymore Kick. After the match, Bobby Lashley shows up and stares down McIntyre from the stage.

Raw Talk: Braun Strowman plans to beat Shane McMahon at WrestleMania for millions around the world.

Here are the top ten moments from tonight's show!

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