Monday, April 26, 2021

Total Miz Island - Miz and Mrs. recap for April 26, 2021

At Manor Marmiz, Mike brings home the groceries when he notices George sunbathing at the pool. Maryse leaves as soon as George wants sun-tan lotion rubed on his back.

After Marjo inadvertently teaches Monroe a dirty word, Mike shows up and says that there is a new country club five minutes from the house, which has a golf course. Maryse feels that Mike is only interested in the golf course, and says taht sh eis not much of a country club type of person. Mike asks Maryse to check it out just once.

George accidentally wakes Monroe up by playing music. Maryse feels George needs to get out of the house. Mike and Maryse try to find a new hobby for George at a hobby store, but to no available. After beating Mike in an RC car race and getting $100 out of it, George notices a food truck outside, and he and Mike get some lunch.

Mike and Maryse show up at the country club and take a tour. They end up being amazed at all the events they have for the kids, and Mike has a beer at the gentleman's lounge while Maryse has to wait.

Mike and Maryse meet two of the golf caddies and go on a round of golf. Maryse does not make the best first expression. Suddenly, Marjo and Pumpkin show up on a gold cart, and Pumpkin is suddenly on the loose. Mike eventually catches Pumpkin.

George shows Mike a food truck, saying he bought it to start a new hobby. Mike is unsure at first, but he likes the idea of it keeping George out of his house. Unfortuantely, the truck does not run yet.

At Manor Marmiz, Maryse has a ton of cakes and sweets in the kitchen, and is also dressing conservatively. Mike asks Marsye to just act normally at the country club tomorrow, and to help ask the rest of the family to tone everything down.

Mike and Maryse have an at-home interview with two of the people from the country club. Everything goes fine until Monroe says a dirty word, Marjo asks one of the two people if they are single and George shows up in the food truck with the "La Cucharacha" horn playing and advertisements for "Mike's Lil' Weiners" on the side. The two people from the country club are impressed with the food from George's truck and want him to do catering, and Mike and Maryse are deemed an excellent choice for the country club.

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