Saturday, April 10, 2021

Honor Roll - Ring of Honor recap for April 10, 2021

Rocky Romero beats Delirious with a cross arm breaker in 14:51 in a Pure Rules Match.

Backstage, Quinn McKay interviews Bandido and Rey Horus. Rey Horus has been pulled from tonight's match due to injury. Flamita shows up and says they are family and a team. When Bandido and Rey Horus leave, Flamita chuckles. Meanwhile, Jay Lethal says he is still in pain from 19th Anniversary, but he and The Foundation (Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams, Rhett Titus0 are still standing and ready to clean up. He says that Bandido and Flamita are getting a pissed off Foundation, for it is time to get back on track.

The Foundation (Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham) beat Mexisquad (Bandido and Flamita). During the match, Bandido inadvertently hits Flamita with an enzuigiri, and later on in the match, Bandido and Flamita are no longer on the same page. This leads to Flamita punching Bandido, and The Foundation are able to take advantage of this for the win, with Flamita leaving Bandido high and dry as Jay Lethal wins with a Figure four Leg Lock on Bandido.

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