Monday, April 12, 2021

Total Miz Island - Miz and Mrs. recap for April 12, 2021

At Manor Marmiz, Mike does a radio interview on the phone. Unfortunately, he cannot find a quiet spot in the house to conduct it despite the house being big, and he has to lock himself in a dollhouse.

Mike and George try to get the sprinkler system working, but unfortunately, the water sprays into their faces when they miss a piece.

Maryse lets in an interior designer for the final touches to their house. One of the workers finds a secret room that Mike did not even know about, and considers his quiet problem solved.

Maryse comes back home from working with Volition for her skin care line. Mike has an idea for a PR package, and when she opens it, gold glittler explodes from the box and lands all over Maryse's face, much to Maryse's displeasure.

John Morrison shows up, and he and Mike try to come up with a commercial for Maryse's skin care line.

At Manor Marmiz, the chandelier is down because the motor for it broke. Maryse leaves for work, then Mike transforms the secret room into "The Mizcave." He puts the drum kit into the room, but he can be heard from outside the secret room. Marjo calls Maryse, thinking the house is either haunted or that there is an intruder, and alters George before alerting Maryse. Mike, knowing he has just gotten busted, lies.

Mike and John Morrison show off the commercial they have made for Maryse. Maryse appreciates the effort, but says she has her own ideas when she talks to Mike in private.

As Maryse does a photo-shoot, Mike heads up to the Mizcave. During the photo-shoot, the sprinkler system goes off as Maryse tries to call Miz only to find out that he is in the secret room due to hearing a cellphone in the wall. Maryse is angry at Miz for hiding the room from her as well as for not changing the timer on the sprinkler system.

Maryse does another photshoot inside the house.

Mike tears down "The Mizcave." Maryse is unhappy that Mike did not tell her about it, but tells her to keep everything in the Mizcave, also telling not to feel bad because everyone in the house wants tsome alone time. She also gives him a present: a poster of Maryse in a lifeguard's one-piece swimsuit.

Maryse meets with the Volition executive virtually, and Mike watches. The meeting goes well, and Mike can see that Maryse has her own vision in mind for the product. Maryse asks Miz to ask her if she needs help first next time. Afterwards, Mike and Maryse head to the Mizcave.

Bonus clip: Miz and Morrison record a scene for their commercial at Miz's bathtub.

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